Senin, 31 Desember 2012
Tombol Back/Scroll to Top Dengan Efek Fading & Smooth untuk Blogger
Sudah banyak sobat blogger yang menanyakan tentang tombol back to top (tombol kembali ke atas) Blogger yang saya gunakan, karena berbeda dengan tombol yang sebelumnya sudah saya bagi. Jika yang lama hanya menggunakan fungsi hashtag pada url HTML (#top atau #), maka yang saya gunakan menggunakan fungsi javascript dan jquery. Tapi saya sempat agak bingung untuk berbagi karena script yang saya
Kamis, 27 Desember 2012
Menambahkan URL Sumber Otomatis Pada Artikel yang DiCopas
Catatan kecil:
Artikel ini ternyata sudah nangkring di jajaran draft artikel saya cukup lama. Jadi, mumpung kantor dan jam ngajar lagi libur, project website sudah kelar, tidak ada salahnya merayakan kebebasan (hahaha) dengan menerbitkan artikel ini, dengan sedikit revisi, meskipun mungkin sudah banyak yang mengimplementasikan dan membagi caranya. Selain itu, sia-sia rasanya jika sudah menyusun
Fitur GooglePlus Mentions Hadir di Posting Blogger
Fitur mentions (@ pada Facebook dan Twitter serta +/@ pada Google+) adalah fitur yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan notifikasi pada seseorang yang terkait atau terlibat dalam pembicaraan/aktivitas tertentu. Nah, kini fitur mentions pada Google+ dapat juga digunakan di Blogger. Cara menampilkannya pun cukup sederhana. Anda dapat mengaitkan (mention) profil Google+ teman anda atau
Kamis, 20 Desember 2012
How to Become Outgoing
It can become quite easy over time to become an introverted individual, to not really leave the house spending longer periods of time on your own. Well this will not only have a negative affect upon your social life but also your confidence-levels and self-esteem.
You may have once been an extrovert but now because of all the time you spend by yourself, you're now a shy reserved introvert who is nervous and/or uncomfortable around others. So as you become more shy and withdraw yourself from the outside world - the less you will want to interact with people which will only make you more shy and introverted. It becomes a viscous cycle where the only way to break it is to become outgoing. But how do you become outgoing? Well hopefully with these tips I'm about to share with you you will be able to become more of an outgoing person.
1. Attitude
The first thing about wanting to become outgoing is your attitude towards wanting to make it work. If you want to become outgoing but are expecting it to just happen like magic - then it won't happen at all. Shifting from an introvert to an extrovert is going to require effort on your behalf so you will need to have the desire and right attitude to want to make this work, involving doing something about it.
2. Smile at people
It's surprising how shy a person can become from spending too much time by themselves - to the point where they don't even feel confident enough to make eye-contact and/or interaction with a person at all. So with this in mind make it a new goal of each day to smile at at least 2 different people (excluding your family). At first you may feel frightened to do so, and it's not encouraging when the other person doesn't smile in return, but don't be discouraged or disheartened - over time it will get better and soon you will wonder why you ever made a big-deal about simply smiling at people because it will be automatic.
3. Get out of the house more
This doesn't have to be for going to meet-up with people, it is so that you will become more used to getting out of the house and seeing others go about their daily life. You could try going to shops to buy something or take a walk through areas where lots of people are. The more you are around people - the more comfortable you will become and this will help with your confidence.
4. Say hi to people
A great tip to get you more used to interacting with others is to simply say "hi" to people. It could be to a person who walks past you in the street who you make eye-contact with, it could be to a person who serves you at a shop, to people who you work with, to anyone really. You don't have to do it to everyone you meet and is best that you don't as it could seem a bit strange. Just make it another goal to say hi to at least 2 people a day.
5. Make a joke or two
When you're around a person or people, allow yourself to make a joke or two. People don't always want to talk seriously and are often glad of some humour. You may make jokes that don't get any attention at all or backfire but the more you get used to making them, the more you will be able to judge what people find humorous. Then when you finally receive some laughs you will have a confidence-boost and this will help you to relax more around others.
6. Start a conversation with someone
Now you can't do this with everyone because not everyone wants a conversation. For example: people who you walk past in the street. The majority of people who you pass in the street will not want to start a conversation with you as they are heading somewhere (although there are some that would happily start talking to you).
This tip is usually best when people are stationary or when something has just happened. For example: whilst at the bus-stop, whilst in a queue, maybe something has just happened near to you and others and you just simply make a comment.
