Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Sire Promotion Packages

Can you believe it's already time to start thinking about sire promotion for 2012? Well, if it makes it seem any more real, we've already started on the promotions for two bulls headed to Denver. So it's definitely time.

As always we are offering a total package deal for sire promotions. We have offered this service for the past 6 years and it just makes the whole sire promotion project easy when working with one place to handle everything. And, in the spirit of competition, we think you will be very pleased with our pricing this year! We have worked hard to find top quality new vendors and 'beef up' our services so to speak to provide the most comprehensive sire promotion package we can offer. And, the pricing is actually LOWER than last year's pricing!

So, we can't divulge all the details, but if you have a bull to promote, you'll definitely want to give us a call!

Top 10 Most Visited Landmarks

From the Eiffel tower to Sydney opera house, there are famous tourist attractions all around the globe.

The 'top 10' list I have compiled highlights a variety of differences between each tourist attraction, but hopefully through the pictures provided you will be able to see why these places are very popular landmarks.

1. Taj Mahal, India
The Taj Mahal was completed in 1653 taking 22 years to build. Located in Agra (Uttar Pradesh), India, the landmark cost 32 crore rupees and had a total of 20,000 workers helping to construct it.

For the transportation of construction materials 1000 elephants were employed!

The Taj Mahal attracts 2-4 million visitors annually with over 200,000 from overseas.

2. The Acropolis, Athens, Greece
Standing at nearly 80ft tall and 50ft wide, the Acropolis (Greece) is a very famous attraction.

First starting construction in 447 BC and running through to 438 BC when it was finished. Originally constructed for defensive purposes, the Greeks used Acropolis to analyse positions of enemies in battle.

It's had it's fair share of hits over its life-time such as: fires, floods, earthquakes, wars and invasions for close to 20 centuries.

3. Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower's construction started on January 26, 1887, finishing March 31, 1889.

Weighing in at around 10,000 tonnes, the tower is made up of 18,038 pieces of wrought iron and 2.5 million rivets. It stands at a towering 324 metres tall, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who has a phobia of heights.

It needed 60 tonnes of paint and is painted every six years (not nice). The visibility from the summit of the tower is approximately 42 miles (clear weather).
It boasts a yearly approximation of 6.8 million people.

4. Statue of Christ the redeemer, Rio de Janeiro
Considered the fifth largest statue of Jesus (but most popular) in the world, it stands at 130 ft and 98 ft wide.

It weighs 635 tonnes, and is located at the peak of the 700-metre (2,300 ft) Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city. 

The left arm points to the Rio de Janeiro's north zone, the right to the south zone, while the saintly perch offers spectacular views of Ipanema, the Maracana soccer stadium and the Serra do Órgãos mountain range.
Its equivalent cost to build today would be $250,000.

5. Time Square, New York
Formerly named Longacre Square, it was renamed in April 1904 after the New York Times moved its headquarters to One Times Square (previously called time building).

One new years eve alone, close to a million people gather to celebrate the 'Dropping of the Ball'.
It has recently become a smoke-free zone.

6. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
At 176 ft in height,750,000 U.S gallons per second and 2500 ft wide. Every year over 22 million people come to Niagra Falls to visit.

Rober Overcracker tried to perform a stunt here where he was supposed to ride off of the top of the falls with a jet-ski, and parachute to safety. Unfortunately, his parachute didn't open and he died.

7. Trafalgar Square, London, England
Nelson's Column (in Trafalgar square) was built to commemorate Admiral Nelson, who was killed during his victorious battle against Napoleon's navy off Trafalgar in Spain in 1805. On October 21st each year a service is held to commemorate Nelson.

Thousands of people flock to the square to celebrate the new year, and more than 15 million visitors in the year.

8. Olympic National Park, Washington
The Olympic National Park is situated in the centre of the Olympic Peninsula. It encompasses 1,440 sq miles (922,651 acres) of land and represents a major wilderness area. It has 3000 miles of rivers and streams. 

There 22 species listed as Threatened or Endangered under the Endangered Species Act which live within the park.
There was 2,844,563 in 2010. 

9. Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
In spite of years of study and research, the reasons behind the construction of Stonehenge are unknown. There are more than nine hundred stone rings exist in the British Isles. Of these, Stonehenge is the most well known and visited.

