Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Friend of the Month - Ramona Petrosky

Last month, we created a new contest at RHD which is our "Friend of the Month" and is awarded to the person who makes the most comments on our blog or facebook page. This was a lot of fun and gave us a way of making more friends and interacting with people from all over the nation who are fans of RHD.

So for our first "Friend of the Month", our winner is Ramona Petrosky, who is a special friend to RHD in many ways. First, she's a fellow Boling, Texas citizen who can be found at just about any event in Boling. She is a loyal Bulldog fan and helps out with lots of things like the FFA, Athletic Booster Club, and lots more!!

Secondly, Ramona is a fellow cattle person. She and her family show Red Brangus Cattle along with our good friends Charles and Sue Atkinson of Wharton.

And finally, Ramona is DOLLIE'S Mom!!!!! Dolllie is our newest web site update team member at RHD and has gotten to be friends with lots of our clients in the past 6 months she has worked here.

At RHD we are so lucky to have the support and friendship of people from all over. It makes us so happy to hear from people who follow us on the internet or through the magazines our ads appear in. Ramona is one of those very special people who encourage us, support us, and believe in us. So thanks Ramona, for everything you do to help us at RHD!!

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