Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Health Effects of Smoking

Following the edition of my recent post; 'how to stop smoking', I thought that I should put together a post about the heath effects that smoking can and does cause.
There are some really major health effects that smoking can cause, and even though smoking has reduced by about 80%, it's still single-handedly the biggest killer and cause of disability presently in the UK. Over 100,000 people die each year in the UK as a result of smoking.
So here are the health effects of smoking.

1. Cardiovascular disease

Smoking accelerates the hardening of the arteries by up to four times that of a non-smoker, this causes them to become narrowed and hardened. When arteries narrow, it can cause blood clots to form. Blood clots are also up to four times as likely to occur in smokers.
Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer of smokers, and depending one which blood vessels are involved, will depend on what form cardiovascular disease will take.

There's coronary thrombosis, which is a blood clot in the arteries supplying the heart. And there's cerebral thrombosis, where the arteries to the brain are blocked, and diseases like strokes can occur.

Smokers make up 90% of heart-bypass patients, and on average develop coronary thrombosis 10 years earlier than non-smokers.

2. Toxins

As the cigarette is lit, the tobacco when burnt, produces various toxins, the residues of which are concentrated at the end of the butt. The toxins that are the most damaging are; nicotine (addictive and raises cholesterol), tar (substance that causes cancer), and carbon monoxide (reduction of oxygen).
Of course the more you smoke, the more toxins you will be ingesting, and ultimately putting your body at greater risk.

3. Cancer

A very well known health effect of smoking, is that of cancer. Smokers put themselves at greater risk to cancer through smoking. Some cancers that can be brought on by smoking are; lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, cancer of the kidneys, cancer of the oesophagus, cervical cancer, and bladder cancer. These tend to be the more common cancers that smoking can bring on.


COPD stands for 'Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease'. It is a condition that blocks airflow and makes breathing harder. An example would be chronic bronchitis; which causes the sufferer to cough a lot with mucus, which continues for a few months.
COPD is most commonly caused by smoking, with around 79% of COPD patients being smokers.

5. Increased blood pressure

Another health issue that is caused by smoking, is increased blood pressure, that in itself can have damaging effects when raised high enough to where it becomes hypertension, that can change your life.

6. Oral hygiene

As you are taking in the toxins and chemicals of the substances inside of the cigarette, through your mouth, it's not surprising that there will be damaging consequences to oral hygiene. It can cause periodontal disease that can make your teeth fall out, make your gums to become swollen, and cause bad breath.
Smoking will also stain your teeth and gums, and cause mouth ulcers to occur more frequently. 

7. Eye problems

Smokers also put their eyes at risk. Macular degeneration is twice as likely to affect a heavy smoker rather than a non-smoker, macular degeneration is the gradual loss of eye sight. 
Cataracts is another condition that affects the eyes, and is more likely to occur with smokers.
Bloodshot appearance and itchiness of the eyes can be as a result of smoking, as the sensitive blood vessels of the eye are easily damaged by the cigarette smoke.

8. Faster Ageing

Non-smokers do age as-well, but smokers will appear to age quicker. Smoking reduces levels of vitamin A and reduces blood supply the skin, giving a paler and more wrinkly appearance.

9. Additional problems

These aren't just the problems that smoking can cause. Some other things it can bring on are; erectile dysfunction, fertility problems, heart attacks, worsening of asthma, peripheral vascular disease (damaged blood vessels), emphysema (damage to the small airways in the lungs), pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs).

Don't forget that second-hand smoke is just as much of a problem, and has several of the same health risks. 
Family members who you're around or friends, people who maybe don't smoke, are being put at risk by second-hand smoke.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

How to Stop Smoking

Smoking is not an easy thing to quit, if it were, there wouldn't be the amount of 'quit smoking' courses and advertisements there is. 
It is hard, but is not impossible, fully possible with the right level of commitment, determination, and self-discipline.

