Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

The Rusty Rose

Looking for some cool jewelry or a unique shirt to spice up your summer wardrobe? Then look no further than The Rusty Rose. Owner and designer Andrea Glenn has a passion for fun, trendy things, which led her to begin making jewelry several years ago. Once friends and family saw her creations, they wanted some for themselves.

The Rusty Rose offers things you won’t see anywhere else – purses, rings, necklaces and bracelets. Eye catching designs that will get you noticed.

In her spare time, Andrea is employed as a sales rep for Plainview Farm Chemical where she sells seed, chemical, and fertilizer. Making jewelry and selling clothes is her outlet to indulge her girly side when she isn’t busy out in the fields with her full time job.

Let The Rusty Rose help you accessorize your life! Contact Andrea today to unleash the girly girl in you or someone you care about!

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