Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

What is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?

The NATO phonetic alphabet (more precisely known as the NATO spelling alphabet and also the ICAO phonetic, or spelling alphabet) is an alphabet created by the International Civil Aviation Organisation for perception of voice messages when dealing with letters. 

It is the most widely used spelling alphabet. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) assigned a words to letters and digits, so as when perceiving voice messages by radio or telephone, pronunciation could be understood regardless of the individuals native language. 

NATO Alphabet
  • A - Alfa
  • B - Bravo
  • C - Charlie
  • D - Delta
  • E - Echo
  • F - Foxtrot
  • G - Golf
  • H - Hotel
  • I - India
  • J - Juliet
  • K - Kilo
  • L - Lima
  • M - Mike
  • N - November
  • O - Oscar
  • P - Papa
  • Q - Quebec
  • R - Romeo
  • S - Sierra
  • T - Tango
  • U - Uniform
  • V - Victor
  • W - Whiskey
  • X - X-ray
  • Y - Yankee
  • Z - Zulu
  • Hyphen - Dash
  • Decimal Point - Decimal
  • Full Stop - Stop
  • 0 - Zero
  • 1 - One
  • 2 - Two
  • 3 - Three
  • 4 - Four
  • 5 - Five
  • 6 - Six
  • 7 - Seven
  • 8 - Eight
  • 9 - Nine
Some other terms commonly used are: 'Mayday' (emergency), 'roger' (message acknowledged), and 'telegraphese' (with functions words like the, a/an, and is/are).

It is not only used in the military, but also in quite a few telephone based jobs and other jobs where clear communication is necessary. 

Military alphabets before 1956

Royal Navy: Apples, Butter, Charlie, Duff, Edward, Freddy, George, Harry, Ink, Johnnie, King, London, Monkey, Nuts, Orange, Pudding, Queenie, Robert, Sugar, Tommy, Uncle, Vinegar, Willie, Xerxes, Yellow, Zebra.

Royal Air Force: Ace, Beer, Charlie, Don, Edward, Freddie, George, Harry, Ink, Johnnie, King, London, Monkey, Nuts, Orange, Pip, Queen, Robert, Sugar, Toc, Uncle, Vic, William, X-ray, Yorker, Zebra. 1924 - 1942

Able/Affirm, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Item/Interrogatory, Jig/Johnny, King, Love, Mike, Nab/Negat, Oboe, Peter/Prep, Queen, Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle,Victor, William, X-ray, Yoke, Zebra. 1943 - 1956

U.S Phonetic Alphabet: Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Item, Jig, King, Love, Mike, Nan, Oboe, Peter, Queen, Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle,Victor, William, X-ray, Yoke, Zebra.

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