Setelah beberapa lama menunggu masa akhir "hukuman" atas domain Co.Cc, kini sobat semua pengguna Co.Cc dapat bernafas lega karena Google telah melepas status banned pada Co.Cc.
Seperti yg kita ketahui, sekitar akhir Juni atau awal Juli 2011 lalu, domain serta semua web yg menginduk ke domain di-banned Google karena banyaknya kasus phising, malware, spam, dan scam yg dilakukan oleh web
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
Senin, 26 Desember 2011
Tutorial dasar Flash CS5
Dengan Pelatihan Total untuk Adobe CS5 flash Essentials Profesional Anda akan belajar bagaimana untuk membuat dan mengontrol animasi Anda sendiri flash dan lampu kilat disatukan website
Anda sendiri lengkap dengan animasi, suara dan video, tombol dan scripting untuk membuat semuanya bekerja. Kami meliputi tip dan trik animasi sehingga Anda akan cepat membuat animasi yang tidak hanya terlihat bagus tapi mudah untuk mengedit, update, dan digunakan kembali.
Lima Fitur Baru tercakup dalam judul ini:
1. Pelajari alat gambar baru
2. Jelajahi potongan kode untuk ActionScript
3. Bekerja dengan preset gerakan dan remaja
4. Memahami ruang kerja flash
5. Temukan bagaimana menggunakan panel editor yang gerak
Bab 01 - Dasar flash
Bab 02 - Menyiapkan Adegan flash
Bab 03 - Dasar Animasi
Bab 04 - Gerak T weens
Bab 05 - Klip Video Animasi & 3D
Bab 06 - Editor Gerak
Bab 07 - ActionScript & Interaktivitas
Bab 08 - Bekerja dengan Video
New link Download
Minggu, 25 Desember 2011
Cara Buat/Pasang Fitur Emoticon/Smiley di Comment Blogger
Emoticon/smiley dapat mewakili ekspresi komentator blog. Selain itu, emoticon/smiley dapat lebih mempercantik tampilan bagian komentar blog. Dengan menggunakan javascript, kita dapat melakukan hack untuk menambahkan fitur emoticon pada blog berplatform Blogger. Emoticon ini menggunakan basis perintah emoticon Yahoo! yg telah kondang itu. Misalnya, ketika ingin menampilkan gambar emoticon senyum
Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011
Pearl Mountain Picture CollageIt Pro
Kolase Ini - Membuat kolase foto dalam hitungan menit hanya dengan beberapa klik. CollageIt adalah mudah digunakan dan pembuat kolase otomatis, yang membuat kolase foto secara otomatis.
Hanya ada tiga langkah untuk membuat kolase menakjubkan Anda: menambahkan foto, parameter yang ditetapkan dan menghasilkan pratinjau kolase, menyimpan kolase sebagai format gambar, seperti BMP, JPEG, PNG, TGA, GIF dll
Menghasilkan kolase dengan cara otomatis; Klik "Hasilkan Preview" tombol, CollageIt akan membuat kolase foto secara otomatis sesuai dengan parameter foto ditambahkan dan tanpa penyetelan manual.
Mudah-Gunakan, cukup mudah bagi pengguna dari semua tingkat pengalaman untuk digunakan. Kolase yang cantik akan dilakukan oleh hanya beberapa klik mouse.
Hanya 3 langkah yang diperlukan; Hanya 3 langkah untuk membuat kolase: menambahkan foto-> parameter yang ditetapkan dan menghasilkan pratinjau-> save kolase sebagai file gambar.
Menyediakan fitur yang ditingkatkan dan fungsionalitas untuk menciptakan beragam jenis kolase; Dukungan menciptakan kolase dengan beberapa foto sampai 100 foto. "Auto rotasi mode" dan "modus Jarang" membuat kolase lebih bervariasi.
Pratinjau realtime, kecepatan super, Preview kolase akhir dalam satu detik.
Variabel parameter; Jumlah foto, foto ruang, bingkai foto, bayangan, margin halaman, modus auto rotasi, modus jarang, ukuran halaman dan setup latar belakang.
Simpan dan berbagi kolase; Simpan kolase dalam format gambar yang umum seperti bmp, jpeg, png, tga, tif dll untuk berbagi dengan teman dan keluarga.
SOftware ini supercapat untuk menggabungkan banyak foto dalam satu kanvas bahkan hingga ratusan foto.. patut di cobain nich sob.. dari pada menggunakan photoshop yg jika kita menggabungkan ratusan foto kayak gini caranya ribet banget harus di seting pada bath secara otomatis kemudian harus seting actionnya pula. mendingan kita gunakan software yang simpel ini..kalu kata GUSDUR gitu aja kok repot!!!! hehehehe... gimana kerenkan... cobain d..
Jumat, 23 Desember 2011
Software untuk membuat kartu nama
BusinessCards MX adalah desainer kartu bisnis yang sangat maju. BusinessCards MX memberikan Anda fleksibilitas untuk menghasilkan desain yg oke & kartu nama yang dinamis.
Sekarang Anda memiliki alat yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk merancang dan bahkan mencetak kartu bisnis Anda sendiri dalam waktu singkat. Antarmuka yang sederhana dan alat aplikasi fleksibel memungkinkan bahkan pengguna pemula untuk menguasai alat tanpa usaha keras.
Keuntungan lain dari program ini adalah dapat menyimpan data tentang perusahaan atau orang-orang sehingga dapat digunakan kemudian saat merancang kartu nama kembali. Program ini menggunakan template yang Anda punya sendiri(gambar anda), atau Anda dapat menggunakan model siap yaitu template kartu nama yang uda si siapkan di dalamnya.
Kamis, 22 Desember 2011
Tips Mengatasi Redirect Ripway.Com Saat Login (Blogger, Facebook, dll)
Kasus redirect ke tidak hanya dialami ketika pengunjung masuk suatu blog/web yg widget-nya telah terinfeksi script redirect saja. Pada level di atasnya, redirect terjadi karena computer telah disusupi trojan pembawa malware yg menginfeksi HOSTS & setting DNS komputer tersebut. Hasilnya, setiap user masuk/login ke suatu situs (blogger, facebook, dll) atau ingin mencari di search
Benefits of Flexibility
Not being able to do things that you used to do because of flexibility and joint restriction can be frustrating.