When preparing yourself to stop smoking, there are some key factors that you will need to make a decision about and deal with. These are;
  • Why are you quitting (for health, for religious reasons, for financial reasons, for friends and family, etc)
  • Making the choice to quit, and the day you are going to officially decide to stop smoking
  • Dealing with withdrawal symptoms and emotional reactions
  • Maintaining your new no-smoking lifestyle.
Having a reason to quit is an important one, it's no good trying to quit without a reason. Having a reason will provide you with motivation that you will need to keep in mind whilst fighting the urge to smoke.
You will also need to pick a day to stop. Picking a date sooner rather than later is better, as picking a date too far away will allow you to change your mind. Deciding to stop today is the best thing to do.

Also keep a record of the date you did decide to stop, this will let you know how far you've come. It will allow you to put your new goal into perspective. I know when I'm trying to stop something, it always feels longer than it has actually been.

The list that I've put together below will be easy in some aspects and hard in a lot of others. Instead of seeing them as tips, see them more as rules that you are going to live your life by in order to quit and maintain being quit.

1. Admit you have an addiction

Like with any addiction, the only person who can really stop you from feeding the addiction is yourself. You can go to all the no-smoking meetings and sessions you want, but if you don't recognise that you have an addiction, your mindset won't have changed, and the determination to stop won't be any use because it wont be there.

2.Get rid of anything to do with smoking

You are going to be dealing with temptation on a daily basis, so you will want to make this as easy as possible for yourself. Get rid of anything to do with smoking. These include; ash trays, old cigarette packets, existing cigarettes, etc. Don't just do it inside your home but also anywhere else where these items could be; car and work.

3. Attend a no-smoking class

While it is certainly in the realm of the possible to stop smoking on your own, stopping with others is an easier thing to do. You will get the encouragement you need, not to mention motivation and help to stop.

4. Ask people who smoke to be helpful

If you know a lot of people who smoke, tell them that you're quitting. Ask them if they could not smoke near you, it's quite easy to get a cigarette off of a friend who's not quitting themselves, so don't let yourself get into that position.

5. No rationalism

Whatever you do, do not let yourself listen to the part of you that is trying to rationalise that it's okay to have a smoke - it's not. 
It's easy to listen to this part of you, and even easier to ruin the work you've done so far, because as soon as that one cigarette, that one puff has been taken, you'll be back at square one.
Some of these rationalism's may sound like this:
  • "One wont hurt"
  • "I've had a tough day, I'll quit tomorrow."
  • "You've got to die of something"
  • "My aunt smoked every day of her life, and lived to be 85"
Feel free to use any of these excuses, or maybe one that is suited more for your situation. The bottom line is however, you will not be able to stop whilst you are making these excuses, you're only hurting yourself.

6. Keep active

Staying active is a great way to keep your mind off of smoking and is great for your mind. Being active can help fight boredom, which might have been a reason to smoke before. 
It also gives your hands something else to do besides hold a cigarette.
Staying active could be in the form of completing jobs that need finishing, or just simply exercising.

7. Substitute the cigarette

When quitting, you'll find that you will have an urge to put something in your mouth. Try having some sugarless chewing-gum or fruits and vegetables. The gum will allow your mouth to have something, and the fruit and veg are good for helping as-well, and they provide a healthy snack.

8. Reward yourself

Depending on how many cigarettes you smoke, will determine how much money you save. Every day, put the money you save into a jar and then at the end of the week reward yourself with something. Not a cigarette. Maybe buy a book, buy some music, start a hobby, go out for a meal, etc.
Or you could just save it. :)

Remember, other people have been in your situation and have quit, and there are hundreds of people quitting every day. You can be one of them.

Livestock Motivational Posters

As you have noticed, each Wednesday we post a new livestock motivational graphic on our facebook page, and week after week everyone seems to love them. We have gotten many requests to make these in a poster format. So guess what, we did.

The posters are available for $7.99 each or you can buy a pack of 7 posters for $29.99 each. These posters are 11 x 17, poster weight, and coated in gloss laminate. They would be awesome for room decorations, bulletin boards, classroom decorations for ag chapters, Extension office decorations, and more.

We have made available all of the graphics we have done so far, and will be adding more weekly. So check them out at http://ranchhousedesigns.mybigcommerce.com/categories.php?category=Posters!