10. The Pyramid of Khufu, Giza, Egypt
Taking about 20 years to build, it was finished at around about 2560 BC. At 480.6 ft, the pyramid was the tallest man-made structure on the planet for 3800 years.

Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is now seen today is the underlying core structure.

I don't claim ownership or credit for the pictures, all credit is reserved for the original owners. No copyright intended, if you have an issue with a picture that is present, then please contact me. I am in no way profiting from the images present.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Cara Mengatasi Duplicate Meta Description di Blogger/Blogspot

Kasus duplikasi meta tags, terutama meta description (meta deskripsi) lazim dialami blog berplatform Blogger karena template blogger memiliki aturan-aturan umum tertentu yg berlaku bagi semua halaman (XML template). Dalam satu blog, beberapa halaman dapat memiliki deskripsi yg sama. Hal ini terjadi karena Google spider menemui deskripsi tersebut di setiap halaman yg di-crawl. Karena Google

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Some Old Favorites

Today at RHD we were doing a mass office clean out and decided that since our file cabinets were stuffed to the max (which is a great problem to have) that we should go through and clean out our old projects that were done more than 5 years ago and had a low likelihood of people needing to re-order.

But, I'm a big softie, and there were just a few projects that I couldn't bear myself to throw away. It seems like just yesterday I designed these and anxiously awaited for them to come out in magazines! It also amazed me at how far we've come in our design capability since then. When these ads came out, if you remember, these were far and away the BEST ads in any magazine. They stood out, they were different, and they got people talking. But by today's standards, while the design components are still excellent, we can do SO much more in terms of graphics.

These are a few ads that really were special to me  because they were some of the first ads I did and always give me a smile when I think about where we started, and how far we've come! Hope you enjoy!

"The Old Lady Bingo Ad"

Anyone remember this one? When this ad came out, people were completely taken in shock! This was before people really knew about stock photo services and everyone kept asking who this lady was! We started lots of was my grandmother, Matt's grandmother, Tyler Melroe's girlfriend....etc. It was a lot of fun and was one of the most talked about ads at that time.

"The Sweaty Tattoo Guy"
This is another one that appeared in the State Fair publications and this one was part of a 3 page foldout for Richey Brothers. This was the page that you first saw before you folded it out. We got in trouble over this oen! Not from Shane, but lots of people complained that it was too "edgy" for a youth publication because the guy was scary and had a tattoo. Even today, that sweat dripping off his face is sick.

"Third Place Ribbon"

This ad appeared in the Pacific Showcase and was a perfect ad for this young client who wasn't lacking in self confidence. It was simple and direct and lots of people loved this one. The only thing, unfortunately, one of his best steers got 3rd place at the California State Fair that year. Karma? Oops.

"The Road Sign"

This was our first ad to design for a show cattle client, and probably the ad that started it all. Looking at it now, you wouldn't think this ad was anything fantastic. Nice yes, but not something that would inspire you or change the way that every other livestock ad designer did ads. But this one did! This ad was the beginning of creating ads with large visual images OTHER THAN CATTLE. This is your classic Ogilvy design format, with the headline, text, photos, and call to action...but up until that point that design strategy had never really been adapted to the club calf arena. This ad was on the back cover of several major club calf magazines and it was described as so "Different" and "Cool" at that time.

"The Crazy Eye"

How many times have you seen this crazy green eye spring up in a club calf or show pig publication in the past 5 years. Well, here was the first time it was used and the design that inspired others. This was another part of the Richey's ad campaign that was so "edgy" for the time. Believe it or not, some people during this time (remember it was the early 2000s) thought this ad was too scary too! Ha!

"Bleedin Purple"

Bleedin' Purple is one of my most treasured ads because Bleedin' Purple was the first sire I ever represented at RHD and was the first sire ad and bull banner I ever designed. This whole project came about during the Arizona National Livestock Show while Matt and Phil were relaxin at Phoenix and needed a bull banner designed for Denver just a few weeks away. I FAXED the design proof to their hotel in Phoenix. Again, by todays standards, it isn't too fancy. But at that time, this banner and ad was all the rage. Notice the purple shavings in the bottom corner of the ad. That was because Matt had the bulls shavings at Denver died purple. Pretty commonplace now, but again, at that time, it was new and something that had never been done. I also loved this picture, I thought it was one of Dave Sinclair's best bull photos.

