Selasa, 01 September 2009

Special people to us

For some reason today I was curious to run a quickbooks report to see who are our longest-running clients at RHD. We've been in business for 10 years (2 years as Two Girls Web Design, and now 8 years as Ranch House Designs.). The people on this list have been with us from the beginning, some of these even with us the entire 10 years. So, we'd like to take a little time to give special shout outs to these very special people to no certain order.

V8 Ranch - My family ranch. This has always been our "guinea pig" and actually how we did our first web site. My mom has always been into technology and she had a web page through an old company called Ag Direct. We wanted to expand our site, but didn't want to invest that much money into a new technology (remember it was 1999) and so we taught ourselves how to do web sites. And, as they say.....the rest is history!

American Brahman Breeders Association - This was our first "paying" client. The ABBA's communications director had resigned and they needed someone to temporarily update the web site while they were looking for a new communications director. We did little things like update the calendar and news page. This was our first major beef breed association client, and now we proudly do the web sites for the national breed associations for Brahman, Charolais, and Beefmaster.

WHR Shorthorns - Cassie and I first did Mr. Rasor's web site after visiting with him in Denver one year when me, Cassie, Dad, and Matt Williams went with the V8 Shorthorns showstring. Last year, we re-did the WHR site and it's still one of everyone's favorites. We get lots of calls of people saying they love that site.

Brian Martin - We first made a connection with Brian because of his hometown friendship with Cassie in Hereford, Texas. Through the year's we've done Brian's web site, and various ad projects for him. Our last project was him was his sire representation for the Copper Penny bull he displayed in Denver this year.

Purple Reign -The Mullinix family is another one that my family holds in very high regard. My dad became friends with them while he was judging on the east coast. We booked our project with Jamie and Randy while Dad and I judged showmanship at the Hoosier Beef Congress in 1999. We judged one ring and the Mullinix's judged the other.
Top Sires became our client when we met Mike at the Michigan Beef Expo back in the good ol' days at Michigan State. Cassie and I were helping put on the show with Kathleen Hawkins and we greeted Mike to help him with his trade show booth. A few pieces of pizza and cheese bread at Leo's Lodge sealed the deal and we've been doing Mike's web site ever since.

Cherie Carrabba -A little known fact is that I got my start in graphic design with Cherie's help. I worked there part time in college, and started out doing the most mundance tasks of all - scanning photos. I would come to Crockett on some nights and weekends to work, and I interned at The Showbox between college and grad school, where I actually got to design my very first full page 4c ad -- an ad for Wessington Springs Club Calf. I firmly believe that this experience with Cherie is what gave me the foundation in graphic design. By starting at the bottom, I was able to learn the ins and outs, and though I rarely scan photos anymore - I learned the basic principles of graphic design that I still use today. Through the year's we've done the web sites for The Showbox, Enchanted Pines, and Keep Um Sound.

Aegerter Marketing Service - Jeff and Darla are fellow Shorthorn breeders and were one of the first sale management sites we did. This is also one of our most visited web sites, where lots of Shorthorn people go to see sale catalogs of upcoming sales and private treaty listings. Of course they are some of our longest-running clients because they are progressive minded marketing specialists and they are always on the cutting edge of things.

So, again, maybe I'm in a vintage mood today, but we just want to say a big THANK YOU to these very special people to RHD. You've helped make us the leading livestock agency of our kind!

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