Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

How to Create a Relaxing Workplace

Your workplace doesn't need to be a zone of terror and distraught - dingy, cluttered and depressing. 
The layout of your workplace can be quite crucial to dictating your mood and can have an effect on your work also.
That's not to say that all of you will find the layouts of your workplace to be  overwhelming, far from it. In fact some people say that they work better in a high-stress environment and when they can taste the pressure.
Not me. I'm not a fan of stress and feel most productive when I'm relaxed and positive.
I can still be productive when feeling stressed, but I much prefer to feel relaxed, where my productivity comes about from creativity, fun or/and a desire to achieve a result (in a non-stress environment).

1. De-clutter 

When you enter your workplace and see how untidy it is, be strict with yourself and get rid of what you don't need. The key word is need. So if you really don't need something and it's taking up space, and all it ever does is just sit there - throw it.

For the vast majority of the things you throw away, you won't think about tomorrow.

If your working for someone and they notice your workplace is always messy and disorganised, and they also see another employee who has a well organised and tidy workplace, who do you think will be given more responsibilities?
Not only that, but when you look around and see piles of unfinished jobs, it's certainly distracting.

2. Make it bright 

As humans, we naturally work better and feel more positive when it's bright and warm, as opposed to dark and dreary.
If possible try to work in as much natural light as possible which is much nicer than unnatural light. If it isn't possible to do this don't worry, bright coloured walls and surroundings can help a lot too.

3. Fresh air

When I work on this blog, one thing that I find uncomfortable is when the atmosphere around me feels stuffy, and I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way as-well. Having a well ventilated workplace will help create a more desirable workplace. When people advise short regular breaks, it's because they know how beneficial it is for us to get fresh air.
If you don't have access to fresh air in your workplace, try adding a portable fan. 

4. Go green 

I'm not referring to your carbon footprint or to the amount of things you recycle, no, I'm referring to plants.
Plants are great for improving the appeal of your workplace, and while you can't go outside, outside can come into you.
They add to the fresh air and look great, the real ones anyway. Try to avoid fake plants, I feel they give off more of an artificial persona and don't really contribute to brightening up your day.

5. Quietness 

Working in a quiet space is much more beneficial for your mind than that of a noisy one. You have the chance to concentrate, think aloud, and relax in a quiet environment.

I know that working in peaceful conditions for many is an impossible possibility (if that makes sense), but noise cancelling head phones really work well. Although it might look a bit strange when in an office of twenty or more people. :)

6. Get a comfortable chair 

When trying to concentrate on work, there's nothing more uncomfortable than an uncomfortable chair. When you have to keep squirming to get comfy every 5 minutes and having to bend your back into awkward positions, you know there's a problem.

In our house there's one chair that everyone likes to go for and at the moment I'm sitting on it. I've noticed a big difference in the way I work when I'm on this chair...... it is very comfy.

7. Personalise 

The only problem with having a workplace too tidy and too organised, is that it doesn't feel like it's your own.
So give it some features that would make it feel more homely, for example: pictures, little figures; soft toys or the like, a packet of sweets, whatever you like. Just make sure you don't clutter your workplace and become too disorganised as a result.

8. Soft Music 

This works better for some than others. For me I find it not so good when writing, but if I am doing something like drawing I find it fine. Some people love to have soft relaxing sounds of rivers and songbirds, and while I don't disagree that it's nice, I find it a bit off-putting when actually working.
Try it to see what you think.

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