Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

A great Christmas present!

Every year it seems that we get involved in some really cool Christmas present projects, and this year was no different. We have done things in the past ranging from new web site gift certificates, photo collages, banners, signs, and all kinds of creative things.

This year, we had a new one....and it involves one of our favorite fellow blogging friends Crystal Young. Her boyfriend Jon Blin contacted us a few weeks before Christmas and wanted to enlist our help in a special Christmas present for Crystal. The present involved a couple of things. First, the easy part was that he wanted to register the domain name for her and have that go to her blog, which is hosted on Blogger just like ours.

The second part was that he wanted to give her a gift certificate for a new look on her blog, which is cool because he was going to give her the gift certificate then that way she could work directly with us to get the exact look she wanted.

The funny thing about this special present is, just a few weeks after Jon had emailed us, Crystals' mom ALSO emailed us with the same idea. So obviously the people close to Crystal knew that this is something she wanted! We didn't know whether to let the cat out of the bag or not, but we did disclose the secret present to Crystal's mom so she knew about the exciting gift.

A few weeks ago we completed the blog re-design with Crystal, and her new blog can be seen at This is a great blog that talks about lots of different things in the cattle business. Check it out and I'm sure you'll want to become a follower!

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