I hope you enjoyed these flashbacks as much as I did. Even though they are nearly 10 years old, they are definitely projects I am proud of today and help remind me of the many wonderful clients and bulls we have worked with in our rich history here at RHD.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Cara Hapus Google Search Image Frame (Frame Breaker)

Google search image frame? Ya, tampilan gambar yg terindeks Google biasanya ditampilkan di lapisan/bagian atas sebuah halaman blog/web. Gambar yg ditampilkan dibalut dalam tampilan kerangka (frame) Google yg berisi beberapa informasi mengenai gambar dan sama sekali tidak berkaitan dengan isi halaman blog/web yg memuat gambar tersebut. Bisa jadi hal ini cukup mengganggu karena blog/web dimana

Buat Widget Google Plus (Google+) di Blog/Web (Add To Circles Widget)

Google Plus menjadi social media yg keberadaannya semakin diperhitungkan, meskipun sampai saat ini bisa dibilang kekuatan Google+ masih kembang kempis dibandingkan Facebook yg tidak mau kalah dengan menghadirkan banyak inovasi dan fitur baru untuk memikat user. Namun, cara bagi kita, para Blogger, untuk lebih menguasai dunia maya & social media adalah dengan melebarkan sayap dalam bentuk apapun

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

More Pinterest Quotes

Here's a few more of our recent favorite quotes that we'll post for your pinning pleasure :)

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

How to Create a Relaxing Workplace

Your workplace doesn't need to be a zone of terror and distraught - dingy, cluttered and depressing. 
The layout of your workplace can be quite crucial to dictating your mood and can have an effect on your work also.
That's not to say that all of you will find the layouts of your workplace to be  overwhelming, far from it. In fact some people say that they work better in a high-stress environment and when they can taste the pressure.
Not me. I'm not a fan of stress and feel most productive when I'm relaxed and positive.
I can still be productive when feeling stressed, but I much prefer to feel relaxed, where my productivity comes about from creativity, fun or/and a desire to achieve a result (in a non-stress environment).

1. De-clutter 

When you enter your workplace and see how untidy it is, be strict with yourself and get rid of what you don't need. The key word is need. So if you really don't need something and it's taking up space, and all it ever does is just sit there - throw it.

For the vast majority of the things you throw away, you won't think about tomorrow.

If your working for someone and they notice your workplace is always messy and disorganised, and they also see another employee who has a well organised and tidy workplace, who do you think will be given more responsibilities?
Not only that, but when you look around and see piles of unfinished jobs, it's certainly distracting.

2. Make it bright 

As humans, we naturally work better and feel more positive when it's bright and warm, as opposed to dark and dreary.
If possible try to work in as much natural light as possible which is much nicer than unnatural light. If it isn't possible to do this don't worry, bright coloured walls and surroundings can help a lot too.

3. Fresh air

When I work on this blog, one thing that I find uncomfortable is when the atmosphere around me feels stuffy, and I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way as-well. Having a well ventilated workplace will help create a more desirable workplace. When people advise short regular breaks, it's because they know how beneficial it is for us to get fresh air.
If you don't have access to fresh air in your workplace, try adding a portable fan. 

4. Go green 

I'm not referring to your carbon footprint or to the amount of things you recycle, no, I'm referring to plants.
Plants are great for improving the appeal of your workplace, and while you can't go outside, outside can come into you.
They add to the fresh air and look great, the real ones anyway. Try to avoid fake plants, I feel they give off more of an artificial persona and don't really contribute to brightening up your day.

5. Quietness 

Working in a quiet space is much more beneficial for your mind than that of a noisy one. You have the chance to concentrate, think aloud, and relax in a quiet environment.

I know that working in peaceful conditions for many is an impossible possibility (if that makes sense), but noise cancelling head phones really work well. Although it might look a bit strange when in an office of twenty or more people. :)

6. Get a comfortable chair 

When trying to concentrate on work, there's nothing more uncomfortable than an uncomfortable chair. When you have to keep squirming to get comfy every 5 minutes and having to bend your back into awkward positions, you know there's a problem.

In our house there's one chair that everyone likes to go for and at the moment I'm sitting on it. I've noticed a big difference in the way I work when I'm on this chair...... it is very comfy.

