Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Shout Out To Top Sires on Facebook

If you're like me, you've probably been recently bombarded with requests to join "fan pages" on Facebook for various livestock businesses, farms, ranches, etc. We sort of like to stake claim that we started this craze, when we created the fan page for V8 Ranch early in 2009 and at that time, couldn't find another cattle ranch with a fan page. Now, it is so fun to get requests to be fans of other livestock businesses on facebook and keep up with what they are doing.

So of all of the fan pages on facebook, I really have to say that Top Sires has really taken their social media networking up to a whole new level. Their Facebook fan page is awesome!!! I'm not sure who deserves the credit for this wonderful fan page, Mike or Christina, but I'm guessing a combination of both.

My favorite thing on their recent fan page is the "Guess the Bull" Contest". This is where Top Sires posts a random photo of a club calf bull -- sometimes a current one, sometimes a really old one -- and you have to guess who the bull is. Personally, with my experience in 8 years of working with bull clients, I thought I would be pretty good at this. NO WAY! There are people on the Top Sires fan page that can instantly ID these bulls that I have no clue who they are. I love it! I love guessing and then seeing other people's guesses.

Anyway, if you're on facebook, check out the Top Sires fan page - http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Maple-Park-IL/Top-Sires/248599394388. It's a whole lot of fun!

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