Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

14 ways to remain committed

What is Commitment

Commitment is a life skill that we will all have to use at some point. Whether that's through: Parenting; studying; playing an instrument; religion; in a relationship; exercise etc...Commitment is vital. 

So when you commit to something, you make a pledge to remain obligated to that chosen activity.
As Tom Robbins said "Stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach".

1. Persistence is the key. 

In whatever you do, remaining relentless in persistence is the key to beating any task. Don't take into account how you feel, just focus on the desired end result.

2. Have a routine. 

Commitment comes from hard work and self-discipline, being flexible in the way you go about commitment is important. If you just can't handle the amount of things you have to do, build yourself into a routine - a schedule can help immensely.

3. Time-boxing. 

Like with boosting your productivity, time-boxing can help with commitment. Allocate a certain amount of time for a job (for example: an hour) and try to get as much done in that time as you possibly can.

You'll probably find that once your time period is over, you'll be in the mindset of wanting to get more done - helping to increase your commitment and productivity levels on the way!

4. Find someone to help you. 

Finding someone who is willing to help you can be very beneficial commitment-wise. First off, you'll get the job done in half the time (with the right attitude) and will help in building a social relationship with that person or those people. 

Secondly, you'll have the encouragement to continue the job, not wanting to let the other person/people down. This is a great thing to do when first trying to build commitment.

For example: a few years ago, me and my friend was on a walk with a large group of people. The footpath that we was on was roughly four miles in length and was relatively flat. So we thought it would be a good idea to run it (don't know what came over us).

While running, I found that my body was really trying to get me to stop and take a rest due to the fatigue and exhaustion I was feeling, but my mind was willing me to keep running because of my friend. 

We did manage to complete it without stopping and a year later while talking about it, he said the the only reason he continued, was because I continued. I also told him that the same was true vice-versa.
This is an example of how effective this technique can be.

5. Failure feels awful. 

Whenever we fail at something, we can't honestly say that it's the best feeling in the world. Remember this when working at a task, not wanting to feel that feeling. 

6. Think of others. 

Try to think of other people you know, or have heard and read about, that display (ed) active levels of commitment on a day-to-day basis. Relating to other people who have been in harder situations than the one you're in now, can really assist with your dedication to the job at hand.

7. Do something for others. 

Being helpful and kind is a really brilliant thing to do. Doing something for someone else's benefit and not yours, will aid in your level of determination to finish the project to a high standard. 

8. Don't think negatively. 

In whatever circumstance you're faced with, do not think negative thoughts! These thoughts will only drag you down, seriously hindering progress and can cause you to give up all together.

9. Refresh. 

Allow yourself small periods of time to enjoy a break, gather your thoughts and replenish your energy.

10. Encouraging quotes. 

I find that placing an encouraging quote on my wall, by my computer or next to where I work, with access to read them a helpful and subsidizing thing to do.
"If you only do what you know you can do - you never do very much"~Tom Krause.

11. Learn from your mistakes. 

Instead of giving up when you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. This is the best way to grow in your ability to do something, and with it comes commitment. 

12. Don't be intimidated by possible obstacles. 

With any task we do, there will be some sort of wall or barrier we have to face. If we always had this attitude, we would never get anything done. So don't put it off because of these hold-backs, just face them head on.

13. Consider how lucky you are.

Consider your fortune to be able to do these small and large tasks, a lot of the world are much worse off and don't have any of the providence or privileges that we do.

14. Have a nice workplace. 

Having a nice workplace where you feel comfortable  and relaxed in, will help in positiveness, concentration, productivity, and commitment towards any given goal. 

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