AutoCAD 2012 SP2 x86/x64 (Multilingual)

AutoCAD 2012
Autodesk AutoCAD 2012 SP2 x86/x64 (Multilingual) ISZ-way | 2.15 GB
AutoCAD adalah pemimpin dunia dalam solusi untuk desain 3D-2D. Pemodelan 3D memungkinkan Anda untuk mempercepat pekerjaan desain dan dokumentasi, model berbagi dan mengembangkan ide-ide baru. Dengan ribuan Fiture pengaya yang tersedia AutoCAD 2012 dapat memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai klien.

Fitur UtamaAutoCAD ® 2012 memungkinkan Anda untuk memecahkan masalah desain yang paling kompleks. Sarana untuk menciptakan bentuk sewenang-wenang dimodelkan berbagai permukaan tubuh dan desain waktu verifikasi sangat berkurang; gambar parametrik membantu untuk menjaga di tangan semua informasi yang diperlukan. Ide proyek dapat divisualisasikan dalam PDF, serta dalam latihan tiruan, diperoleh dengan mencetak 3D. Bahkan jika tidak ada ide tidak berubah menjadi kenyataan begitu cepat.Mengurangi memakan waktu karena desain parametrikDesain parametrik secara signifikan dapat mengurangi waktu proyek inspeksi. Ada kemungkinan untuk mendefinisikan hubungan antara objek - misalnya, garis paralel secara otomatis akan tetap paralel dan lingkaran konsentris selalu memiliki pusat umum.Artistik kebebasan: untuk bekerja dengan bentuk yang sewenang-wenangSekarang Anda dapat menerjemahkan ide desain, memberikan kendali bebas untuk berpikir kreatif. Untuk membuat bentuk kompleks hanya memindahkan wajah, tepi dan titik.Peningkatan PDF DukunganTransfer dan penggunaan kembali data adalah berkat mengherankan nyaman dan mudah untuk sebuah dukungan peningkatan PDF. Apakah kurang dari ukuran file yang diterbitkan, ditambah dukungan dari TrueType. Impor baru dan digunakan sebagai substrat memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan PDF-file langsung di AutoCAD gambar.Cetak 3D model di AutoCADAnda tidak bisa hanya memvisualisasikan proyek, tetapi juga membuat mereka menjadi kenyataan. Fisik model dari proyek yang diciptakan oleh penarikan printer 3D (sendiri atau milik sebuah perusahaan khusus yang menyediakan jasa percetakan 3D).Kemudahan membuat dan mengedit blok dinamisPerbaikan Diperkenalkan telah membantu untuk menyederhanakan penciptaan dan mengedit blok dinamis. Dengan tampilan diperbaiki dan seleksi objek, alat untuk bekerja dengan blok dinamis secara signifikan mengurangi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan dokumentasi.Persyaratan SistemUntuk 32-bit AutoCAD 2012:- Sistem operasi Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Profesional atau Home Premium (lihat perbandingan dari versi Windows 7), Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise, Business, Ultimate atau Home Premium (SP1 atau yang lebih baru) (lihat perbandingan dari versi Windows Vista) , atau Microsoft Windows XP Professional atau Home edition (SP2 atau lebih baru)- Untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7 dual-core Intel Pentium 4 atau AMD Athlon, 3 GHz atau lebih tinggi, mendukung SSE2. Untuk Windows XP: Dual Intel Pentium 4 atau AMD Athlon 1,6 GHz atau lebih tinggi dengan teknologi SSE2- 2 GB RAM- 1,8 GB ruang hard disk untuk instalasi- Dukungan untuk layar mode resolusi 1024 x 768 dan «true color»- Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 atau yang lebih baruUntuk 64-bit AutoCAD 2012:- Sistem operasi Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional atau Home Premium (lihat perbandingan dari versi Windows 7), Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise, Business atau Ultimate (SP1 atau yang lebih baru) (lihat perbandingan dari versi Windows Vista); atau Microsoft Windows XP Profesional (SP2 atau lebih baru)- AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Xeon dengan dukungan Intel EM64T atau Intel Pentium 4 mendukung Intel EM64T (semua - dengan dukungan untuk SSE2)- 2 GB RAM.- 2 GB ruang hard disk untuk instalasi- Dukungan untuk layar mode resolusi 1024 x 768 dan «true color»- Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 atau yang lebih baruPersyaratan Tambahan untuk 3D Modeling (semua konfigurasi)- Intel Pentium 4 atau AMD Athlon, 3 GHz atau lebih tinggi, atau dual-core Intel atau AMD, 2 GHz atau lebih tinggi- Setidaknya 2 GB RAM- Tambahan 2 GB hard drive, di samping ruang bebas yang diperlukan untuk instalasi.- Kelas workstation grafis dengan memori minimal 128 MB, mendukung resolusi layar 1280 x 1024 modus «true color», pixel shader 3.0 dan Microsoft Direct3D.Tahun: 2011 (SP2 pada 5/24/12)Versi: 2012 Build F.205.0.0Pengembang: Autodesk IncPlatform: WindowsKompatibel dengan Vista, Se7en: penuhBahasa: Inggris dan RusiaKedokteran: hadir

