Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

How to Get Better at Drawing

Drawing. It seems like there's two categories in which people fall into when it comes to this: you are one of the people who can draw well, or you are one of the people who can't. Yes there are people who are more gifted at drawing than others, however, there are things you can do to improve your technique and get better at drawing.

1. Draw, Draw, and then Draw some more!

The thing everyone will tell you to do when you are wanting to become better at drawing is "make sure you draw all the time or as often as you can". There's no short cut or quick solution that is going to make you successfully start drawing at an advanced level over night, it is a skill that is developed though experience. So the more you draw - the better you will become. 

Now having said this I also want to add that whilst making sure that you draw often is an excellent thing to be doing, if you don't know what you are doing or how to develop your art skills then simply drawing often will only get you so far. I'm not saying that people can't become incredible artists from just drawing alone because they can, but for a lot of people wanting to get to the next level I would suggest the implementation of the following tips too.  

2. Art Classes

This isn't an option for everyone due to money and time, but for those of you who do have both, art classes should be something to consider. A good art teacher is much more valuable than any other form of learning art simply because they can give a hands-on approach also giving you tips and advice about how you can improve, with the added bonus of their experience.

3. Read books, watch videos

Whilst these won't be quite as effective as an art teacher would (well, depending on what area they specialise in), these are a good second best method for helping you gain more advice, pointers, and tips to how to further advance your art ability. It seems that Youtube is becoming more and more populated with tutorial videos including many ones in art.

4. Draw easier things to start 

Don't try to run before you walk, start with drawing more basic pictures/scenes and work your way up. If you want you can try complex drawings but if you are starting out or your drawing skills aren't really that great - it could possibly discourage you and end up putting you off. 

5. Research

This may seem like a surprise but research can also help your art. Having a better understanding about how something is put together or the anatomy of an animal or whatever is helpful for allowing your drawings to become more realistic.

6. Patience

Like most things that you want to become good at, it's not going to happen over night. Drawing is a skill that requires you to spend time developing. The world's leading artists will have spent many years honing their skills so don't be discouraged when you don't see results straight away. It might be an idea to date all of your drawings so you can look back upon them in the future to see your improvements.

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Pagerank Status: SEO Tools Ringan & Lengkap untuk Chrome

Tidak ada pekerjaan rutin seorang Blogger yang memiliki porsi sama besar dengan menulis konten; kecuali satu hal: mengecek kondisi dan perkembangan blog; baik dari Segi SEO, traffic, aktivitas social media, dan bahkan pendapatan. Seberapa jauh perkembangan traffic blog menurut Alexa? Bagaimana keadaan pengunjung blog saya? Apakah optimasi SEO yang saya lakukan sudah tepat? dan masih banyak

Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Don't Give Up

Is there something that you would really like to be good at or succeed in? I'm sure there is when you think about it? Maybe you've always wanted to play a musical instrument, or maybe a renowned artist, or are you wanting to become an author? We all have aspirations of what we would like to do or be good at, however, there always seems to be something that holds us back...ourselves. 

It can be very easy to say that you want to be an astronaut or want to become an artist, but like all things, you will need to put in the work and effort. Don't give up! It can be all to easy to stop when the going gets tough but remember without hard work how are you supposed to improve? It's like someone who goes to the gym and works-out. If that person doesn't put in the effort to making sure his/her muscles are working hard then there isn't going to be much improvement. 
Hard work can be tiring but is something that produces results when you keep it up, and that's what you need to keep in mind - to keep going and pushing yourself forward to your goal, your ambition!

Other people can also play a big part too. If you get people around you who are encouraging you then this will help your morale and aid you in driving onwards. On the reverse if you get people telling you that you are wasting your time and that you are never going to get anywhere with it, this can have a discouraging affect. Interestingly though when people are discouraging to you, this can also act as motivation to assist you, by wanting to prove your critics wrong and showing them that you can succeed. 

If you do find it tough and the road arduous then there will be no doubt that you will feel like quitting along the way, maybe only the once or maybe several times. When I was learning to play the piano there were many occasion that I wanted to give up but am glad now that I didn't, because now It's something that i couldn't imagine not being in my life - it's definitely a hobby that I'm grateful to have.

