Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

How to stop Complaining

Complaining is an extremely common thing among people and is done often on a daily basis, knowingly or/and unknowingly.

I think the reason why complaining is so common is because it's just so easy to do, and with the majority of people doing it, it can be hard not to sometimes.

Some psychological studies show that complaining gives us a sort of mental high-ground, making us feel superior to what we're complaining about. 

Pride and ego can really be a stumbling block for many, in that, when something goes wrong, we find it so much easier to blame someone else for what we did, complaining about them makes us feel like it's not our fault.

Negativity bombards our thoughts regularly, tainting them and mutating them to complacent thoughts, which then becomes what we think, which then becomes what we say, which then becomes what we do, which then becomes who we are. Not good.

1. Try to remain quiet 

I'm not meaning all the time, but when a complaint or negative thought comes to mind that you feel you have to share with everyone, try as best as you can to keep your mouth closed and not say a word. A few minutes on and it will have passed.

Also while you're quiet, try to listen carefully to what it sounds like when other people complain, saying to yourself: "Do I want to be known as someone who complains all the time?"

2. Be content 

As hard as this can be (especially when others around you have more than you do), being content can ward off many chances to complain. 

If you think carefully about how many complaints come from discontent, it's quite a lot. For example: Discontent with work, with money, with where you live, with what you've got etc.

3. Put yourself in someone else's shoes 

Think of all the people who aren't as fortunate as you and don't have the luxury of warmth, food, water, and work. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be a humbling reality in which so many unfortunate people have to live with.

4. Always look for the positive 

In everything you do and think of, think positively. When it rains, be glad that plants are getting what they need; when it is really hot, think how nice the weather is; when someone accidentally pours coke over your computer, think how badly they must feel.

Doing things like this can make a surprising amount of difference to the way you think.

5. Fresh air 

Take a break and go and get some fresh air. This is a very simple and very effective thing to do. It allows your mind to breathe and rest, and allows you to reflect on the day you've been having so far and what you could've done differently that could have been better.

Quite often after some fresh air, it helps you to think a bit more logically.

6. Think about your effect on others 

When we complain, we have an effect on others (like with all things), and that effect we have (when complaining) is always negative.

Complaining brings down the mood and can be an annoyance for others.

Have you ever thought that people around you actually don't want to be around you because of how much you complain, and that they're starting to (if not already) dislike your company.

7. Stick to what you know 

Don't go off of gossip or rumours (however reliable your source is) for your next complaint-rush, if you don't know the facts about what really happened - don't complain about it.

8. Try to avoid complainers 

This is easier said than done. By having close interactions with people who complain a lot, you're going to find it difficult to remain non-complacent however hard you try. 

The best move is to try and stay clear of those people. If you're unable to or don't want to do this, try to find a way to encourage them not to complain either. 

Constructive criticism can be helpful and so can explaining that you don't know the whole story (point 7). Although maybe they're complain about you then. :)

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