For example: During primary and middle school, it was common to sit cross-legged on the floor during assemblies. When I reached high school, we no longer had to sit on the floor, but were allowed to sit on chairs. So for three years I didn't sit cross legged at all, and ever since then I've found it hard to sit cross-legged for more than a couple of minutes.
With stretches that help maintain flexibility, things like my example above (and much more serious ones) could be prevented. (I now can sit cross-legged for a lot longer now since stretching my legs) :)
I've started doing some stretches to help improve flexibility recently, having quite a weak back myself because of various circumstances, and so I thought I would make a list of the benefits for doing so.
1. Improved posture
For example: During primary and middle school, it was common to sit cross-legged on the floor during assemblies. When I reached high school, we no longer had to sit on the floor, but were allowed to sit on chairs. So for three years I didn't sit cross legged at all, and ever since then I've found it hard to sit cross-legged for more than a couple of minutes.
With stretches that help maintain flexibility, things like my example above (and much more serious ones) could be prevented. (I now can sit cross-legged for a lot longer now since stretching my legs) :)
I've started doing some stretches to help improve flexibility recently, having quite a weak back myself because of various circumstances, and so I thought I would make a list of the benefits for doing so.
1. Improved posture
Doing regular stretching causes your body to gain better muscular balance and posture.
Weight and gravity, and/or poor postural habits, mean that your soft tissue structures have adopted poor effects. Stretching can help realign soft tissue structures making it easier to regain good posture.
2. Improved blood circulation
Stretching increases blood flow to joints, this is done by increasing the tissue temperature (through stretching) and that then in turn increases blood circulation.
Stretching increases blood flow to joints, this is done by increasing the tissue temperature (through stretching) and that then in turn increases blood circulation.
Your joints will have an increase in the transport of nutrients to them as joint synovial fluid (lubricating fluid) will see an increase in production.
You will also have a reduction of joint degeneration.
3. Relieves muscle and joint pain
A well structured stretching programme can help to reduce pain and soreness from muscles and joints.
A well structured stretching programme can help to reduce pain and soreness from muscles and joints.
Static and slow exercises are good for this, being held for 20-35 seconds. (Although I normally try to hold a stretch for at least a minute).
4. Reduction in risk of lower back pain
Muscular relaxation is promoted through stretching and a reduction in accumulated toxins, and a lower chance of lower back pain.
Muscular relaxation is promoted through stretching and a reduction in accumulated toxins, and a lower chance of lower back pain.
Stretching muscles attached to the pelvis (e.g.: hamstrings, quadriceps etc,) reduces stress in your lower back.
5. Reduction of injury risk
Stretching the correct way improves physical health and decreases the resistance of tissue structure. Whilst being physically active and you exceed your tissue maximum extensibility, you'll have a lower chance of injury as your tissues and muscles are used to the stretching of them.
Stretching the correct way improves physical health and decreases the resistance of tissue structure. Whilst being physically active and you exceed your tissue maximum extensibility, you'll have a lower chance of injury as your tissues and muscles are used to the stretching of them.
A better range of motion can be obtained also, with less energy used to do so.
6. Better muscle coordination
Nerve impulse velocity (the time it takes for an impulse to reach the brain) sees an improvement by the regular action of stretching, in turn helping opposing muscle groups to work in a more coordinated, synergistic fashion.
Nerve impulse velocity (the time it takes for an impulse to reach the brain) sees an improvement by the regular action of stretching, in turn helping opposing muscle groups to work in a more coordinated, synergistic fashion.
7. Improves strength and balance
Some types of yoga stretches (ashtanga and power yoga (which is more vigorous than others)) can help to increase muscle tone.
Some types of yoga stretches (ashtanga and power yoga (which is more vigorous than others)) can help to increase muscle tone.
Stretches that involve less movement but involve more precision of alignment, can help strength and endurance benefits.
As your body becomes more accustomed to different stretches and poses, balance will naturally come as muscles and tissues are used more regularly.
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
Sweet Home 3D v3.4 Portable
Sweet Home 3D v3.4 Portable
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Project reminders
Just a reminder to everyone that the first part of the year is always extremely busy for those of us in the livestock business. We are now booking projects that are due January 10 and after. If you anticipate needing ads for February, March or April publications, please let us know so that we can put your project into our production schedule.
Also we are currently operating on a 5 week waiting list for new websites, so again if you anticipate needing a website this spring, please go ahead and schedule the project now to assure we have time to do your project.
I always tell my cattle wouldn't wait until 10 minutes before the show to clip your calf. We need just as much planning to do a good job on your ad as you would to prepare your most prized animal for the show. Please keep these deadlines in mind and email or to get your projects on our books for 2012.
Also we are currently operating on a 5 week waiting list for new websites, so again if you anticipate needing a website this spring, please go ahead and schedule the project now to assure we have time to do your project.
I always tell my cattle wouldn't wait until 10 minutes before the show to clip your calf. We need just as much planning to do a good job on your ad as you would to prepare your most prized animal for the show. Please keep these deadlines in mind and email or to get your projects on our books for 2012.
Senin, 19 Desember 2011
10 Huge Dog Breeds
Some dogs are tiny, whilst others are huge. I've decided to put together a list of 10 huge dog breeds and have included photos.
This isn't an official 'top 10' list as there are lots of really big dogs, however these are some that are at the top end of the list.
This isn't an official 'top 10' list as there are lots of really big dogs, however these are some that are at the top end of the list.
The ordering of the dogs isn't an indication of size.
1. Anatolian Shepard
The Anatolian Shepherd (also known as the Karabash) is a muscular breed of dog with thick necks, broad heads and sturdy bodies.
Originating in Anotolia (central Turkey), the Anatolian Shepherd is used for guarding flocks of sheep, being able to stand up against wolves, horses, and surprisingly lions.
They have excellent hearing and sight, with outstanding strength.
According to Turkish shepherds, a pack of 3 Anatolian Shepherd is sufficient to fight off a pack of wolves with the ability to injure a couple.
Males stand at 26-31 inches and females at 27-30 inches. They weigh in the region of 90-150 lbs (41-68kg), males being on the larger side and females on the smaller.
2. Great Dane
Copyright De la Vallée des Eolienne breeding
The Great Dane (also known as the German Mastiff or Danish hound) is one of the tallest breeds of dog, recognized by many for its large size.