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Ini dia salah satu Project After Effect yang lumaayan oke,,, sobat bisa membuat video intro yang keren dengan project ini...  jika tertarik sobat bisa segera download... lihat demonya di bawah ini...



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Clickbet88.com Agen Bola Terpercaya Untuk Piala EURO 2012

Clickbet88.com Agen Bola Terpercaya Untuk Piala EURO 2012 adalah Agen Bola dan Agen Bola Sbobet yang merupakan jasa pembuatan account taruhan bola dan casino online ( IBCBET, SBOBET, 368BET, CASINO SBOBET (338A), ASIA8BET, GUAVITA, 1SCASINO. 9NAGATANGKAS, TANGKASNET.COM, TANGKAS777, TOGEL ONLINE).

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Euro 2012 Hot News
BERLIN – Gelandang serang Timnas Jerman, Mesut Ozil lebih percaya diri menyambut turnamen Euro 2012 dan yakin Der Panzer bakal mengulangi kesuksesan menjadi juara seperti tahun 1996, ketika terakhir kali Jerman menjadi juara.

Menurut pemain Real Madrid ini, dalam beberapa turnamen internasional terakhir, Jerman setidaknya selalu lolos babak semifinal atau final, kali ini Ozil tak ingin lagi menunda Jerman menjadi juara, karena kesempatannya sangat besar.

"Tujuan kami adalah untuk memenangkan gelar," kata Ozil seperti dilansir Soccerway, Rabu (30/5/2012).

"Sampai sekarang kami selalu berhasil lolos ke semifinal atau final dan tidak sampai menjadi juara. Saya pikir ini kesempatan kami,” paparnya.

"Kali ini saya lebih optimis karena kami memiliki tim yang sangat muda, tim yang ingin memenangkan segalanya,” tegas mantan pemain Werder Bremen ini.

Ozil menambahkan, timnya memang berada dalam satu grup yang berat dan harus saling mengalahkan dengan tim favorit lainnya seperti Belanda, Portugal dan Denmark. Tapi, baginya itu malah seperti tes yang tetap sebelum masuk ke babak knock out.

"Sebuah tes yang baik bagi kami dan ingat, kami memenangkan semua pertandingan kami di babak kualifikasi,” jelasnya.

"Belanda adalah satu di antara favorit dan tentu saja Spanyol memiliki pemain yang telah bermain bersama selama bertahun-tahun. Tapi, kami fokus pada diri kami sendiri dan saya yakin kami bisa memenangkan kejuaraan Euro 2012 tahun ini," tutupnya.

Jerman adalah tim paling sukses dalam sejarah Euro, mereka telah memenangkan tiga gelar Euro 2012. Tim asuhan Joachim Loew ini akan menghadapi Israel dalam pertandingan persahabatan terakhir sebelum Euro di Leipzig pada Kamis (31/5/2012) dini hari WIB.

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Top 10 Most Popular Fruits

I love fruit. They're tasty, refreshing, high in vitamins and minerals, low in calories, and can be eaten on their own or  part of a meal.
Every fruit that appears on this list I enjoy, along with millions of other people who live around the world.