A thing that I do when working hard at something that has helped keep me going in many a situation is to think of who else I know is doing what I am doing. That person/or people then become my rival(s) in my head and aid in persisting with what I am doing. For example: I have recently started going to the gym, coming up to two months now, and I know a few other people who also go. I can tell you that it is hard work and sometimes I really don't feel like going, but thanks to thinking about the people I know going to the gym and working out, it unleashes my competitive side and drives me to work-out so that I can better them. I do this for a lot of things and it's something that helps me to carry on. 

In conclusion, yes if you are wanting to improve at something or be good a something or get the job of your dreams etc, you are going to have to apply yourself and work hard, just remember: don't give up. 
If you do find it hard with motivation then a trick that might interest you is this: Don't Break the Chain.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

How to Memorise Numbers

Memorising numbers can be a tricky thing to do, it is said that a person can hold up to an average of 7 digits at any given time. This is fine when trying to remember up to the magic-7 mark, but what about when you need to memorise longer numbers for whatever reason, for example: mobile phone numbers (which are 11 digits), or bank card numbers, or maybe a set of codes/passwords that are for you job or security reasons? What do you do then. 

Well as I just mentioned the average amount of numbers a person can hold up to in his/her mind at a given time is 7, so you may be able to do more or less than that, however, there are ways you can get far beyond this figure - into memorising huge numbers that are hundreds of digits long, some people can even remember numbers up to thousands of digits long. It's all about technique, and the technique that is needed is mnemonics. 
If you are not sure about what mnemonics are then here is a post that you may find useful: Mnemonics.

1.  Major Memory System

This is one of the most popular systems that people use to memorise numbers. Each numeral is associated to a consonant, with w, h, y, x, and vowels being ignored serving as 'fillers' to create actual words. Here is the most common layout:

0 s, z, soft c z is the first letter of zero. The others have a similar sound.
1 d, t, th d and t have one downstroke and sound similar (notice the tip of your tongue as you say them).
2 n n has two downstrokes.
3 m m has three downstrokes, also m looks like a 3 lying on its side.
4 r the last letter of four, also 4 and R are almost mirror images of each other.
5 l L is the Roman numeral for 50.
6 j, sh, soft ch, dg, zh, soft g a script j has a lower loop like 6. These letters also have a ‘whistle-like’ sound, and 6 looks like a whistle.
7 k, hard c, hard g, q, qu capital K contains two 7s (on their sides, back to back).
8 v, f think of v as in a V8 motor. f sounds similar (notice how your teeth touch your lips for both).
9 b, p p is a mirror-image 9. b sounds similar and resembles a 9 rolled around (also notice how your lip movement is the same when pronouncing these letters.)
- vowel sounds, w, h, y, x These sounds can be used anywhere without changing a word’s number value.

The number you are trying to memorise would be placed into the table to turn into words. For example: the number 55. As you can see in the table the letter 'l' is associated with the number 5, and as our number is 55, after looking at the table we get 'll' (55). Now that we have this we have to now turn it into a word using vowels, w, h, y, and x. To me the word yeLL comes to mind, so you can imagine a person yelling to remember the number 55. 

So you're probably saying this is fine for two digits but what about for longer digits. Okay, so our next example is going to be: 43665645. The trick with this is to split the number into smaller more manageable chunks. So we're going to tackle this like so: 43, 66, 56, 45. For 43 we get 'rm' so I'm going to turn that into 'RuM' - this now becomes the first picture of your mind. I'll now go ahead and sort out the words for the rest of the numbers: for 66 we'll have 'JoG', for 56 we'll have 'LeDGe', and for 45 we'll have 'RuLe'. Now we need to put them together into a sequence - imagine a man drinking some 'RuM' whilst on a 'JoG, who falls off of a 'LeDGe' with judges around him telling him that he broke a 'RuLe'. It may seem like a lot of effort to remember that, but once you have gotten used to what number corresponds to what letter, it will become much more reliable and is something that you can use to remember longer numbers. 
The hardest part of this system is getting to grips with the table.