Males stand at 30-34 inches, females at 28-32 inches.
The tallest dog on record is held by a blue Great Dane named 'Giant George' who stands at an impressive 43 inches (110cm) at the shoulder!
Males weigh 120 lbs (54kg) upwards, females at 100 lbs (45kg) and upwards.
3. Irish Wolfhound
Credit to SheilaKane
The Irish Wolfhound is a sighthound (which use speed and sight primarily for hunting instead of endurance and scent).
They have very flexible backs and long legs, which they need for capturing fast, agile prey such as deer and hare.
They have very efficient lungs for sprinting and large hearts.
Irish Wolfhounds stand at 28-35 inches, males being the upper half and the females the lower.
They weigh in at around 90-150 lbs (40-68kg), males being the upper side and the females on the lower.
They have very flexible backs and long legs, which they need for capturing fast, agile prey such as deer and hare.
They have very efficient lungs for sprinting and large hearts.
Irish Wolfhounds stand at 28-35 inches, males being the upper half and the females the lower.
They weigh in at around 90-150 lbs (40-68kg), males being the upper side and the females on the lower.
4. English Mastiff
The English mastiff is an extremely powerful breed of dog, with an enormous head and a huge robust body. Noted for its gentle temperament the mastiff has seen an increase in popularity since the 80's.
It is the largest dog breed in mass out of any other dog. A typical male can weigh anywhere from 150-250 lbs(68-110kg), and females at 120-200 lbs (54-91kg). The standard height for males are 30 inches (76cm), and for females 27.5 (70cm) inches for females.
Despite the fact that Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds can be taller, many consider the English Mastiff to be the largest of all dog breeds because of its sheer body mass, and still very respectable height.
It is the largest dog breed in mass out of any other dog. A typical male can weigh anywhere from 150-250 lbs(68-110kg), and females at 120-200 lbs (54-91kg). The standard height for males are 30 inches (76cm), and for females 27.5 (70cm) inches for females.
Despite the fact that Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds can be taller, many consider the English Mastiff to be the largest of all dog breeds because of its sheer body mass, and still very respectable height.
5. St Bernard
The St Bernard is a very big working dog from the Swiss and Italian Alps that is well known for it's popularity for mountain rescue.
It stands anywhere between 25.5-28 inches (61-71cm), and weighs 110-200 lbs (50-91kg).
The most famous St Bernard to have lived was a dog named Barry, with reports indicating that he saved 40-100 lives.
6. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
The Greater Swiss Mountain dog (also known as Swiss cattle dogs) are originally from the Swiss Alps. There are four breeds of this dog, the Greater Swiss Mountain dog being the largest of the four.
They stand at 23.5-28.5 inches (60-72cm), and weigh around 130-135 lbs (59-61kg).
In the past they have been used as livestock guardian dogs, guard dogs, herding dogs and even dogs that pull small carts.
7. Neapolitan Mastiff
Credit to Iscribbly
Neapolitan Mastiff's (also known as the Italian Mastiff) is a large breed of dog often used as guarding dogs because of their protective instincts.
They are seen as 'fearless' and rarely let their presence be known to intruders, as they prefer to sneak up on them.
Males stand at 26-31 inches (66-79cm), and females at 24-29 inches (61-75cm). The males weigh in at 130-155 lbs (60-70kg), and females at 110-130 lbs (50-60kg).
They are very intelligent dogs with a streak of independence.
They are very tolerant of pain due to the breed's early fighting background and the fact the skin is loose on the body, so it may be hard to know if anything is wrong with it. Routinely check-ups are recommended.
The record for the largest litter of puppies is held by a Neapolitan Mastiff which gave birth to 24 puppies!
They are seen as 'fearless' and rarely let their presence be known to intruders, as they prefer to sneak up on them.
Males stand at 26-31 inches (66-79cm), and females at 24-29 inches (61-75cm). The males weigh in at 130-155 lbs (60-70kg), and females at 110-130 lbs (50-60kg).
They are very intelligent dogs with a streak of independence.
They are very tolerant of pain due to the breed's early fighting background and the fact the skin is loose on the body, so it may be hard to know if anything is wrong with it. Routinely check-ups are recommended.
The record for the largest litter of puppies is held by a Neapolitan Mastiff which gave birth to 24 puppies!
8. Newfoundland
The Newfoundland is a breed of large dog bred for fishermen as working dogs. They are recognized for their strength, size, even temperament and loyalty.
They excel at water rescue work and so are popular among lifeguards on beaches. In fact I once saw a video of a man vs Newfoundland to see who could rescue a person out in the sea the quickest.... the Newfoundland won. (The man was a strong swimmer as-well).
They stand at 27-29 inches (69-74cm) for males, while females stand at 25-27 inches (63-69cm).
Males weigh 130-150 lbs (60-70kg), females at 100-120 lbs (45-55kg). The largest ever recorded Newfoundland weighed 260 lbs (120kg).
They excel at water rescue work and so are popular among lifeguards on beaches. In fact I once saw a video of a man vs Newfoundland to see who could rescue a person out in the sea the quickest.... the Newfoundland won. (The man was a strong swimmer as-well).
They stand at 27-29 inches (69-74cm) for males, while females stand at 25-27 inches (63-69cm).
Males weigh 130-150 lbs (60-70kg), females at 100-120 lbs (45-55kg). The largest ever recorded Newfoundland weighed 260 lbs (120kg).
9. Pyrenean Mountain Dog
The Pyrenean Mountain dog (also known as the Great Pyranees) is a large breed of dog used for livestock guarding.
Males grow to weigh at 110-120 lbs (50-54kg) and females at 80-90 lbs (36-41kg). Males stand at 27-32 inches (69-81cm) and females at 25-29 inches (63-74cm).
Males grow to weigh at 110-120 lbs (50-54kg) and females at 80-90 lbs (36-41kg). Males stand at 27-32 inches (69-81cm) and females at 25-29 inches (63-74cm).
10. Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Mastiffs are known for their guarding use, used for guarding livestock, properties, villages and the like. Normally in historical guarding, they would be tied to a rope outside a house as to deter intruders. In nomad camps and villages however, they are allowed to run loose at night.
In Mandarin Chinese, the name is (Zang'Ao), which means 'Tibetan Mastiff' or 'Tibetan "big ferocious dog"'.