1. Apple
The apple is one of my favourite fruits and is a popular food to include in desserts. Unfortunately, I can't currently eat apples at the moment as I'm half-way through having braces on. So at the moment I'm just bracing myself for when I can take a bite out of a fresh apple again (pun intended). :)

Contains vitamin C which helps boost your immune system (although compared to other fruit and veg, vitamin c levels a relatively low), and ripe apples contain nearly 80% water, with no fat whatsoever.

They contain flavonoids which can prevent coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and colon; prostrate and lung cancer.

Are a source of fibre and aid weight loss and an average apple will contain 70-100 calories.  

2. Orange
The orange is the most commonly grown fruit tree in the world and grows on an evergreen flowering tree, generally growing 9–12 metres in height. Brazil is the largest producer of oranges followed secondly by the United States.

Contains vitamin B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
Helps to prevent kidney stones, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Oranges are beneficial for sufferers of asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, rheumatism, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

People who are addicted to alcohol, have found that drinking orange juice helps with reducing the desire for liquor. Also, consumption of large amounts of the fruit, decreases the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.

3. Banana
The banana is one of the oldest cultivated plants and are native to tropical South and South-east Asia. They are grown worldwide in over 105 countries, primarily for the fruit itself, as opposed to banana products, e.g; wine and fibre.

Contains vitamins A,B and C, as-well as choline, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. 
Helps to keep your heart and nervous system in good shape because of high potassium levels. It can help prevent kidney stones, large calcium loss, coronary heart disease, diabetes, stomach ulcers, colitis, Diarrhoea and constipation. 
Banana skins are said to be helpful against warts. (Doesn't sound that appealing to me though...eating the skin that is.)

4.  Strawberries
Strawberries are consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in prepared foods such as, fruit juice, pies, and ice creams. Strawberry aroma is a popular smell and is used in the food industry for various products.
I had some strawberries last night, and though I wasn't particularly fond of them when I was younger, I do find them enjoyable now and have become one of my favourite fruits.

Contains vitamins A, B, C and E, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, and sodium.
The strawberry, when cut in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, removes tartar from the teeth and strengthens and heals the gums. If possible, allow the juice to remain in the mouth for as long as possible to maximise the breakdown of tarter. 

Strawberries can be of help in cases of syphilis, and can help cleanse the blood of harmful toxins.
They are highly rated as skin cleansing food, even though the skin eruptions may appear at first in some cases.
They can help to prevent inflammatory disorders, cancer, macular degeneration, and cardiovascular diseases.
Strawberries also promote the correct production and maintenance of bone structure, as-well as a healthy immune system.

5. Pineapple
Pineapples is a delicious fruit, and is relatively slow to grow, taking 20-24 months to possibly flower and fruiting in the following six months. Pineapple may be eaten fresh, canned, juiced, desserts, fruit salad, jam, yogurt, ice cream, candy, and as a complement to meat dishes.
Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. 

Pineapples help to prevent the risk of dyspepsia, bronchitis, high blood pressure, arthritis, constipation, and sickness (including morning and motion sickness.)

Pineapple juice can rid the body of intestinal worms, diphtheria, infections, and is helpful in cases of goiter.

6. Watermelon
The watermelon is a fruit originally from South Africa and is commonly used to make a variety of salads, most notably fruit salad. It's also nice to eat on its own.
Contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.
Helps to prevent cancer (especially prostrate cancer), high cholesterol, heart diseases, and diabetes.
They are great to include in weight loss diets, with a high water content - you feel fuller afterwards. The high levels of vitamin B means that melons are brilliant sources of energy.

7. Grapefruit
The grapefruit is known for its bitter taste, but despite this, the grapefruit is still an incredibly popular fruit. The grapefruit trees on average, grow to around 16–20 ft tall, although they can reach 43–49 ft.
Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, and 90.48g water (per 100g).

Can help to prevent arthritis, tumours, and certain cancers.
Some more benefits of grapefruit's are: flush out excess water, great for weight loss, increase metabolism, it's a liver tonic, helps with gallstones, helps with colds; pneumonia and fever, it's a powerful drug-poison remover, helps digestion, improves complexion, and is a natural anti-septic for wounds.