2. Peg Words

If you want to take this even further you can then create a 'peg-word' for each number up to 100. This will take more time to learn and become fluent with than the major memory system table, however this way is more effective and can make it quicker to memorise. There are two ways you can do this, you can either create 'peg-words' for each number using the system in trick #1, or you can assign whatever you want to each number. 
I prefer to personally assign each number an image of my choice, things that are in my life or are memorable to me for whatever reason. This includes people, items, characters, all of which are easy for me to picture in my mind. 

Once you have assigned a 'peg-word' to each number and have become familiar with each one, then next thing to do is to use them in a memory palace. I won't go into what a memory palace is in this article as I've already written about it, so instead I'll refer you to them: Memory Palace and 5 Steps to Create a Memory Palace.

3. Grouping

This is a technique that a lot of people use for phone numbers and other numbers of similar length, even if they don't realise that they're doing it. Grouping is simply breaking the number up into smaller groups so that you have an easier time to remember it. So for example a number like 347596 on its own is harder to remember in a short amount of time than if we were to split the number up to make it (347) (596). It seems like groups of 3 work well for our minds and grouping is what a lot of people naturally do when trying to ingrain a number into their mind. 

This technique though is very limited in that whilst it can enable you to quickly pick up a smaller number like 6 or so digits, it is near enough useless for remembering much larger numbers, unless if you were to be extremely repetitive. No, for larger numbers, mnemonics is much much more effective and even for establishing smaller numbers in your long-term memory. 

4. Repetition

Another way that can work is through that of simply repeating the number over-and-over until you have it logged in your long-term memory. Of course all of these techniques will require you to incorporate repetition as to keep them fresh in your mind, however you are able to remember numbers just through repetition and not having to incorporate mnemonics. Mnemonics are a much more powerful tool  though and will make things so much quicker and easier to remember.

There are things you can do to make just repeating the number over-and-over again a little more powerful. You could try writing it down several times instead of saying it out loud, also say it in your head. Even though I prefer using mnemonics (and is something I use for larger pieces of information) I have to say that I have been able to memorise people's mobile numbers from my contacts (11 digits in length) by setting those numbers as the password on my phone (which allows up to 16 digit number passwords), so every time I use my phone - I have to type in the number, which is another form of repetition. I will say that it has been so much easier memorising people's phone numbers this way than simply saying them over-and-over again.


Everyone is different and our minds work in individual ways, so for me using the peg-word method and incorporating it into a memory palace is the best for me, however for you it might not be the best way because your mind doesn't work like that. You should try all of these methods and ones I haven't mentioned until you find one that is right for you.

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

How to Face Social Rejection

Ever felt like you don't fit in with the crowd or excluded from the group? It can be a hard thing to face when it seems like everyone is against you and no-one wants to be with or around you. Even if you aren't used to the experience, social rejection can still be something that you fear and are not wanting to experience. The main thing that people who fear social rejection have on their minds is the fear that they will look stupid and will only embarrass themselves when they get rejected.
Here are some ways in which a person can deal with social rejection.

1. Think Positively

This is much easier said than done but is a beneficial action towards yourself when you are facing rejection. Instead of seeing things in just black and white such as: 'They don't want to spend time with me as they don't like me', instead of thinking like that think in a more positive fashion, for example: 'They can't spend time with me as they most likely have other plans'. Another one is when you are rejected just think to yourself 'it is not because they dislike me or because they aren't fond of spending time with me, they were most likely having a bad day and didn't feel up to doing anything'.

I know this looks as though all you are doing is making excuses for the person who rejected you, but doing this can make a difference to your mindset and to how quickly you can deal with rejection. You don't need to force yourself into forming an almost 'alternative characteristic' when dealing with rejection by overdoing the positive reinforcement as this can cause you too dwell upon it for longer, just think positively and get over it. You will naturally be better at dealing with rejection and thinking in a more positive light with the more social interactions you have. It comes with time. 