You could start with a question (e.g. what time is the bus?) or a comment about something that could be on both your minds (brrr, it's cold today isn't it?). Do this a couple of times to the same person (different questions though of course) and if they reply with one-word answers then you know that a conversation is most likely not going to happen. If however, the person replies with a sentence or asks a question or makes a joke, then this is a good indication that you could probably start-up a conversation with them.
7. Further friendships
Try to further any friendships you have with people or with people you meet, or with people who you used to speak to. Talk to them regularly and get it to the stage where you are both comfortable talking to each other and can do so easily. Get it to the point where you are inside the 'friendship-loop/circle' as it were and are no longer just a friend who isn't involved. You may be asked to do something or you may have to ask to do something and if it gets you doing something then good for you. :)
8. Join a club
A club is a great thing to be involved in as it will give you something to do and will get you to interact with others or at least be around others. If it's a sport then you will definitely be interacting with others (well with one or two exceptions) and this will be great for your confidence. You may also make a friend or two at your chosen club(s) which could lead to other possibilities to do things.
9. Give complements
Everyone likes a complement and by giving them people will be more likely to give them back to you. You'll feel better for doing so and others will take more of a liking to you - which could possibly lead to conversations in the future which could lead to friendships which could lead to doing activities together.
10. Be Helpful
Being helpful is another great thing to do to help boost confidence to be able to do outgoing things. If they seem angry it's not your fault - normally people get flustered in certain situations and find it hard to remain calm, so if they do snap at you don't take it to heart. You'll also get used to interacting with people you've just met which will improve conversation skills too.
You may have once been an extrovert but now because of all the time you spend by yourself, you're now a shy reserved introvert who is nervous and/or uncomfortable around others. So as you become more shy and withdraw yourself from the outside world - the less you will want to interact with people which will only make you more shy and introverted. It becomes a viscous cycle where the only way to break it is to become outgoing. But how do you become outgoing? Well hopefully with these tips I'm about to share with you you will be able to become more of an outgoing person.
1. Attitude
The first thing about wanting to become outgoing is your attitude towards wanting to make it work. If you want to become outgoing but are expecting it to just happen like magic - then it won't happen at all. Shifting from an introvert to an extrovert is going to require effort on your behalf so you will need to have the desire and right attitude to want to make this work, involving doing something about it.
2. Smile at people
It's surprising how shy a person can become from spending too much time by themselves - to the point where they don't even feel confident enough to make eye-contact and/or interaction with a person at all. So with this in mind make it a new goal of each day to smile at at least 2 different people (excluding your family). At first you may feel frightened to do so, and it's not encouraging when the other person doesn't smile in return, but don't be discouraged or disheartened - over time it will get better and soon you will wonder why you ever made a big-deal about simply smiling at people because it will be automatic.
3. Get out of the house more
This doesn't have to be for going to meet-up with people, it is so that you will become more used to getting out of the house and seeing others go about their daily life. You could try going to shops to buy something or take a walk through areas where lots of people are. The more you are around people - the more comfortable you will become and this will help with your confidence.
4. Say hi to people
A great tip to get you more used to interacting with others is to simply say "hi" to people. It could be to a person who walks past you in the street who you make eye-contact with, it could be to a person who serves you at a shop, to people who you work with, to anyone really. You don't have to do it to everyone you meet and is best that you don't as it could seem a bit strange. Just make it another goal to say hi to at least 2 people a day.
5. Make a joke or two
When you're around a person or people, allow yourself to make a joke or two. People don't always want to talk seriously and are often glad of some humour. You may make jokes that don't get any attention at all or backfire but the more you get used to making them, the more you will be able to judge what people find humorous. Then when you finally receive some laughs you will have a confidence-boost and this will help you to relax more around others.
6. Start a conversation with someone
Now you can't do this with everyone because not everyone wants a conversation. For example: people who you walk past in the street. The majority of people who you pass in the street will not want to start a conversation with you as they are heading somewhere (although there are some that would happily start talking to you).
This tip is usually best when people are stationary or when something has just happened. For example: whilst at the bus-stop, whilst in a queue, maybe something has just happened near to you and others and you just simply make a comment.
You could start with a question (e.g. what time is the bus?) or a comment about something that could be on both your minds (brrr, it's cold today isn't it?). Do this a couple of times to the same person (different questions though of course) and if they reply with one-word answers then you know that a conversation is most likely not going to happen. If however, the person replies with a sentence or asks a question or makes a joke, then this is a good indication that you could probably start-up a conversation with them.
