Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

How to Relax Before Bed.

Do you find when going to bed, you just can't get to sleep?, You've got too much on your mind, are conscious of the time because you have to get up early in the morning, and are no where near the point or relaxation?

If so, you're not alone (phew). This is the case for many people around the globe and was for me at a younger age. Relaxing before going to bed can help you go to sleep sooner and let you have a better nights rest.

Here are things you can do before going to bed to help calm yourself down and feel relaxed:

1. Switch off  

This is a common thing people don't do before going to bed. Instead they'll work right up until the point of bed before drawing the day to a close, not giving themselves the chance to unwind before sleep.(I've been guilty of this). This isn't a recommended thing to do, as you'll more than likely still be thinking about the day that just finished a couple of minutes ago for you. 

Try to allow yourself an hour to calm down from the day you've just experienced, distancing yourself from stress. (I know that not everyone will be able to do this with their current situation). If you are in a situation where you can do this, I urge you to because this will really help before you lie your head on the pillow for the night.

2.  Have a bath  

Having a bath is a common thing that comes to mind when thinking of ways to relax. Why having a bath to help us relax is a bit of a mystery, there are some known possible reasons why this is: It reduces your level of adrenaline and Cortisone; partially releases you from gravity, reducing tension in muscles and joints; improves blood circulation.

3. Reading  

Reading requires you to think and construct meaning as you turn the pages of the book, taking your mind away from other things and helping you to relax. 

4. Writing a plan  

Writing a plan or a list of things you want to achieve in the next day is a very simple, but an also very useful thing to do. 

The logic behind this is that you won't have to worry about remembering the jobs of tomorrow. It gives you a defined guidance for the day, helping you get into a structured routine.This can help lower your productivity time.

5. Write down achievements

This is the opposite of point three and helps more for some people than for others. Writing a simple list of your daily achievements is a great stress reliever. Even writing down the mundane tasks you went  through, as a surprising amount of stress are caused by these. This helps your mind to relax and 'de-stress'  as you go through the list of completed tasks you've managed to do in the day

6. Bed times with regularity 

Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day is important for sleeping well. If you're a night owl or an early riser , having a routine will help your brain prepare you for sleep. 

7. Eating meals at set times 

It sounds weird and something that I kind of do, as I eat at roughly the same time each day, but eating at set times helps regulate leptin, ghrelin and other sleep related hormones.

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