The normal height for the breed is 25-28 inches (61-72cm), but males can be known to reach 31 inches and above. The typical weight for a Tibetan Mastiff is 140-180 lbs (64-82kg).
I don't claim ownership or credit for the pictures, all credit is reserved for the original owners. No copyright intended, if you have an issue with a picture that is present, then please contact me.
Kasus Blogger di-Redirect ke & Solusi Mengatasinya
Sejak dua hari ini kasus url blogger diredirect ke semakin merebak. Dari pantauan saya sebagai kontributor di forum Blogger Help dan GTJ, ada banyak sekali laporan-laporan serta permasalahan blog yg diredirect ke Hmmm? Ada apa gerangan?
Karena banyaknya kasus tersebut serta karena akan sangat melelahkan jika harus menuliskan satu per satu solusinya pada masing-masing thread
Karena banyaknya kasus tersebut serta karena akan sangat melelahkan jika harus menuliskan satu per satu solusinya pada masing-masing thread
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
Juara CorelDRAW® International Design Contest
Category : General Illustration & Fine Art
Juara 1
Aleksey Oglushevich
Juara 2
Michal Milkowski
Juara 3
Yu-Chi Lin
Eder de Nale
Juara 3
Felipe Cortes
Juara 2
Ankit Dembla
Juara 3
Camilo A. Rodriguez Salinas
Juara 1
Aleksey Oglushevich
Juara 2
Michal Milkowski
Juara 3
Yu-Chi Lin
Category : Vehicle Wraps
Juara 1
Arief RachmanIndonesia
Juara 2
Eder de Nale
Juara 3
Felipe Cortes
Category : Academic
Juara 1
Fong-Chow ChiangTaiwan
Juara 2
Ankit Dembla
Camilo A. Rodriguez Salinas
Gimana sob menurut pendapat kalian mengenai juara kontes corelDraw ini?? Pastinya oke banget yah...hehehe... semoga ini bisa menginspirasi buat kita semua khususnya buat orang indonesia, yang bisa memenangkan Category : Vehicle Wraps,.. Gw sangat-sangat kagum sama brother kita Arief Rachman yang mendapatkan juara sehingga bisa mengharumkan bangsa kita.. "Garuda Di Dadaku"
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011
Cara Menghubungkan (Auto Post) Google+ ke Twitter & Facebook
Setelah banyaknya penggunaan aplikasi update status otomatis dari Facebook ke Twitter maupun Tweet Twitter ke Facebook, banyak yg menanyakan tentang auto post dari & ke Google Plus (G+). Sayangnya, sampai saat artikel ini ditulis, Google belum share API Google+ sehingga para developer belum dapat mengembangkan aplikasi untuk menghubungkan atau melakukan autopost dari Google+ ke social media lain
How to Enforce a New Habit
Choosing and enforcing new habits can be really easy and really hard at the same time. Easy in the choosing of the new habit, hard in the enforcing of it.
Here is a list of simple tricks and tips you can use to make your new habits stick.
1. Do it Daily
When enforcing a new habit, doing it daily is a great way of making it stick. It's also one of the easier ways to help new habits stick, rather than doing it only two or three days a week and forgetting about it.
2. Consistency
It's no good trying to change an old or existing habit or form a new one if you're not going to be consistent in your tackling of it.
Scholars, athletes, musicians and the like, have all had to be consistent in their fields to find success. It really goes along with point number 1, that being a way in which you can remain consistent.
3. Select a period of time
When deciding what new habit you're going to enforce in your life, also decide how long you're going to practice it for (daily). For example ten days, twenty days, thirty days etc.
For a new habit to stick, normally I would give a guideline of about a month or so, of course this is only a guideline.
If you manage to enforce a new habit in less than a month - great, if it takes longer than a month - don't worry.
Although if it's a habit that you need to change ASAP, then of course the sooner the better.
4. Use a Calender
Calenders are a great way of reminding yourself to do something, but not only that you can keep track of how you're doing.
I recommend a grid calender, and plotting out each of your days. Then as you do this new habit each day, you can cross them off to let you know how you're doing.
5. Reminders
If you don't fancy using a calender or would prefer to use another method as-well as or instead of, then placing reminders is the way for you.
Write out a handful of reminders and allocate them to places you know you'll notice them, e.g: on your computer, on your bedroom door, on your car steering wheel, on your shoes, etc.
Wherever you choose to place them, as long as you know you'll notice them then you can have no fear in forgetting about your new conquest. Just don't forget to put out the reminders, maybe you should make yourself some reminders to remind you to lay out some reminders. :)
6. Know why you're doing it
Knowing the benefits of you're new habits will be brilliant for motivating yourself to keep it up. For example I'm trying to become more flexible to try and prevent joint and muscle problems when I'm older. I also have quite a weak back with being quite tall, so I thought why not?
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Plugin Photoshop Untuk Fotografi
Bagi anda seorang yang menyukai berbagai effect Photographic Profesional hadir pada setiap koleksi foto anda gw saranin untuk mencoba plugin Photoshop yang ini.
. bagi gw sendiri plugin ini sangat-sangat membantu untuk mempercantik foto-foto dengan berbagai effect photographic sehingga fotonya akan lebih baik lagi di bandingkan dengan foto aslinya... jika anda tertarik untuk mencobanya silahkan langsung di sedot aja...hehehehe...
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
December Video Blog
Here's an update of what's going on at RHD.... P.S. I know I look awful in this video, it was a freezing cold day here and the video was taken at the V8 bull pens. :)
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011
Denver Jumbotron and Show Broadcast
Today we're offering a little shout out to our friends at Cattle In Motion and letting our clients (and friends) know about some advertising opportunities during the Denver stock show.
Cattle in Motion will be the official show broadcaster to cover all of the shows live on the Internet. I'm not all up on the details but I believe it is shows, sales, everything. They are offering some wonderful opportunities to get lots of exposure during this big event.
Their first opportunity is banner advertising during the live show broadcasts. They offer a choice of advertising for just specific breeds (i.e. if you're a Charolais breeder, you can buy banner ads only during the Charolais show), or a special price for the whole show.