8. Lemon
Lemon is a popular fruit that is grown on a small tree that is native to Asia, but like all of the other fruits on this list, is grown around the world. Lemon juice contains about 5-6% citric acid, and it is this that gives lemons their sour taste.

Contains vitamins A, B, C and P, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc.
It can help to prevent malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid, influenza, the common cold, scurvy, internal hemorrhage, constipation, and vomiting.
The lemon promotes good vision, digestion, the strengthening of blood vessels, and heart health.
It also provides relief for fevers, abdominal disorders, and liver and bladder disorders. 
Lemons help strengthen the teeth and bones, although lemon juice should be diluted slightly with water, so as to avoid the injury of tooth enamel because of the lemons acidity. 

It dislodges phlegm and checks the over-excess of the flow of bile and cleanses the mouth. Intestinal worms are also destroyed because of the intake of lemons. 
Lemons are very acidic to taste, but surprisingly leave behind alkaline residues in the body. This is why it is beneficial in all cases of acidosis.

9. Mango
The mango is native to the subcontinent of India, and is now grown worldwide. The taste of a mango can be described as a combination of a nectarine, a pineapple and an orange. I personally prefer mango to all three of those fruits, though they are tasty as well.

Contains vitamins A, B and C, also contains calcium and phosphorus.
Helps to prevent cancer, heart disease and other ailments.
Mangoes are beneficial for people who suffer with anaemia, kidney problems and nephritis, fever, constipation, and respiratory conditions.

They contain powerful anticancer and antioxidant properties.
Mangoes are effective at relieving clogged pores of the skin, and can combat acidity and digestive problems.

10. Cherries
The cherry is a fleshy stone fruit, and the only thing that is bad about this fruit, in my opinion, is the stone. I know that it's necessary for the fruit to have it, but it would be so much more convenient to eat without having to pick or spit them out. :)

The native range of the wild cherry extends through most of Europe, western Asia and parts of northern Africa.
Contains vitamin C as well as iron, potassium and magnesium. 
Tart cherries (dried, frozen or in juice) have one of the highest disease-fighting antioxidants compared with other fruits. Can help ease the pain of arthritis, and can help prevent heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes.
Also help in the reduction of body weight.

I don't claim ownership or credit for the pictures present, all credit is reserved for the original owners. No copyright intended, if you have an issue with a picture that is present, then please contact me 

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

8 Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a great exercise for you, with young and old being able to take part. It's not only a good exercise for your whole body, but can be quite a lot of fun as-well. 
You don't need to be an Olympic athlete to reap the benefits that swimming can bring.

1. Good for your joints

If you're a person who has a problem with their weight and/or are arthritic, then swimming is a great exercise to take up. If you are arthritic, just doing laps of the pool is great for you, as it incorporates stretching muscles, strengthening muscles, and an aerobic workout.

When up to your waist in water your body bears only 50% of its total weight. When at your chest, your body will only bear 25-35% of its total body weight. And when the water level is around your neck, your body will only bear a mere 10% of its total body weight. You can see why it's good for your joints and bones.

2. Keeps joints flexible

As discussed in point #1, swimming doesn't put pressure on you joints, so it is great at maintaining flexibility in the joints as it promotes joint looseness. Swimming doesn't just work one part of your body, but your whole body. You use your arms, legs, feet, neck, and body (as it turns from side-to-side). This is good at keeping your muscles in form, giving them some nice stretches.
You can also do some actual flexibility stretches in the water as well, just to finish off your swim.

3. Less likely to drown

It might sound silly, but for those of us that can swim, we are obviously less likely to drown than someone who can't swim. For instance; if a non-swimmer was to fall into a river or a lake for whatever reason, they would be in a much worse situation than someone who can swim.
Learning how to swim is like riding a bike, once you've learnt it - you'll never forget it.

4. Healthy heart

Swimming is great for circulation and helps the heart tremendously with its job of pumping blood. Your heart will become larger and stronger, in turn creating a better blood flow throughout your body.
If done for only 30 minutes a day, you can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and blood pressure.

