Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

10 Benefits of Being an Early Riser.

Early rising for most people does not come naturally  and is something we have to work at. Becoming an early riser  is hard at first and even later on can be difficult maintaining, but there are many benefits that you can get out of sticking with it. 
These benefits include:

1. No Rushing! 

No rushing in the mornings any more as you're up in plenty of time, allowing yourself to get ready at your own leisurely pace.

2. Quietness 

The morning is the quietest part of the day and is a great time to relax, having the luxury of solitude and peace. Being alone and having time to yourself can be important as you can work things out in your own mind and with God, and plan your day ahead.

3. Sunrise 

This is a great event of the day which is missed by everyone who wakes up late (discounting winter). The vivid colours are beautiful and is an inspirational site to behold putting you into a good mindset. A must! (If you want to that is). 

4. Breakfast!  

Breakfast is a meal skipped by so many, because of the lack of time in the mornings. Breakfast is one of the most important meals and gives you energy for the day, there have been people faint on hot days through not having breakfast, having a healthy breakfast in the morning has even been linked to increased longevity, less chronic diseases and better health! 

Being up early means you can now actually enjoy breakfast instead of rushing out the door with some toast or just missing it altogether.

5. Productivity 

The morning is an excellent time to be productive when you know you have the extra time, generally for a lot of people this is the best time for concentration, allowing yourself to steam ahead with your jobs that need doing. If you get a big or horrible job done at this time you feel as though you have accomplished something and helps you keep a positive mental attitude. 

Exercise is another great thing to get you motivated for the day ahead and has its own benefits, for me this is in the form of taking the dog to the beach for 2+ hours, greatly boosting the amount of things I get done in the day due to the sense of achievement. This can also help you gain and develop self discipline, being able to put this to use in your day-to-day life. 

After spending this time being productive, you are feeling awake, alert and ahead of everyone else going into the rest of the day. 

6. Time gained 

The time gained can be huge when you look at it long term and daily when you think what extra things can get done, this could be for things you want to do (e.g. Hobbies and things important to you) or having a more flexible schedule to work with, its really up to you. 

Now say you were to start getting up at 5:00am every morning instead of your usual 8:00. The time gained per day would be 3 hours! Having a huge boost for productivity and morale. In a week of getting up at 5:00 you would have saved 21 hours, almost a whole day!  
Now if we expanded this to a year of getting up at 5:00 in the morning, it would be a total of.... 1095 hours saved! That's the equivalent of just over 45.5 whole days!! Imagine if you were used to getting up at 11:00 and you started to get up at 5:00....Whoa. 

7. Great start to the day 

Getting up early is great to kick start your day and gives you the feeling and sense of achievement completing one of your tasks already. I actually feel more awake for the day getting up at 5:00 rather than dragging myself out at 8:00-10:00 and still feeling tired, Like I mentioned in point number 5 you have more of a positive attitude towards the day. 

8. Better Nights sleep 

Now I have started getting up early in the mornings, I found that I could fall asleep when going to bed, with much more ease and almost always straight away. Normally this is 9:30-10:30 for me. 

If you've been productive in the day putting your time to good use, its a really nice feeling knowing that the extra time allows you to gain more control on the day. This can also help in reducing stress levels, being more relaxed.

9. Early appointments 

If you are a person who occasionally or quite often has early appointments, then this becomes a much easier thing to deal with. On a usual day you might have had to rush to get there in time just making it in time or maybe even missing it altogether, making it there now can be a breeze. 

You can schedule early appointments without the pressure and worry of possibly being late or forgetting something. If its a business appointment, you make a good impression by being punctual, and if its work where you can go in early, then you're able to get more done and maybe ( if allowed) you can leave that bit earlier. 

10. Travelling 

A great time to travel can be at this time when the roads are empty ,getting everywhere in half the time. This is normally the rare occasion for when going on holiday, but why limit it to that? Getting other things done early where you need to travel is a brilliant time saver. 

For example: Shopping, which can literally be a much more enjoyable experience.
I hope this helps you in your decision to get up early, or if you're already an early riser encourages you to continue.

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