Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

7 Benefits of a schedule.

Being really disorganised and messy, in all honestly, isn't as productive and structured as having an organised schedule.
Many people may say that they're just as productive without a schedule, as they are with one and can remember what they have to do.

My response to that after implementing a schedule into my life is that I disagree. A schedule has many benefits and improves how you work, and the way you think about work.
I think this quote: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail," really sums it up.

1. Peace of mind.  

A schedule adds a guideline to the day and helps with daily efficiency, it allows you to have a clear set of jobs, not having to remember everything and getting stressed in the process.

2. More time. 

You will find by adding a schedule, that you will have more free time. This is because you don't have to waste time thinking about what you've got to do next, you can just get straight on with the following task. These gaps of doing nothing really add up and you'll be surprised how much time you can/will save.

3. Provides aspirations. 

Having a planned well organised schedule, means that you will have short term and long term goals that crop up. You will be able to see finish lines and plan ahead to make sure that you meet them and keep your schedule up-to-date.

4. Shows you when you're unproductive. 

Like with anyone, its easy to be distracted and sidetracked into doing other things. Having your schedule laid out, you will know what you need to be doing and what you should be avoiding. This helps in finishing everything sooner and having more spare time afterwards.

5. Shows deadlines. 

You will have a clear knowledge of deadlines and how much you have left to do before then. A schedule will help you with finishing projects before deadlines, by making sure you're doing a chunk of it at a time, or all in one go.

6. Improves productivity. 

Schedules improve productivity a great deal. Your overall time with a well organised schedule is lower than one without, no matter how efficient you think you are without one. Once a task is finished you can just carry on with the next one, without the unnecessary breaks in between. 

As you have more time left over, you can then choose to get more done in the day or have more free time to do other things.

You will also be able to look back and see where you have been wasting time, or where you have been not as productive as you could have.
7. No double booking. 

Having a schedule means you never have the fear of double booking people, assignments, business dates, activities, public speaking etc. You will be able to know when the best time for you is, without the worry of remembering incorrectly and trapping yourself with the dreaded double booking!

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