2. Prepare for Rejection

This may at first seem counter-productive, to admit defeat before you've even started, but really you're not doing that at all. This is once again another trick of the mind that can help you deal with rejection as let's be honest it's not the most pleasant thing to have to cope with. So it's not so much admitting defeat before you've started as it is preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. 

Rejection is always a possibility and so some people like to acknowledge that by preparing for it ahead of time so when the time comes and they do face rejection, they are already in a mindset to deal with it. Of course everyone is different and so this tip may not work for you as it may only make you more anxious about the situation, in which case don't apply this, but for the the people who this does work for it is of benefit. 

3. What is Rejection

What is rejection? It is a form of exclusion where one or more individuals deny you their company. It can be defined in much more detail than that but that's the basics of it. Okay, so with that in mind, is it going to kill you...? No of course it isn't, rejection is a part of life and everyone will have to face it. Yes rejection is a horrible thing but it is not the end of the world - keep this in mind. 
I'm not trying to play down how hard rejection can be to take sometimes, but looking at it for what it really is, which is the answer of "no" basically, can help for some.

4. Keep Yourself Busy

Another way that you can deal with rejection is by keeping yourself busy. Making sure that you are doing things to keep you're mind from referring back to that scenario often helps people deal with rejection, this is as you are keeping your mind busy and so not allowing it to dwell upon those issues that you can sometimes worsen through spending too much time thinking over.

5. Did You Experience Rejection?

You may be thinking, "well if they said 'no' then of course I've experienced rejection". Well before you jump to conclusions make sure you take everything into account. Just because they have said "no" to you does not mean that they have rejected you, they may actually have a perfectly good explanation to why they are not able to do something with you. That doesn't count as a 'no' but as an unavailability to do something.
Look at it from the bigger picture, just after rejection an individual may be kicking their thoughts into overload and are over-analysing and overreacting to the situation with thoughts like: 'my social life will never be the same again!' going through their heads, but by stepping back you can often get a much better grasp upon the situation. A rejection is not the be-all and end-all of a social life. It may not have worked out if they had said yes anyway as maybe you don't actually have that much in common, or haven't hit it off like you have with other people. Don't then change how you treat this individual and start to become a hater or theirs - this is going too far, just keep the bigger picture in mind.

6. Give Yourself Credit

It's not all doom and gloom and although you may be facing rejection, at least give yourself some credit for actually having the courage to try. After all you don't know until you try and so by having the guts to do so deserves a pat on the back. You are at least trying to improve and you can only improve by trying.

7. Get Others Advice

If you are constantly being rejected no matter how many times you have tried then maybe you are displaying a certain trait that is off-putting? Don't ask on forums and places such as that, as helpful as forums are - the people on there will not have first-hand experience of you and so the advice will be limited. By asking people who know you in person and interact with you often is the much better approach to stick to.
Be warned though sometimes the truth hurts and receiving negative feedback is not always the easiest thing to take.

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Why have bread when you can have a salmon

Now that you've added your blog, we need to make sure that you own this blog.
Create a new post on your blog. Copy and paste the randomly generated sentence shown above exactly as it is given anywhere in your new post. Publish the new post so that it is viewable at your blog's URL.
Once this sentence is on your blog, come back to your PPP account and press the claim blog button. You can remove the post after you have successfully claimed the blog.

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Don't get Involved in Other People's Argumenrts

There are many ways we can find ourselves getting into awkward and/or bad situations, the sort of situation you wish would just blow-over and go away. Some of these situations can't be avoided but yet we still have to face them. One of the circumstances where we can land ourselves in a bad situation is through arguing. 
Some people think that arguing causes results to be produced and for tensions to resolve, I on the other hand just think it makes things much worse and hasty and regrettable things are almost always said. 

Something that I think is even more of a bad decision than arguing...is getting involved in other people's arguments. Involving yourself in other people's arguments even if it seems the right thing to do at the time is not the wise thing to do, it would be a much better use of your energy trying to calm things so that all parties involved can act and think more reasonably. 
Here are some reasons why you shouldn't get involved in other people's disputes. 