7. Personalise 

The only problem with having a workplace too tidy and too organised, is that it doesn't feel like it's your own.
So give it some features that would make it feel more homely, for example: pictures, little figures; soft toys or the like, a packet of sweets, whatever you like. Just make sure you don't clutter your workplace and become too disorganised as a result.

8. Soft Music 

This works better for some than others. For me I find it not so good when writing, but if I am doing something like drawing I find it fine. Some people love to have soft relaxing sounds of rivers and songbirds, and while I don't disagree that it's nice, I find it a bit off-putting when actually working.
Try it to see what you think.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Facebook Insights: Lihat Perkembangan Blog/Website di Facebook

Apa itu Facebook Insights?Facebook Insights adalah salah satu layanan dan aplikasi developer berplatform Facebook yg berfungsi untuk melihat, menganalisa, dan memahami berbagai trend user, demografi, tingkat konsumsi konten, tingkat popularitas konten, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan menggunakan Facebook Insights, para pemilik page Facebook dan developer platform dapat melakukan usaha-usaha

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Bisnis Pulsa Elektrik Murah: Jadi Agen Pulsa, Untung Melimpah

Bisnis Pulsa Elektrik? pertanyaan ini muncul ketika pertama kali mendengar tawaran tentang bisnis pulsa elektrik. Sebuah bisnis baru kah? Sebenarnya tidak. Bisnis jenis ini sudah ada bertahun-tahun dan telah berkembang pesat di Indonesia sejak adanya handphone (HP). Bisnis pulsa kemudian berevolusi menjadi sebuah peluang bisnis yg sangat menjanjikan. Mengapa? Salah satu latar belakang yg paling

50 Motivational Quotes

Everybody loves a good quote. Something you may like refer back to in certain circumstances. I've put together a list of motivational quotes that you may like to use. 

1. If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes. 

2. We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities. 

3. Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day. 

4. Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.

5. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

6. God is like the sun, which, as we journey toward him, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.

7. Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.

8. You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.

9. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.

10. Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.

11. Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.

12. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.Willing is not enough; we must do.

13. Constant dripping hollows out a stone.

Nothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose-- a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.

15. There is a difference between must and want. 

16. If you wish to find,you must search.Rarely does a good idea interrupt you.

17. Without a sense of urgency,desire loses its value.

18. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. 

19.  Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. 

20. Always desire to learn something useful. 

21. Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

22. Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 

23. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

24. Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually.

25. Be gentle to all and stern with yourself. 

26. Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. 

27. Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing. 

28. Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will define who you are.

29. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

30. I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. 

31. If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. 

32. In motivating people, you've got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people, I hope, by example - and perhaps by excitement.

33. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

34. It's always too early to quit. 

35. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

36. Know or listen to those who know. 

37. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

38. Leap, and the net will appear. 

39. Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now. 

40. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  Abstain from all appearance of evil.

41. No matter how many goals you have achieved, you must set your sights on a higher one. 

42. One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals. 

43. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.

44. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. 

45. The wise does at once what the fool does at last. 

46. Jesus said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

47. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. 

48. Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

49. When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. 

50. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

SEO Tips: Kumpulan Tips SEO Blog Buka-Rahasia.Blogspot.Com

SEO, seperti yg dulu pernah saya bicarakan di Tutorial Dasar & Cara Meningkatkan SEO Blogspot, adalah usaha untuk meningkatkan traffic blog/web melalui search engine. Search Engine Optimization bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu hal pokok untuk meraih kesuksesan suatu blog/website karena SEO sebenarnya tidak hanya berbicara tentang traffic, melainkan tentang visibilitas, popularitas, dan nilai

New RHD Site: Crestview Commodites

Founded in 1942, Crestview Farms has been a grain operation since the beginning. They strive to take good care of their own land and the ground that their landlords have trusted us with for many years. They grow mostly corn, soybeans and wheat, and also grow hay for their cattle operation.

Crestview Commodities would like to help your farming operation by assisting you with your grain marketing. Whether you have 500 bushels or 500,000 bushels, Crestview Commodities will help you find the best deal available for your Corn and Soybeans.

They take pride in their daily work of providing food for the world, not only through their grain farm, but also our livestock operations. Farming is a challenge, but it’s something they enjoy each day. It’s a way of life they all appreciate and wouldn’t trade for anything. If you are a landowner, Crestview Farms welcomes the opportunity to talk with you about taking care of your land in the future.