7. Further friendships
Try to further any friendships you have with people or with people you meet, or with people who you used to speak to. Talk to them regularly and get it to the stage where you are both comfortable talking to each other and can do so easily. Get it to the point where you are inside the 'friendship-loop/circle' as it were and are no longer just a friend who isn't involved. You may be asked to do something or you may have to ask to do something and if it gets you doing something then good for you. :)
8. Join a club
A club is a great thing to be involved in as it will give you something to do and will get you to interact with others or at least be around others. If it's a sport then you will definitely be interacting with others (well with one or two exceptions) and this will be great for your confidence. You may also make a friend or two at your chosen club(s) which could lead to other possibilities to do things.
9. Give complements
Everyone likes a complement and by giving them people will be more likely to give them back to you. You'll feel better for doing so and others will take more of a liking to you - which could possibly lead to conversations in the future which could lead to friendships which could lead to doing activities together.
10. Be Helpful
Being helpful is another great thing to do to help boost confidence to be able to do outgoing things. If they seem angry it's not your fault - normally people get flustered in certain situations and find it hard to remain calm, so if they do snap at you don't take it to heart. You'll also get used to interacting with people you've just met which will improve conversation skills too.
Rabu, 19 Desember 2012
Kohlhaas Cattle Co., Iowa
We are excited to feature one of our recent cattle website designs, Kohlhaas Cattle Co. of Lu Verne, Iowa.
The Kohlhaas family came to us earlier in 2012 because they really liked the work we had done for lots of other Iowa club calf producers, and also the website we had just done for Cyclone Trace.
And, no surprise, when we got the design instructions for KCC, guess what their design preference was....Red and Gold, Iowa State colors.
We love working with customers of all backgrounds, but family farms are always special to us. Kohlhaas Cattle Company is a 3-generation family cattle and grain farm. Their business began in 1989, when they bought their first club calf for a 4-H project at the Kossuth County Fair.
Like many others in the business, once they had that first calf, they were hooked. The Kohlhaas's said that that first calf ignited a passion within their entire family and motivated them to work harder each year to grow their success in the show cattle industry.
I guess if you had to say what is the most unique thing about this family, it would be their niche in market heifers. They are pretty much the experts on market heifers. In fact, they have exhibited FOUR grand champion market heifers at the Iowa State Fair and also two reserve grand champion market heifers at the Iowa State Fair. So yeah, they are the people that when you see them in your class, you are silently bummed because you know they'll be so hard to beat!
Since that first calf in 1989, more than 20 years ago, KCC has developed a respected program with proven consistency in the show ring. They use their experiences from what they learned while showing all those champions to help their clients.
This really was an awesome group to work with -- and I hope you will check them out at
And yeah, if you are in the market for a market heifer -- you know where to go!
The Kohlhaas family came to us earlier in 2012 because they really liked the work we had done for lots of other Iowa club calf producers, and also the website we had just done for Cyclone Trace.
And, no surprise, when we got the design instructions for KCC, guess what their design preference was....Red and Gold, Iowa State colors.
We love working with customers of all backgrounds, but family farms are always special to us. Kohlhaas Cattle Company is a 3-generation family cattle and grain farm. Their business began in 1989, when they bought their first club calf for a 4-H project at the Kossuth County Fair.
Like many others in the business, once they had that first calf, they were hooked. The Kohlhaas's said that that first calf ignited a passion within their entire family and motivated them to work harder each year to grow their success in the show cattle industry.
I guess if you had to say what is the most unique thing about this family, it would be their niche in market heifers. They are pretty much the experts on market heifers. In fact, they have exhibited FOUR grand champion market heifers at the Iowa State Fair and also two reserve grand champion market heifers at the Iowa State Fair. So yeah, they are the people that when you see them in your class, you are silently bummed because you know they'll be so hard to beat!
Since that first calf in 1989, more than 20 years ago, KCC has developed a respected program with proven consistency in the show ring. They use their experiences from what they learned while showing all those champions to help their clients.
This really was an awesome group to work with -- and I hope you will check them out at
And yeah, if you are in the market for a market heifer -- you know where to go!
