Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Circle D Cattle

If you want to meet a fun-loving family that's having a great time in the cattle business, then check out Circle D Energy and Cattle Company at

Circle D is located in southern Ohio and is owned by Pat, Loretta, Caitlin & Colton Decker.

One quick look at the Circle D web site and you'll see that the Decker's are hooked on Hereford cattle and are a family that works together and has a lot of fun in their breed.

The Decker's made a family goal to have a cattle operation when they were young adults, and began their farming operation in 1995. Their children's interest in cattle has been a springboard to creating an excellent herd of Hereford cattle. Their goal is to produce high quality problem free cattle that will make money for our customers.
So as you're surfing around on the Internet, check out and see the great photos and great Herefords owned by some wonderful people in the cattle business!

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