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

How to stop Complaining

Complaining is an extremely common thing among people and is done often on a daily basis, knowingly or/and unknowingly.

I think the reason why complaining is so common is because it's just so easy to do, and with the majority of people doing it, it can be hard not to sometimes.

Some psychological studies show that complaining gives us a sort of mental high-ground, making us feel superior to what we're complaining about. 

Pride and ego can really be a stumbling block for many, in that, when something goes wrong, we find it so much easier to blame someone else for what we did, complaining about them makes us feel like it's not our fault.

Negativity bombards our thoughts regularly, tainting them and mutating them to complacent thoughts, which then becomes what we think, which then becomes what we say, which then becomes what we do, which then becomes who we are. Not good.

1. Try to remain quiet 

I'm not meaning all the time, but when a complaint or negative thought comes to mind that you feel you have to share with everyone, try as best as you can to keep your mouth closed and not say a word. A few minutes on and it will have passed.

Also while you're quiet, try to listen carefully to what it sounds like when other people complain, saying to yourself: "Do I want to be known as someone who complains all the time?"

2. Be content 

As hard as this can be (especially when others around you have more than you do), being content can ward off many chances to complain. 

If you think carefully about how many complaints come from discontent, it's quite a lot. For example: Discontent with work, with money, with where you live, with what you've got etc.

3. Put yourself in someone else's shoes 

Think of all the people who aren't as fortunate as you and don't have the luxury of warmth, food, water, and work. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be a humbling reality in which so many unfortunate people have to live with.

4. Always look for the positive 

In everything you do and think of, think positively. When it rains, be glad that plants are getting what they need; when it is really hot, think how nice the weather is; when someone accidentally pours coke over your computer, think how badly they must feel.

Doing things like this can make a surprising amount of difference to the way you think.

5. Fresh air 

Take a break and go and get some fresh air. This is a very simple and very effective thing to do. It allows your mind to breathe and rest, and allows you to reflect on the day you've been having so far and what you could've done differently that could have been better.

Quite often after some fresh air, it helps you to think a bit more logically.

6. Think about your effect on others 

When we complain, we have an effect on others (like with all things), and that effect we have (when complaining) is always negative.

Complaining brings down the mood and can be an annoyance for others.

Have you ever thought that people around you actually don't want to be around you because of how much you complain, and that they're starting to (if not already) dislike your company.

7. Stick to what you know 

Don't go off of gossip or rumours (however reliable your source is) for your next complaint-rush, if you don't know the facts about what really happened - don't complain about it.

8. Try to avoid complainers 

This is easier said than done. By having close interactions with people who complain a lot, you're going to find it difficult to remain non-complacent however hard you try. 

The best move is to try and stay clear of those people. If you're unable to or don't want to do this, try to find a way to encourage them not to complain either. 

Constructive criticism can be helpful and so can explaining that you don't know the whole story (point 7). Although maybe they're complain about you then. :)

New RHD Site: Ratcliff Ranches

Ratcliff Ranches is a commercial and registered Angus and SimAngus seedstock producer and cow/calf operation. The Ranch, headquartered in Vinita, Okla., is always growing and changing its interests to fit today’s cattle market and consumer needs. With its 25,000 owned acres and an additional 10,000 leased acres, the ranch currently runs over 5,000 cows. The Ranch is comprised of five ranches located in NE Oklahoma and one ranch in SE Kansas.

Owned by the J.L. Ratcliff Family, the Ranch is committed to improving their genetics and utilizing cutting-edge tools, like the Pfizer 50K Genomic test as another opportunity to capitalize on an already solid genetic program.

Their goal is to provide ourselves, as well as beef customers, more pounds of beef with fewer head of cattle, which can only be achieved by selective genetics and disciplined breeding strategies.

Every rancher has a set of genetics, the difference between Ratcliff Ranches and the average rancher, is their genetic base and the determination they have to build the ideal genetic make-up of an animal.

In addition, they also have a commitment to animal health and humane handling practices. All of their cattle are on a strict Pfizer health protocol. Most are processed using the Blackwell facility, which is designed by Temple Grandin, who is well known for her efforts and expertise in humane animal handling practices.

Ratcliff Ranches encourage you to visit them anytime you are in the area. Their door is always open!

