Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Pasture Ads

One of the things we pride ourselves on at RHD is originality, creativity, and making sure that each and every project we do gets our fullest attention. As we were finally getting around to looking through some of the August show publications, we started noticing that many of the ads looked the same. Generic pasture shot background. Same old fonts. Same old style. Now of course, we'll give it to various designers that since most all of the sale ads in the show publications are for "Pasture Sales" the easiest and quickest ad design to do is to throw together an ad background with...guess what....a PASTURE.

So, we did a little informal survey here. We gathered up the August issue of every different show-oriented publication that we have here at the RHD office. Then we went through and quickly made a rough count of how many ads looked the same by using a stock photo pasture picture background. Guess how many ads we found that used a stock photo pasture background.....122.

You know what I'm talking about, the colorful, pretty pasture scenes. And don't get me wrong, the reason I have these to upload is because I've used them in ads we've created before. The stock photo above was actually a cover shot from a Lautner Farms catalog 3 or 4 years ago. I'm not saying to NEVER use a pasture scene background.  I just wouldn't want to use it 122 times in one month.

We realize that when you hire RHD, you do pay a premium. During tough economic times it's easy to say, oh, I can't afford the extra $50 to $150 to hire RHD to do my ad for me, when I can get it free.  And we can totally relate to that. One thing to consider is that even though you may pay $50 to $150 for the ad design, you do get a lot of extra perks too. For example, you get access to our email list and email blasts at a discounted rate. You also get mentions and uploads on our blog, our facebook page, and our twitter account.

But for reasons just like we've described here, it's worth paying a little extra to have a professional designer that's going to devote their full attention to YOUR ad. We can guarantee when you hire RHD, your ad will have a unique, original look. And, there's no chance in the world that you'll be one of the 122 people who have a generic old pasture shot as your background.

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