1. You'll Get Dragged Into It

This is the most obvious reason to stay out of another person's feud - you'll get dragged in. You may think you're only trying to help by maybe chipping in but you'll find yourself involved. It's all too easy to get involved, especially if it is a friend or family member as naturally you want to stick up for them, but really will it make things better? More often than not if you're sticking-up for someone you are going to get dragged in to a point where you can't get out, and once things are said...there's no easy fix. 

Like I said before you would be wise in spending your efforts trying to diffuse the situation (not by arguing) but even this can come with risks. It can be just as easy to become a target by trying to diffuse the situation simply because you are there in their line of sight, I know the logic doesn't make sense but when people are angry normally logic and reason goes out the window.

2. You Could Make Things Worse

You may go into the argument thinking that you are going to make things better but you could just as easily make things worse than they already are. Point #1 was about being dragged into the argument, so if you are dragged in and you yourself argue then this will not make things better. Plus it seems the more people get involved in an argument the worse it will get as people are bouncing off of each others attitudes and actions, and there are more people to have to try and calm down.

3. You Could Fall Out With These People

An argument is not normally a situation where new friendships are going to form and last a lifetime, it's a situation where more often than not friends are lost and you fall out with people...and sometimes it's never the same again. You need to realise that when you enter an argument you have the ability to say and do some hurtful things, all of which can't be retracted, some of which people unfortunately don't forgive.  

4. Other People Could Lose Respect For You

Think of someone who you know who you wouldn't want to see you if you were arguing and losing your control, or charging headfirst into another person's argument. It's not the most appealing sight to see people argue and if other people you know who you wouldn't want to see you they could quite easily lose respect for you.


Hopefully these points have highlighted in your mind the hazards of getting involved in anothers argument. If you are going to get involved in someone-else's argument which I hope you don't, but if you do, please think carefully about your actions. 

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Widget Random Posts untuk Blogger dan Cara Memasangnya

Random posts widget atau widget daftar artikel acak adalah widget blog yang dulu (sekitar 2 tahun yang lalu) cukup trending di kalangan blogger, baik untuk pengguna Blogger maupun WordPress. Meskipun kini jarang digunakan, tapi menurut saya widget ini merupakan alat yang cukup memiliki value dalam memperkaya navigasi blog; terutama dalam memberikan tawaran bagi pengunjung ketika melakukan

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

How to Know if a Guy Likes You

After recently publishing a post called 'How to Know if a Girl Likes You', I thought it to be fitting of me to post an article for girls about how to know if a guy likes you. 
When you are wanting to know if somebody likes you it can sometimes be easy, and sometimes it can be very hard. There are some signs however that will make you more aware of a secret admirer. 

1. He Keeps Looking at You

An obvious way to tell if a guy fancies you or not can be by simply noticing if he often looks/stares at you. When you look at him whilst he's doing this he may hold your gaze for longer than what you would normally experience, or if he's shy he may quickly avert his gaze somewhere else to try and avoid detection.

He may also try to catch your eye so that you look back at him. Also if you do make eye contact and you notice that he glances at your mouth it can be another sign that he is interested.

2. Gets Close to You

Another sign that he may have a crush on you is if he gets in your personal space often, this shows that he is wants to get closer to you. For example: he stands closer than he does with other people, he leans in to you, when he walks past you he walks closely so that he sometimes brushes the side of you.

3. He Often Faces Towards You

If he is interested in you then he will be less inclined to turn his back towards you but will more often than not be facing towards you, or at least have himself in a position where he is able to see you. He may not even realise he's doing it in which case it could be a subconscious thing he is doing.

4. Makes Himself More Presentable 

When he is near you you may see that he adjusts his clothes often or brushes his hair, or does some other adjustment on several occasions may be a sign that he is trying to make himself look more appealing to you. If you notice that he looks cleaner or more presentable than usual when you see him it may be because he is trying to make a better impression on you.

5. Big Themselves Up

Listen to what they're saying as some guys feel the urge to 'prove' their worth by telling you about themselves. It can also be a sign of shyness or nervousness.

6. Physical Contact 

Another sign that he likes you is if he tries to or does make physical contact with you often. He may lean against you, brush himself against you casually (e.g. like when walking past you as mentioned in point #2), rests his hand on you, mock punches you gently or pokes and prods you, gives you hugs, etc. 