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

10 Reasons why you should Play Chess

Chess is a game normally associated to intelligent, strategic individuals who enjoy the adrenaline rush of outsmarting and outplaying others around them. Although there is a bit of a stereotype for chess players, you don't need to have an IQ of 200 to play.

There are millions of people who enjoy playing chess every day and have numerous tournaments around the world throughout the year.

As chess is not reliant on age and has no need of retirement, chess is a very highly competitive sport and requires an immense amount of dedication, with both young and old battling it out to become no.1.

Chess is part of the curricula in nearly 30 countries and is a subject in all public schools - you will see why if you read below.
1. Logical thinking 

Chess develops logical thinking because the whole game is based on logical thinking. Not wanting to make a blunder and wanting to capitalise on your opponents mistakes or positional errors requires planned thought.

2. Improves maths and science 

Maths and science are subjects where you are either right or wrong. So with chess players, (who when playing chess will see a move they make to be either the right or wrong play,) can relate similar thinking to both these subjects.

In a 1977-1979 study at the Chinese University in Hong Kong by Dr. Yee Wang Fung, chess players showed a 15% improvement in math and science test scores.

Dr. Calvin F. Deyermond, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for the North Tonawanda City School District, wrote: "Chess develops intellectual, aesthetic, sporting, decision making, concentration, and perseverance skills.We have seen the effects of this wonderful game in our classroom and as an extracurricular activity. Not only is it mentally challenging but it attracts not only gifted pupils but also students at all levels of learning. Many students who have been experiencing problems, particularly in mathematics and reading, sometimes demonstrate remarkable progress after learning chess."

3. Teaches independence 

Chess is an individual sport and how well you do comes down to how well you can play. True you can go to clubs and have lessons, but it will always be your own decisions which make or break a match.

This naturally teaches independence, having to rely on yourself and not others around you.

4. Promotes studying 

With chess, like most things, the more you study and practice, the better you will become. As I said before about chess being highly competitive, to remain at the higher levels of the game, regular practice is necessary.

Chess players are able to apply this to other things already having the discipline to put the work in.

5. Improves memory

Chess is difficult sport to compete in and many things must be known by memory. Chess improves the ability to store and gain information.

According to a two-year study conducted in Kishinev under the supervision of N.F. Talisina, grades for young students taking part in the chess experiment increased in all subjects. Teachers noted improvement in memory, better organizational skills, and for many increased fantasy and imagination (Education Ministry of the Moldavian Republic, 1985).

With so many different variations of play, players usually memorise certain patterns and strategies to deal effectively with their opponent. Looking into openings, traps, and end game positions.

6. Patience and concentration 

Patience and concentration are two things that come naturally to a chess player (especially concentration).

Without concentration you will 90% of the time lose a game (100% of the time if you're against a good player).
Without patience you could make moves to early which your opponent could counter and build upon.

7. Imagination and Creativity 

With so many possible outcomes and so many strategical paths to go down, a chess players imagination and creativity will be tested and over time improve.

8. Improves school grades and your level of learning 

A 1990-92 study using a sub-set of the New York City Schools Chess Program produced statistically significant results concluding that chess participation enhances reading performance.

In a 1974-1976 Belgium study, a chess-playing experimental group of fifth graders experienced a statistically significant gain in cognitive development over a control group, using Piaget's tests for cognitive development. 

Perhaps more noteworthy, they also did significantly better in their regular school testing, as well as in standardized testing administered by an outside agency which did not know the identity of the two groups. 

Quoting Dr. Adriaan de Groot: ...``In addition, the Belgium study appears to demonstrate that the treatment of the elementary, clear-cut and playful subject matter can have a positive effect on motivation and school achievement generally...''

During the 1995-1996 school year, two classrooms were selected in each of five schools. Students (N = 112) were given instruction in chess and reasoning in one classroom in each school. 

Pupils in the chess program obtained significantly higher reading scores at the end of the year. It should be noted that while students in the chess group took chess lessons, the control group (N = 127) had additional classroom instruction in basic education. 

The control group teacher was free to use the ``chess period'' any way he/she wanted, but the period was usually used for reading, math or social studies instruction. The control groups thus had more reading instruction than the chess groups.

Even so, the chess groups did better on the reading post-test; therefore, the gains in the chess groups were particularly impressive.

9. Socialisation 

Chess will always require you to play against somebody (unless you go against the computer,). Whether you attend clubs or tournaments (or both), there will be lots of people there who enjoy chess - promoting interaction and social transactions.  