I have worked with CIM on things like this several times this year. When they broadcast Brahman Junior Nationals I purchased an ad for V8 and for RHD and we got a lot of hits from people clicking on the banner ads while they were watching the show. We got so much exposure, in fact, I made a special deal with CIM for them to do an exclusive show broadcast of another big Brahman show in the summer and offer the banner advertising only to my clients, as a special thanks to the Brahman people who do business with RHD. That also had a great response and people got alot of hits on their sites.
Now the second option is pretty cool too....way cool actually. You know the jumbotron in the yards....well they are also offering ads on that. These ads will be like video type ads and also will play on the jumbotron, at a few of the bars on the grounds and at tv screens throughout the facility. Sign me up for one of those too Tim! :)
So, while this isn't really anything to do with RHD, we did think it is an amazing opportunity to advertise at a great price for the exposure. If you might be interested you can email
Cattle in Motion will be the official show broadcaster to cover all of the shows live on the Internet. I'm not all up on the details but I believe it is shows, sales, everything. They are offering some wonderful opportunities to get lots of exposure during this big event.
Their first opportunity is banner advertising during the live show broadcasts. They offer a choice of advertising for just specific breeds (i.e. if you're a Charolais breeder, you can buy banner ads only during the Charolais show), or a special price for the whole show.
I have worked with CIM on things like this several times this year. When they broadcast Brahman Junior Nationals I purchased an ad for V8 and for RHD and we got a lot of hits from people clicking on the banner ads while they were watching the show. We got so much exposure, in fact, I made a special deal with CIM for them to do an exclusive show broadcast of another big Brahman show in the summer and offer the banner advertising only to my clients, as a special thanks to the Brahman people who do business with RHD. That also had a great response and people got alot of hits on their sites.
Now the second option is pretty cool too....way cool actually. You know the jumbotron in the yards....well they are also offering ads on that. These ads will be like video type ads and also will play on the jumbotron, at a few of the bars on the grounds and at tv screens throughout the facility. Sign me up for one of those too Tim! :)
So, while this isn't really anything to do with RHD, we did think it is an amazing opportunity to advertise at a great price for the exposure. If you might be interested you can email
What is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?
The NATO phonetic alphabet (more precisely known as the NATO spelling alphabet and also the ICAO phonetic, or spelling alphabet) is an alphabet created by the International Civil Aviation Organisation for perception of voice messages when dealing with letters.
It is the most widely used spelling alphabet. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) assigned a words to letters and digits, so as when perceiving voice messages by radio or telephone, pronunciation could be understood regardless of the individuals native language.
NATO Alphabet
- A - Alfa
- B - Bravo
- C - Charlie
- D - Delta
- E - Echo
- F - Foxtrot
- G - Golf
- H - Hotel
- I - India
- J - Juliet
- K - Kilo
- L - Lima
- M - Mike
- N - November
- O - Oscar
- P - Papa
- Q - Quebec
- R - Romeo
- S - Sierra
- T - Tango
- U - Uniform
- V - Victor
- W - Whiskey
- X - X-ray
- Y - Yankee
- Z - Zulu
- Hyphen - Dash
- Decimal Point - Decimal
- Full Stop - Stop
- 0 - Zero
- 1 - One
- 2 - Two
- 3 - Three
- 4 - Four
- 5 - Five
- 6 - Six
- 7 - Seven
- 8 - Eight
- 9 - Nine
Some other terms commonly used are: 'Mayday' (emergency), 'roger' (message acknowledged), and 'telegraphese' (with functions words like the, a/an, and is/are).
It is not only used in the military, but also in quite a few telephone based jobs and other jobs where clear communication is necessary.
Military alphabets before 1956
Royal Navy: Apples, Butter, Charlie, Duff, Edward, Freddy, George, Harry, Ink, Johnnie, King, London, Monkey, Nuts, Orange, Pudding, Queenie, Robert, Sugar, Tommy, Uncle, Vinegar, Willie, Xerxes, Yellow, Zebra.
Royal Air Force: Ace, Beer, Charlie, Don, Edward, Freddie, George, Harry, Ink, Johnnie, King, London, Monkey, Nuts, Orange, Pip, Queen, Robert, Sugar, Toc, Uncle, Vic, William, X-ray, Yorker, Zebra. 1924 - 1942
Able/Affirm, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Item/Interrogatory, Jig/Johnny, King, Love, Mike, Nab/Negat, Oboe, Peter/Prep, Queen, Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle,Victor, William, X-ray, Yoke, Zebra. 1943 - 1956
U.S Phonetic Alphabet: Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Item, Jig, King, Love, Mike, Nan, Oboe, Peter, Queen, Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle,Victor, William, X-ray, Yoke, Zebra.
Selasa, 13 Desember 2011
Livestock Merchandising Kindle Book
Livestock Merchandising, my new book, is now available as a kindle book! How exciting to be on Amazon!
If you're a techhy person with an iPad or Kindle, you can download the book now. You can also get a good preview of the book on Amazon too and download a sample.
If you're a techhy person with an iPad or Kindle, you can download the book now. You can also get a good preview of the book on Amazon too and download a sample.
Blogger Error bX-l4u1mh (Galat Blogger) & Solusi Sementara
Quick news & tips. Semakin banyak informasi serta keluhan mengenai galat bX-l4u1mh pada Blogger. Kemarin problem ini muncul & saya pun sempat mengeceknya melalui browser lain, karena saya menggunakan Chrome serta tidak menemui galat bX-l4u1mh tersebut. Ternyata memang benar, ada informasi berikut pada bagian design:Maafkan kami, tapi kami tidak dapat menyelesaikan
Senin, 12 Desember 2011
New RHD site: San Pedro Ranch
San Pedro Ranch is located in Dimmitt County 30 miles South of Carrizo Springs, Texas. Five different soil types support a variety of wildlife, high-protein shrubs, forbs, and native grasses. The ranch is low fence and offers fair chase hunting opportunities in the winter for trophy and management bucks. The most scientific, state of the art wildlife management practices have given the San Pedro an outstanding reputation for producing some of the highest quality trophy deer in Texas as measured by Booneand Crocket Club.
Visit the San Pedro Ranch, and you will see approximately 300 head of hardy, gentle, registered Beefmaster cattle, genetically selected to thrive in a brittle, sometimes harsh, environment. Their own San Pedro Beefmaster bulls reflect such distinguished lineage as LBar 5502, Ranger's Pride, Casey, and Nolan Ryan bloodlines. Their heifers descend from cows who have consistently weaned a calf every year – even in difficult drought conditions.