7. Tries to Make you Jealous

Some guys flirt with lots of girls but if you notice that he is intentionally flirting with someone whilst keeps glancing at you it's pretty obvious that it's you he really wants and is wanting to see how you react. It is an odd thing to do when thinking about it as it could put you off, however if he's doing it in plain sight of you, or is saying things in a loud fashion so that you can hear, and keeps glancing at you, you have nothing to fear as he's more interested in you than he is her. 

8. Protective and Helpful

You may start to see that he becomes more helpful towards you or may get a little protective over you when other guys are around or when someone makes a comment against you. He may move closer to you, put his arm around you, stand blocking your view to another guy so that he can't see you and you can't see him, some of the things to watch out for.

9. He Has the Same Interests as You

Now this can very easily be a coincidence that he has the same interests as you but it can be also just as easy for him to say he has the same interests as you. If you tell him your interests and he then says he's also interested in that but when asking him further doesn't actually know that much about the topic - it may be a sign that he is just saying it so that he becomes more appealing to talk to. 

He may research the topics of interest and then catch-up with you so he can talk to you about it. 
Also if you introduce him to something you are interested in which he had not heard of or hadn't really bothered with before, like for instance a band or film, then he may suddenly over night become really interested in it and makes sure he tells you about it.

10. Nervousness

If he likes you there is a likely possibility that he gets nervous around you. He may display this by sweating more than usual, going red when you look at him or talk to him, nervous laughter, eyes quickly dart away when you make eye-contact. Normally a guy gets nervous around a girl when he finds her attractive as he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of her. 

11. His Friends 

If his friends tease him about you subtly whilst around you then this could be a big indication that he likes you. You may also find that they ask you questions about him to see if you like him or not. 
Be aware that sometimes some friends will be doing it as a wind-up to see if you do like him when he actually doesn't like you, or may be trying to not make it work for you two as they have reasons why they don't want you two to get to know each other. It's a bit of a two-edged sword, on one side it can be one of the best signals that he does, and on the other side they may just be looking for laugh. 

12. Turns-Up where You are

You may see that he coincidentally turns-up in the places where you are. Maybe you mentioned to him that you was going shopping with some friends on Saturday....and on Saturday he also turns out to be shopping. 
It may just be coincidence so don't read too much into it, but if you do notice that he turns up in places you tell him you're going, it may be more than coincidence.

13. Punching and Teasing 

If he punches or prods you in a playful way, or he teases and makes fun of you playfully, it's because he is trying to get your attention. He may want you to flirt with him too.
If it is annoying or painful make sure you tell him though as the more you let it go on the more irritating it will become and you may end up starting to dislike him. You can say that you don't mind him doing it but not so hard or harsh. 

14. Compliments

He may compliment you regularly which could mean he likes you. If you change something about yourself (e.g. your hair) and he notices then this is a good sign as it means that he is observant of you. If he gives you a compliment about it then this could be an even clearer sign he is interested in you. 


Like I said at the end of my last post about 'how to know if a girl likes you' some guys display some of these traits in their normal personality so make sure you don't jump to conclusions and presume that a guy likes you when it could just be who he is. Put things into context first, and remember to be observant. 
Hope this has helped. :)

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Spring Photo Fun Contest

I don't know about our friends up north but here in Texas, spring is in the air! We had such a blast with our Fall on the Farm photo contest that we are hosting another Spring Photo Fun contest to share and celebrate the beauty of life out in the country, on the ranch, or in the barn.

So are you a photographer? Here's how you get in on the fun....

1. Email your photo to rachel@ranchhousedesigns.com between the dates of now and March 17, 2013.
2. The photos will be posted on our facebook page during the week of March 18-22 and the photo with the greatest number of likes will be chosen as the fan favorite winner.

The winner will receive a float wrap print of their winning photo. If you don't know what a float wrap is, it's like this....it's a print that kinda sticks out from the wall.