5. Weight loss

Swimming is one of the best calorie-burning exercises a person can do, and was once considered a bit of a pointless activity for weight loss. Of course since modern technologies and advances in science, we can see that swimming is great for weight loss.
Your exact calorie loss will depend on how much you weigh and how intense your swimming session is.
Some approximations are; for a 150lb person, swimming for 30 minutes a day can burn 215-285 calories. For a 400lb person however, swimming for 30 minutes a day can burn 575-765 calories.

6. Increased strength

Like any other exercise that uses muscle power for propulsion, there is going to be muscle tone and increased strength. Swimming though is better than the majority of other aerobic exercises simply for the fact that water is denser than air. This means you have to use more muscle power and strength to keep it up. If you have ever look at a professional swimmer, they always seem to look well-toned and muscular.

7. Improved cholesterol 

As an aerobic exercise, swimming has been proven to raise HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) levels, which is good cholesterol. and also to lower LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) levels, which is bad cholesterol. This is what your recommended cholesterol ratio levels should be; higher levels of HDL and lower levels of LDL.
Having a good cholesterol ratio can help with lowering the risk of heart diseases.

8. Reduce stress

Stress is a horrible thing to be plagued with and there are different things you can do to reduce the levels of stress you have. Swimming is one of these methods.
A process can occur whilst swimming called hippocampal neurogenesis, which allows the body to replace cells that were lost through stress. Not only that, but like most exercises, swimming has the capability of helping you to relax and take your mind off of things that might be causing the stress and anxiety.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

No Snacking Challenge Day 30

Thirty days ago I decided to set myself a 'no snacking challenge'. The challenge was to last 30 days, so today is my final day, and I wanted to share a few things with you all.

I haven't posted about my efforts of not snacking since day 14, and to be honest, there's not that much to say. The first week was when I was adjusting to not being able to snack. I was surprised how difficult it was to not be able to go and grab a biscuit or something when I was feeling hungry. Even when I wasn't hungry, I discovered that snacking was just something of convenience - there is food nearby, I'll have some.

The second week was a tougher week, and my craving for snacking got worse. It seemed that the resistance I was putting up against snacking just made the craving worse, but I persevered and got through it.

Now onto the last two weeks, weeks 3 and 4. I was expecting week 3 to be harder than week 2 and then for week 4 to get gradually easier. Instead, week 3 wasn't that hard at all, and I never really had snacking on my mind. Week 4 has been the same, only at a couple of points did it get difficult, but for the week as a whole it was relatively easy.

Something that I did notice in the last two weeks was my tendency to snack has become a lot easier to keep control of. I was pleasantly surprised to find this out. 
I can remember at the end of third week, I wasn't even paying attention to the challenge, as the habit to not snack seemed to have already taken form, and in truth I think I had actually forgot about the challenge, as it didn't seem as much of a challenge - it had become more of the norm.

In fact, I was actually writing a different post for today, when I remembered that it was the end of my no snacking challenge. So I had to put the post I was writing for today aside, that will now be tomorrows, and had to write the final chapter of this no snacking series.

It has definitely changed the way I eat. I don't really have the urge to snack as much, of course there are times when I do get the urge, but this challenge has actually made me take sort of a disliking to snacking. I know it sounds weird, as snacking on tasty things is great, and thirty days ago I wouldn't have thought I would end up with a view like this towards snacking. I think it's because I know what snacking can do and what the downsides to it are, coupled with my new habit of not snacking anyway, what has caused this mindset.

I'm sure there will be points when I do snack, but I can't really see myself going back to snacking as often, it's not really my nature. Once I get something programmed into me, I find it hard not to keep it up.
If anyone reading this is wanting to limit their snack intake, then I would strongly urge you to give this challenge a try. I can't guarantee it will work for you, but if you're strict with yourself and keep it up for the thirty days, I'm pretty confident you'll get into the habit of avoiding snacks. Once the habit's obtained, things become a lot easier. 

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Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

10 Famous Street Artists

Street art is a controversial subject, with street artists and authorities at the opposing sides of the spectrum. Street artists see there work as a form of expression, an art, a way of life. Authoritative establishments however, see it as plain old vandalism. 
So I've put together a list of 10 famous street artists, some of whom have caused quite a lot of controversy.

