Selasa, 02 November 2010

RHD Customer Referral Program

Last week at the Aggie 100 luncheon, several of the other winners were asking me about how we get the word out about our business and our services, and my best answer was really just "word of mouth." When we first began RHD (well actually Two Girls Web Design at that time), we didn't do any advertising, we just did a good job for people and they told their friends and one thing led to another.

Today, 11 years later, word of mouth referrals are still the biggest way that people hear about Ranch House Designs. We consider that our greatest accomplishment when people like the work we do so much that they share it with their friends!

From the beginning, we have always rewarded our clients who give us a referral. That still continues today. If you are a RHD client, make sure to tell your friends about us. We're always delighted to give our clients a referral credit when they send someone our way. :)

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