Now we should say, if you do happen to win, you will have to provide us with a high res photo of your entry to print it on the float wrap. So like an instagram photo won't be high enough resolution. But don't worry, if you do win, and you don't have a high res picture, we'll find something else cool for you to get.

We loved seeing the fall photos, and we can't wait for spring! So go ahead and email those photos in to rachel@ranchhousedesigns.com and let's get started on the fun!

Official Rules To Join the Fun....

  • By sending us the photo you grant release to RHD and Facebook to post your photo on the RHD facebook page.
  • This game is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Facebook. It's just something fun we're doing at RHD. 
  • Winners will be selected by a panel of judges here at RHD along with input from fans. The winner is not selected on how many likes they get. 
  • The winner will be notified by email if they are selected.

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

How to Know if a Girl Likes You

Ahhh the age-old questions of whether a girl likes you is still as relevant today as it ever has been. Don't know what all the pinches and punches are about?, what the teasing is about? What all those looks are about? Well maybe this post will shed some light for some of you guys but keep in mind that each girl is different and some girls are naturally flirty in a friendly way.

1. She plays with her hair or adjusts her clothes when around you or speaking to you

This is a sign that a girl likes you. If you notice that she keeps adjusting her clothes when she's around you or maybe plays, twirls, and fiddles with her hair, this is a sign that she may in fact fancy you. It may be because she wants you to notice her so she may decide to redo her hair in-front of you or may want to look more presentable towards you. 

2. She laughs at your rubbish/boring jokes

If she likes you she will want you to see that she likes being in your company and wants to get along with you so will often laugh at your unfunny and boring jokes. She wants you to like her too and often by laughing at your jokes will make you more comfortable and confident around her. Don't purposefully make bad jokes as this can sometimes backfire and actually dull the conversation. 

3. She smiles at you when you talk to her or say "hello"

This will show that she is happy to see you if she automatically smiles at you. When you talk to her she may also smile then, it's quite a hard emotion to not display when you are genuinely happy to see someone. Some people do naturally smile at people out of politeness too so don't jump to conclusions just yet. 

4. She says things like "awww" or "cute" in reference to you

If she says things such as "awwww" or "how cute" in response to an action you just displayed or made this can mean that she is flirting with you. 

5. Random hugs for just you

It seems acceptable for people to give other people hugs upon greeting or just as a random part of affection. If you notice that she reserves hugs for you and only you then this can be a good indication that she does like you and wants to get closer to you but is trying to do it in a way that is discrete and is trying to avoid suspicion. 

6. Hits, punches, pinches, and teases you

She isn't wanting to hurt you and isn't trying to be nasty to you but is actually after your attention. By making physical contact or by teasing you it's hard for you to ignore her giving her the attention she wants from you. Also it may be that she wants to make contact with you and so does that through playfully hitting you. It can be as well to see what your figure is like, to see how toned-up or toned-down you are, or to see how you respond to her actions. 

Normally playfully hitting people or poking and prodding them are done by more confident females, so don't assume that just because a girl doesn't make contact with you that she doesn't want to - she may just be more shy and reserved. On the flip side, don't go around thinking that every girl wants to make physical contact with you because it will just end up being embarrassing for you.

Having said this I have a friend who hits and punches guys playfully but she isn't interested in them in a crush sort of sense, so be aware on the girl.

7. Her friends tease you about her or giggle a lot when you two are near to each other

This is normally a big giveaway that she likes you if her friends are involved. Girls often confide in each other and so you could have quite easily have made it into a conversation. If they all giggle or smile and are looking at you then this is a good sign. It's an even better sign if they ask you questions about her or tease you about her. 
It's almost definite that she likes you if one of her friends or more than one of her friends tells you that she does in fact like you, unless they are all winding you up but this isn't normally the case. This is often the best way to tell. 

8. The way she looks at you

There are normally two different ways a girl who likes you will look at you. The first is where she will often look at you and/or hold your eye contact for a few seconds, longer than the average. 
The second is where she will look at you and when you look at her she will quickly look-away to try and avoid being seen looking at you. 
You may need to put things in perspective first, she may be looking at you to get your attention about something, or may be just pulling your leg, or maybe it's because shes a naturally inquisitive person and is someone who often observes people.