Humane, ethical treatment of animals and conscientious care of the environment is a natural part of their lives at the San Pedro. Consequently, it was a seamless and logical decision to market our calves through the Grass-fed Livestock Alliance. Because they have selected so heavily for hearty, efficient cattle, their grass fed calves show favorable conversion ratios, high yields, and excellent grades.
At the San Pedro, they try to make the most of nature’s bounty by practicing holistic management – weighing each decision against the over-arching goal of improved native habitat and a healthier ecosystem. Please take a minute to browse their website and see why they love helping nature do what she does best.
The San Pedro Ranch represents a unique confluence of resources: geologic, riparian, biologic, herbaceous, and cultural.
The property sits on the southern edge of the Tamolipan and Chihuanhuan biotic Provinces on top of an ancient sea bed, covered with 5 different soil orders, 36 different plant communities, (many of which are transitional species) and inhabited over time by 4 distinct cultural groups. It is in the flight corridor of many migrating birds, including the Monarch butterfly and the black chinned and ruby throated hummingbirds. Because of careful attention to environmental conservation, wildlife on the San Pedro Ranch abounds with dove, quail, white-tailed deer, turkey, and other rare species such as the Texas tortoise and the Texas horned lizard. Everything depends on a healthy, diversified ecosystem, which in turn depends upon sustainable management practices.
By choosing management techniques designed to make the most of what nature provides in the South Texas brush country, the San Pedro Ranch (SPR) converts sun, soil, water, plant, and livestock resources, into a valuable food source – helping Mother Nature do what she does best.
The San Pedro Ranch represents a unique confluence of resources: geologic, riparian, biologic, herbaceous, and cultural.
The property sits on the southern edge of the Tamolipan and Chihuanhuan biotic Provinces on top of an ancient sea bed, covered with 5 different soil orders, 36 different plant communities, (many of which are transitional species) and inhabited over time by 4 distinct cultural groups. It is in the flight corridor of many migrating birds, including the Monarch butterfly and the black chinned and ruby throated hummingbirds. Because of careful attention to environmental conservation, wildlife on the San Pedro Ranch abounds with dove, quail, white-tailed deer, turkey, and other rare species such as the Texas tortoise and the Texas horned lizard. Everything depends on a healthy, diversified ecosystem, which in turn depends upon sustainable management practices.
By choosing management techniques designed to make the most of what nature provides in the South Texas brush country, the San Pedro Ranch (SPR) converts sun, soil, water, plant, and livestock resources, into a valuable food source – helping Mother Nature do what she does best.
The San Pedro Ranch represents a unique confluence of resources: geologic, riparian, biologic, herbaceous, and cultural.
The property sits on the southern edge of the Tamolipan and Chihuanhuan biotic Provinces on top of an ancient sea bed, covered with 5 different soil orders, 36 different plant communities, (many of which are transitional species) and inhabited over time by 4 distinct cultural groups. It is in the flight corridor of many migrating birds, including the Monarch butterfly and the black chinned and ruby throated hummingbirds. Because of careful attention to environmental conservation, wildlife on the San Pedro Ranch abounds with dove, quail, white-tailed deer, turkey, and other rare species such as the Texas tortoise and the Texas horned lizard. Everything depends on a healthy, diversified ecosystem, which in turn depends upon sustainable management practices.
By choosing management techniques designed to make the most of what nature provides in the South Texas brush country, the San Pedro Ranch (SPR) converts sun, soil, water, plant, and livestock resources, into a valuable food source – helping Mother Nature do what she does best.
Check out more on San Pedro Ranch
Visit the San Pedro Ranch, and you will see approximately 300 head of hardy, gentle, registered Beefmaster cattle, genetically selected to thrive in a brittle, sometimes harsh, environment. Their own San Pedro Beefmaster bulls reflect such distinguished lineage as LBar 5502, Ranger's Pride, Casey, and Nolan Ryan bloodlines. Their heifers descend from cows who have consistently weaned a calf every year – even in difficult drought conditions.
Humane, ethical treatment of animals and conscientious care of the environment is a natural part of their lives at the San Pedro. Consequently, it was a seamless and logical decision to market our calves through the Grass-fed Livestock Alliance. Because they have selected so heavily for hearty, efficient cattle, their grass fed calves show favorable conversion ratios, high yields, and excellent grades.
At the San Pedro, they try to make the most of nature’s bounty by practicing holistic management – weighing each decision against the over-arching goal of improved native habitat and a healthier ecosystem. Please take a minute to browse their website and see why they love helping nature do what she does best.
The San Pedro Ranch represents a unique confluence of resources: geologic, riparian, biologic, herbaceous, and cultural.
The property sits on the southern edge of the Tamolipan and Chihuanhuan biotic Provinces on top of an ancient sea bed, covered with 5 different soil orders, 36 different plant communities, (many of which are transitional species) and inhabited over time by 4 distinct cultural groups. It is in the flight corridor of many migrating birds, including the Monarch butterfly and the black chinned and ruby throated hummingbirds. Because of careful attention to environmental conservation, wildlife on the San Pedro Ranch abounds with dove, quail, white-tailed deer, turkey, and other rare species such as the Texas tortoise and the Texas horned lizard. Everything depends on a healthy, diversified ecosystem, which in turn depends upon sustainable management practices.
By choosing management techniques designed to make the most of what nature provides in the South Texas brush country, the San Pedro Ranch (SPR) converts sun, soil, water, plant, and livestock resources, into a valuable food source – helping Mother Nature do what she does best.
The San Pedro Ranch represents a unique confluence of resources: geologic, riparian, biologic, herbaceous, and cultural.
The property sits on the southern edge of the Tamolipan and Chihuanhuan biotic Provinces on top of an ancient sea bed, covered with 5 different soil orders, 36 different plant communities, (many of which are transitional species) and inhabited over time by 4 distinct cultural groups. It is in the flight corridor of many migrating birds, including the Monarch butterfly and the black chinned and ruby throated hummingbirds. Because of careful attention to environmental conservation, wildlife on the San Pedro Ranch abounds with dove, quail, white-tailed deer, turkey, and other rare species such as the Texas tortoise and the Texas horned lizard. Everything depends on a healthy, diversified ecosystem, which in turn depends upon sustainable management practices.