1. Banksy
Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, and is by far one of the most well-known street artists there is. Banksy's street art combines irreverent dark humour with graffiti done in a distinctive stencilling technique.
He is known to have an annoyance with the government for labelling graffiti as vandalism. His artwork appears displays on public surfaces such as walls, and sometimes he even constructs his own prop pieces.
He's been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary, for his film 'Exit Through the Gift Shop', which tells the story street artists from their perspective.

2. Marc Jenkins
Mark Jenkins lives in Washington DC and is an American artist most widely known for the street installations he creates using box sealing tape. Jenkins' practice of street art is to use the "street as a stage" where passersby become actors. Many of his installations have resulted in intervention by the authorities whom he also regards as actors.
Mark also teaches in workshops in a variety of cities he visits, teaching his sculpture techniques.

3. JR
JR is a photographer and artist. JR has described himself as a "photograffeur", as he flyposts large black-and-white photographic images in public locations in a style which is similar to the appropriation of the built environment by the graffiti artist.
The TED Prize is awarded annually to an exceptional individual who receives $100,000 and 'One Wish to Change the World.' JR won it for 2011, and this prize has had far-reaching impacts for JR.
He states that the street is "the largest art gallery in the world."

4. Nunca
Nunca is a prominent Brazilian "grafiteiro" artist who uses a graffiti technique to create images that confront modern urban Brazil with its native past.
His work has come under criticism in Brazil, despite Nunca's international recognition, as they believe that what his gallery work and commercial design commissions represent, is a betrayal of his cultural roots and philosophy.
His works often convey complex stories.

5. D* Face
D* Face is an English street artist who uses stickers, spray paint, posters, and stencils. Growing up in London, D* Face had a childhood interest in graffiti. He held his first major London solo exhibition, Death & Glory, at the Stolenspace gallery, which sold out in October 2006. Since then, D* Face has gone forward strength-in-strength, doing solo shows and Eyecons.
He was the owner and curator of London's first contemporary art gallery to focus on street art; 'Outside Institute'.

6. Shepard Fairey
Shepard Fairey is an American illustrator and graphic designer, first becoming known for his "Andre the Giant Has a Posse" sticker campaign. When Fairey first became involved in art professionally, was when he started to places his designs for t-shirts and skateboards.
Fairey is well-known for his stickers, but here's why he got into doing them, Fairey said: "At first I was only thinking about the response from my clique of art school and skateboard friends. The fact that a larger segment of the public would not only notice, but investigate, the unexplained appearance of the stickers was something I had not contemplated. When I started to see reactions and consider the sociological forces at work surrounding the use of public space and the insertion of a very eye-catching but ambiguous image, I began to think there was the potential to create a phenomenon."

7. Sweet Toof
Sweet Toof is the name given to a well-known graffiti and street artist. He is one of the most prolific of the London street artists, doing a variety of solo and collaborated art pieces. He has collaborated with "Tek 33", "Cyclops", and "Rowdy", all of which are crew-mates from the "Burning Candy" crew.
His signature tag, is his recognised gums and teeth picture.

8. Sickboy
Sickboy is a street artist from Bristol, England. He is known for his "save the children" slogan and temple logo. It is said that Sickboy was one of the first street artists to use a logo instead of a 'tag' as a signature.
Sickboy doesn't only do art on the streets, but also paints on canvas' and exhibits in art galleries.

9. Blu
Blu is a pseudonym for an Italian artist who keeps his real identity a secret, being around in the street since 1999.
Blu tries to limit his involvement in the official 'art world', as he prefers delving into other things. 
He has done his artwork on an international scale, including places such as: Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, England, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, and Italy. 

10. Faile
Faile is an art collaboration between Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller. Faile is known for their use of wheatpasting and stencilling in the established area of street art, and for their fragmented style of appropriation and collage.
The reason behind the name Faile is that it's an anagram for the short phrase; "a life".

I don't claim ownership or credit for the pictures present, all credit is reserved for the original owners. No copyright intended, if you have an issue with a picture that is present, then please contact me