9. She bites or licks her lips

This is another possible giveaway that a girl might like you, more so if she is looking at you whilst doing it. Maybe her lip subtly quivers or trembles when you look at her or talk to her, this can be a sign that she likes you.

10. She states something waiting for you to come to assistance

This is another sign that she likes you, if she starts playing this. Maybe shes playing pool or snooker and is pretending to not know how to hold the cue properly so you go over and show her how, leaning over her and positioning her hands properly. Maybe she's carrying something or trying to lift something and exclaims "it's too heavy" meaning she wants you to lift it. Or maybe you and her are outside and she keeps saying how cold it is, wanting you to lend her your jacket/coat. 
If there is more than one guy around then she may not want someone else to give her the assistance she wants, because she wants it specifically from the guy that she likes.

11. She helps you

Watch out for the things she does for you maybe by offering help and assistance when needed. If she's always ready to help and often offers help then (unless she is like it with everyone) this is good news. Don't purposefully overdo asking her for assistance as you may become a bit of an annoyance and she may start to not want to help you.

12. She listens to you 

This is a good sign that she likes you if you notice that she always listens to you and values your opinions. It's a much better sign if she wants to know your opinion and views when in a group of other guys as she's singling you out and wants to know what you think.


You should stay aware that some girls will display many of these traits as part of their normal personality and it doesn't mean that they will like you, so remember to be observant to her personality and to what is more out-of-character. Also, don't get caught-up over everything she does and never try to over-Analise them, this can often make your situation go downhill if you're not careful. 
I hope that this has been of help to you and I wish you luck for the future. :)

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Mau Ganti Template Blog? Perhatikan Ulasan dan Tips ini Dulu!


Masing-masing platform blog/website memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Demikian pula template Blogger. Ada beberapa karakteristik khusus yang menentukan bagaimana tampilan dan struktur dibangun. Memahami karakteristik tersebut merupakan salah satu persyaratan dan menjadi pertimbangan penting supaya keputusan untuk mengganti template tepat, dan proses yang dilakukan berjalan mulus

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Blogging: A Love/Hate Relationship

It's hard to believe that I've been running this blog for just over a year and a half now and I have now written just over 200 different posts! In one respect it doesn't feel nearly as long as that and still feels very new to me, yet on the other hand feels like I've been doing it a lot longer than a year and a half...strange I know but I'm sure a lot of you will sort of understand where I'm coming from.

Since starting this blog I have to say in all honesty that until recently having this blog has been a bit of a love/hate relationship. Let me elaborate for you. I myself love to blog and love the satisfaction that is gained through completing and submitting another blog-post to the web. I love the fact that other people from around the world pertaining to very different lifestyles to my own can read my personally-written articles and can interact with me through the comment-box or through emailing me in the 'contact' tab at the top.
And of course I have loved every minute of seeing my blog grow and develop, and seeing the amount of people who visit this blog increase in number dramatically. This is what I love about blogging and is what motivates me to continue.

The 'hate' part of the relationship is slightly harder to convey because whilst I love to blog...I also have hated it in the past. It sounds weird I know but in the past my blog has felt as if it's looming over me 24/7. I would feel as if I NEEDED to always be posting articles on my blog and If I didn't I would feel like I was letting myself, the blog, and more importantly you the readers down. :( It just felt like a constant pressure in my life and all it was meant to be was a hobby and a means of expressing myself through writing, but it turned into more of a commitment that I had to fit into my schedule. As a result of feeling this my blog suffered and have always been inconsistent with my blog posting.
Don't get me wrong there were times when I never felt this and I could write for hours but there were also the times where I dreaded to go near the computer. 

As of quite recently this has all changed and is back to being how it was right at the beginning...a hobby. Something that I enjoy to do. I can't imagine not having my blog now, it would seem strange to not have it included in my life. 
I have recently made a commitment to submitting a blog post every Monday and Thursday but to be honest it doesn't feel like a commitment, just a means of carrying on with one of my loves and allowing you the readers to know when to expect something. :)