10 It's Fun 

If you play it for nothing else, chess is fun and is great when you win. Chess never repeats itself and never feels repetitive. 
Here's the links to the websites I like: 

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Google Sitelinks: Apa & Cara Mendapatkan-nya

Apa itu Google Sitelinks?Google Sitelinks adalah link-link ke halaman lain dari website, yg ditampilkan dalam hasil pencarian Google (search result). Link-link tersebut digenerasikan secara otomatis oleh Google serta tidak semua website memilikinya. Sitelinks sebenarnya adalah navigasi di dalam website dimana pengunjung dapat dengan mudah menemukan halaman yg diinginkannya. Demikian halnya

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

8 Advantages you gain from Playing an Instrument

Music can stir up a strong emotion in anyone. Whether it's sad, happy, exuberant, reminiscing, forceful - music has an effect on all of us.

You'll find when you listen to music, there will be things you like and things you don't like, this is your unique taste and is individual to you.

Learning to play an instrument can help you express music that you really love and is very rewarding. Not only will you enjoy it (if you stick at it and it's the right instrument for you), but others will enjoy to listen to you.

To most people who play instruments, they would say it's one of their favourite hobbies which they apply themselves to.

I count myself lucky to have been given the opportunity to play an instrument (piano) and have lessons, but unfortunately for many, this is not the case.
Instruments are expensive and lessons are too (depending who you're with).

That's not to say you have to have lessons to learn an instrument, now with all the resources people have - learning by yourself is easier than it ever has been.

There are many benefits to playing a musical instrument that I never realised and many people don't know about them either.
These only really are true if you play an instrument on a regular basis, otherwise you can't benefit fully from this skill.

1. Develops intelligence 

Not only is music nice to listen to and to play, but some studies have shown that learning an instrument develops intelligence, promoting brain activity and an increase in IQ

This is because of your brain having to process and concentrate on many different things at once. 

For example: emotion and feeling, pressure of played notes, loudness and softness, the changing rhythm, articulation, movements of hands etc.. Each instrument has its own difficulties.

2. Sense of Achievement 

Learning to play an instrument (especially when you first start), can be frustrating. After a lot of hard work and practice, you'll see that your hard work has paid off. This is a reassuring, comforting and enjoyable experience, making progress and advancing towards your target - what a sense of achievement. 

3. Self-discipline and Motivation 

Learning to play an instrument isn't a simple thing to do and takes a lot of discipline, patience, practice and motivation, all of the which are increased profoundly as you progress.

The nature of playing an instrument is (I would say) almost 100% work. You need to practice for regular amounts of time, have to remain focused, have to work through mistakes and difficult passages, develop your own sound, and a lot, lot more, including the perfecting of a performance.

Basically, you wont be able to learn and play an instrument at a high level without discipline and motivation, both naturally gained through practice.

4. Fun 

One of the main reasons for learning an instrument is because it's fun. When you first start out it's brilliant and you can't practice enough, but once the charm of learning the lower level basics has worn off, you may become tired and bored of it. 

As you advance however, new opportunities and pieces to play will be available - bringing many more hours of pleasure.

5. Career opportunities 

As-well as having fun while playing, you can also make it your profession, with many different routes to explore.

Some examples would be: Concert performer, composer, playing in an orchestra, piano tuner, bow rehairer and restorer, school; college or university teacher, the list goes on.

6. Stress relieving

Among many other things that can reduce and relieve stress, music is one of them.

After a stressful day of dealing with stressful things, listening to soft; soothing and relaxing music will help you to unwind. 

Try playing some before you go to bed, so you can get a better nights sleep.

Music has a very powerful influence on our emotions, and so the right sort of music can help. Although if you pick a very powerful; loud and fast-paced piece of music, you may end up more stressed than before. :)

7. Teamwork 

For those who play in a band, orchestra or the like, the art of teamwork will be acquired. Teamwork is a great quality to have and a lot of employers look for it.  

In music, timing and co-ordination are a must - otherwise the piece wont come together and will sound only half (if not less than half) of what it could and should be, so teamwork is necessary. 

8. Memory capacitance 

Playing regular music improves a persons capability to retain information. 
Studies have shown music students to have greater evidence of memory training and progression than those who don't play instruments.