By choosing management techniques designed to make the most of what nature provides in the South Texas brush country, the San Pedro Ranch (SPR) converts sun, soil, water, plant, and livestock resources, into a valuable food source – helping Mother Nature do what she does best.
The San Pedro Ranch represents a unique confluence of resources: geologic, riparian, biologic, herbaceous, and cultural.
The property sits on the southern edge of the Tamolipan and Chihuanhuan biotic Provinces on top of an ancient sea bed, covered with 5 different soil orders, 36 different plant communities, (many of which are transitional species) and inhabited over time by 4 distinct cultural groups. It is in the flight corridor of many migrating birds, including the Monarch butterfly and the black chinned and ruby throated hummingbirds. Because of careful attention to environmental conservation, wildlife on the San Pedro Ranch abounds with dove, quail, white-tailed deer, turkey, and other rare species such as the Texas tortoise and the Texas horned lizard. Everything depends on a healthy, diversified ecosystem, which in turn depends upon sustainable management practices.
By choosing management techniques designed to make the most of what nature provides in the South Texas brush country, the San Pedro Ranch (SPR) converts sun, soil, water, plant, and livestock resources, into a valuable food source – helping Mother Nature do what she does best.
Check out more on San Pedro Ranch
Kamis, 08 Desember 2011
Book Update
For the past few months I have been working steadily on my first book, Livestock Merchandising, A Complete Guide to Livestock Advertising and Promotion.'s finally finished and to the printer as of today!

This book is 180 pages based on my experiences here at RHD and also at V8 Ranch.
The art and strategy of merchandising and promoting purebred livestock is one that captures the attention of many purebred livestock producers. Whether you are a seasoned producer, or just getting started, this contains the tools to create a brand identity, establish an advertising and promotion plan, or evaluate your current promotional efforts to improve sales and exposure.
Here are a few topics in the book:
• Components Used in Advertising Campaign
• Basics of Good Livestock Advertising
• Livestock Photography & Video
• Livestock Web Design
• Advertising at Shows and Sales
• Sire promotion basics
• Email Marketing and Social Media for Ranchers
• Determining an advertising budget
• The role of the showring in advertising
• Ethics in livestock advertising
And much more! The book is full of examples from my team here at RHD as well as other leading industry professionals like Christy Collins, Arin Strasburg, Julie French, Martha Garrett and more.
So how can you get one?
Hard Copy: Currently, it is being printed. So if you prefer an actual hard copy of the book, you'll have to wait about 3 weeks. We are taking pre-orders, but please note that they will not be available until after January 1.
E-Book: If you're one of those who just wants an electronic copy, you can purchase and download a PDF e-book here for $9.99.
For more advanced e-book users, it will also be available for Amazon's Kindle by December 15th.
Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement on the book! I hope y'all like it!

This book is 180 pages based on my experiences here at RHD and also at V8 Ranch.
The art and strategy of merchandising and promoting purebred livestock is one that captures the attention of many purebred livestock producers. Whether you are a seasoned producer, or just getting started, this contains the tools to create a brand identity, establish an advertising and promotion plan, or evaluate your current promotional efforts to improve sales and exposure.
Here are a few topics in the book:
• Components Used in Advertising Campaign
• Basics of Good Livestock Advertising
• Livestock Photography & Video
• Livestock Web Design
• Advertising at Shows and Sales
• Sire promotion basics
• Email Marketing and Social Media for Ranchers
• Determining an advertising budget
• The role of the showring in advertising
• Ethics in livestock advertising
And much more! The book is full of examples from my team here at RHD as well as other leading industry professionals like Christy Collins, Arin Strasburg, Julie French, Martha Garrett and more.
So how can you get one?
Hard Copy: Currently, it is being printed. So if you prefer an actual hard copy of the book, you'll have to wait about 3 weeks. We are taking pre-orders, but please note that they will not be available until after January 1.
E-Book: If you're one of those who just wants an electronic copy, you can purchase and download a PDF e-book here for $9.99.
For more advanced e-book users, it will also be available for Amazon's Kindle by December 15th.
Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement on the book! I hope y'all like it!
Rabu, 07 Desember 2011
Video Project After Effects Weding Moment
Akhirnya selesai juga Video ini,, sangat2 melelahkan padahal durasinya kurang dari 2 menit tp rasanya lama banget buat video ini. belum lagi pas mau proses Rendernya,, padahal gw cuman save/ekspor ke file format Flv tp waktu nge savenya masi butuh waktu sejam lebih, bgmna klo gw buat ke format kualita HD/Avi yah??? mungkin 10 jam kli gw nungguin... soalnya video ini 3500 frame jada proses savenya lama banget... Sob Video ini berarti bannget buat gw soalnya video ini berisikan memori2 inidah waktu hari pernikahan gw,, video ini gw persembahkan buat Istri gw n anak gw Ben Mika Elnatan,,, hari Rabu pagi gw harus meninggalkan kota kesyangan gw lg yaitu kota Palu, soalnya gw harus meluncur lagi ke bandung untuk berjumpa dengan istri dan anak gw,, kami lagi menanti momen yg special banget bagi kluar ga kecil kami yaitu menanti kelahiran anak gw yg ke 2 jadi harus pulang ke bandung lg,,, Oh Tuhan lindungi istri dan bayi gw agar melahirkan dengan selamat,,, kata dokter sich anak gw yg ke 2 ini Perempuan,, lengkaplah mereka. yg pertama laki-laki trus ke 2 perempuan.... thankz God..... setelah melahirkan gw akan balik lg ke palu unkin 2 bulan lg gw ke palu.. thankz before ud dengarin huangango dr gw... hehehehehe... moga video ini bisa menginspirasi anda.... thankz jg uda maen2 ke blog ini... salam kenal dr gw Ryan.
Selasa, 06 Desember 2011
Kumpulan video tutorial After Effects
Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Blog & Mempertahankannya
Ada banyak artikel yg membahas tentang cara meningkatkan traffic blog / web. Masing-masing memiliki cara yg berbeda-beda mengingat pengalaman masing-masing Blogger/Webmaster juga tidak sama. Nah pada kesempatan ini Buka Rahasia Blogspot akan membagi sedikit insight & pengalaman mengenai usaha menaikkan traffic blog. Pada artikel terdahulu, saya pernah membahas tentang cara meningkatkan jumlah
Senin, 05 Desember 2011
Planning on projects
It's getting that time of year again! Just a reminder that we need as much advance notice as possible to complete projects. Right now we are booking projects for January. If you anticipate needing an ad, banner, sign, etc. in the month of January please contact us right away to get your project on our books. Thanks!
The 10 Highest Mountains on Earth
Try to keep this in mind when noting how high each mountain is; the Empire State Building is 381m high. Compare this to the mountains and it seems tiny.
1. Everest
Mount Everest is a very well-known mountain and stands at a monstrous 8,850m (29,035 ft) in the Himalayas.
The first ascent was made by sir Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. It has also been completed by a group of 40 who managed to reach the top in a day! (May 10, 1993).
2. K2
Mount K2 (Godwin Austin) stands at a monumental 8,611m (28,250 ft) and is the second highest point on the planet. It's not as well known as mount Everest as there's no prizes for second place. Still, this is a huge mountain non-the-less.
The mountain was named in 1938 by Rex Gibson and is part of the Karakoram mountain range.
3. Kanchenjunga
Third on the list is mount Kanchenjunga. It is an impressive 8,586m (28,169 ft) high and is located (like Everest) in the Himalayas.
Kanchenjunga is also the name of the section of the Himalayas and means "The Five Treasures of Snows", as it contains five peaks, four of them over 8,450m (27,720 ft).
Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was assumed to be the highest mountain in the world but calculations made by the Great Trigonometric Survey of India in 1849 came to the result that Mount Everest was no.1 and Kanchenjunga was no.3.
4. Lhotse I
In fourth place is Mount Lhotse I. At 8,516m (27,940 ft), Mount Lhotse I is certainly not something to scoff at and is interesting to know that it is connected to Everest via the south col.
Lhotse I has a 'I' after it's name as it distinguishes which summit is being identified. Lhotse has three summits; Lhotse I (8,516m), Lhotse II (8,414m), and Lhotse III (8,383m).
5. Makalu I
Mount Makalu I is 8,463m (27,766 ft) tall and lies also in the Himalayas. Makalu has two notable peaks; Malaku I (8,463m) and Malaku !! (7,678m).
Makalu is part of the 'eights thousanders' (which is a set of 14 independent mountains that all range at 8,000 + metres high,) and is an isolated peak.
Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain on Earth (8,201m (26,906 ft)) and more than 1000 people have stood at its summit, being the second most popular of Nepals mountains (missing out to Everest in first).
Compared with the rest of the 'eight thousanders' however, Cho Oyu is a relatively ascent. It is located in the Himalayas.
7. Dhaulagiri
Dhaulagiri comes in at number seven and is 8,117m (26,795 ft) high. Dhaulagiri was first climbed on May 13, 1960.
The mountain's name from Sanskrit where (Dhaula) means dazzling, white, beautiful and (giri) means mountain.
8. Manaslu I
Manaslu (also known as Kutang) is 8,163m (26,781 ft) tall and is only 4 metres shorter than Dhaulagiri.
Manaslu was first climbed on May 9, 1956.
It is the highest peak in the Lamjung District and is located about forty miles east of Annapurna. The Japanese consider this as their mountain, just as the British consider Everest as theirs.
9. Nanga-Parbat
Nanga-Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world (second highest in Pakistan, K2 being number one) and is among the 'eight thousanders' coming in at a total of 8,125m (26,660 ft).
Known as the "Killer Mountain", Nanga Parbat was one of the deadliest of the 'eight thousanders' for climbers in the first half of the twentieth century. It is located in the Himalayas.
10. Annapurna
The final mountain in the top ten is Annapurna, and is 8,091m (26,545 ft) high.
Annapurna is separated from Dhaulagiri by the Kali Gandaki Gorge, which is considered as the deepest in the world.
The entire massif and surrounding area are protected within the 7,629 km2 Annapurna Conservation Area, the first and largest conservation area in Nepal.
I don't claim ownership or credit for the pictures, all credit is reserved for the original owners. No copyright intended, if you have an issue with a picture that is present, then please contact me.
Minggu, 04 Desember 2011
Free Business card 56 set
File kartu Nama ini adalah EPS, saran gw setelah di download anda membukanya dengan Adobe Illustrator, kemudian anda edit sesuai dengan kemauan anda.. kemudian di impor ke File PSD agar anda bisa mengeditnya kembali dengan Photoshop..jika sudah anda tinggal print aja.. setelah selesai ngeprinnya.. Selamat!!!! anda telah mempunyai kartu nama yg keren banget... tinggal di bagi2 aja sama orang laen...hahahahahaha...
Download segera. sebelum tahun baru
Cara Buat/Pasang Share Buttons di Posting Blogger (Like, Tweet, +1)
Share buttons adalah tombol-tombol yg dapat digunakan pengunjung untuk menilai & membagikan link atau konten tertentu yg mereka sukai ke social media, baik Facebook, Twitter, Google+, dll. Banyak sobat Buka Rahasia Blogspot yg menanyakan tentang share buttons yg saya gunakan di bawah judul posting. Saya menggunakan 3 buttons milik 3 social media yg disusun sedemikian rupa menjadi satu bagian
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011
Share Tutorial anda di blog in
Jika anda mempunyai video tutorials apa aja asalkan di bidang desain grafis anda bisa memasukan tutorial anda di blog ini.. Jika anda berminat silahkan kirim alamat Mail anda ke dan gw akan segera mengirimkan undangan izin penulisan di blog ini ke Mail anda..
Syarat :
# Video tutorial yg anda bagikan adalah Hasil karya anda sendiri.
# Artikel tentang videonya berkaitan dengan tutorialnya.
# Anda harus mencantumkan Profiel singkat & Link Web/Blog anda.
# Video yang di masukan Adalah EMBED dr youtube.
#Durasi video tidak lebih dari 15 Menit. JIka durasi video anda lebih dari 15 mnt anda bisa membuatnya 2 part.
#Durasi video tidak lebih dari 15 Menit. JIka durasi video anda lebih dari 15 mnt anda bisa membuatnya 2 part.
# Anda sudah mengikuti Blog ini.
JIka anda membutuhkan software Captured Video anda bisa download di bawah ini.
Download disini
Info: Akan sangat menyenangkan jika video tutorial anda di sertakan panduan dengan suara anda.
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