Senin, 17 Desember 2012
Berhati-hatilah Jika Menggunakan Widget Statistik Traffic Blog (agar tidak disalahgunakan)
Ada banyak sekali web service yang menyediakan layanan pemantauan dan analisis traffic. Salah satu yang paling kita kenal adalah Google Analytics. Meskipun sangat terkenal, penggunaan Google Analytics bersifat stealth, hanya pemilik website/blog saja yang bisa melihat statistik traffic yang terekam. Beberapa blogger, termasuk saya dan mungkin juga sobat semua, memilih untuk menayangkan sebagian
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012
Can you Still be Friends with your Ex?
When it comes to the question of whether or not you can remain friends with your ex, like the majority of discussions there are two sides on which people stand-by. In the case pertaining to still being friends with your ex the two sides are: "yes you can", and "no you can't". When asking people who you interact with or maybe just people who are acquaintances this question, the answers will normally be mixed. Some will say "yes of course you can" and others will say "no of course you can't".
It doesn't get any easier when you go online for advice as you are bombarded with different opinions and voices telling you what to do and think (,granted I know that this blog is online).
So what is the answer when it comes to the question "Can you still be friends with your ex?"...well I happen to think that the answer is yes you can still remain friends with your ex. Of course I know that when it comes to a relationship-parting it's not all fun-'n'-games and can be quite the traumatic experience for one of if not both of the individuals. And in this scenario when you have both left on bad terms then yes it will be harder to remain friends or seemingly impossible, however, this does not mean that you have to leave it on bad terms.
If both of you though were good friends when you were in the relationship and you got on well together then it will be difficult to brush that to one side and say goodbye to what once was as you know that you both get along/got along. Knowing this can help and if one individual decides to still remain friendly to the other individual there is a good chance that you two can work-out as a friendship.
Having said this though, it is uncommon (although it would be better if it wasn't) to see mutual breakups and so usually one party is hurt a lot more than the other (if that other is hurt at all), and so it is a lot more common to see relationships ending in a bad way. Not to mention that you and this individual would have shared memories and intimate things with each other and the level of trust would have been high between you both, so by a person breaking-up with the other will mean severing all that you have shared - and this is what normally tips the scales in the direction of not remaining friends. It can be hard for both individuals to remain friends especially after one has betrayed this level of trust, however, an effort can be made to remain friends and hopefully a friendship can still remain if both people are willing to try.
What good does it do both of you to fall out? Is it beneficial for both of you coming from a relationship to become mortal enemies? No it doesn't do you any good, and to be honest will only make the situation between the both of you worse.
As I have said above I do think that a person can still remain friends with their ex, however a lot of people don't remain friends. It maybe that it would be better if you two don't remain friends as you know that it can never go back to how it was before, although there is no need to fall-out and make each others life a misery - but it is achievable to get to a stage where you two can be friends.
It doesn't get any easier when you go online for advice as you are bombarded with different opinions and voices telling you what to do and think (,granted I know that this blog is online).
So what is the answer when it comes to the question "Can you still be friends with your ex?"...well I happen to think that the answer is yes you can still remain friends with your ex. Of course I know that when it comes to a relationship-parting it's not all fun-'n'-games and can be quite the traumatic experience for one of if not both of the individuals. And in this scenario when you have both left on bad terms then yes it will be harder to remain friends or seemingly impossible, however, this does not mean that you have to leave it on bad terms.
If both of you though were good friends when you were in the relationship and you got on well together then it will be difficult to brush that to one side and say goodbye to what once was as you know that you both get along/got along. Knowing this can help and if one individual decides to still remain friendly to the other individual there is a good chance that you two can work-out as a friendship.
Having said this though, it is uncommon (although it would be better if it wasn't) to see mutual breakups and so usually one party is hurt a lot more than the other (if that other is hurt at all), and so it is a lot more common to see relationships ending in a bad way. Not to mention that you and this individual would have shared memories and intimate things with each other and the level of trust would have been high between you both, so by a person breaking-up with the other will mean severing all that you have shared - and this is what normally tips the scales in the direction of not remaining friends. It can be hard for both individuals to remain friends especially after one has betrayed this level of trust, however, an effort can be made to remain friends and hopefully a friendship can still remain if both people are willing to try.
What good does it do both of you to fall out? Is it beneficial for both of you coming from a relationship to become mortal enemies? No it doesn't do you any good, and to be honest will only make the situation between the both of you worse.
As I have said above I do think that a person can still remain friends with their ex, however a lot of people don't remain friends. It maybe that it would be better if you two don't remain friends as you know that it can never go back to how it was before, although there is no need to fall-out and make each others life a misery - but it is achievable to get to a stage where you two can be friends.
Minggu, 09 Desember 2012
10 Benefits of Growing your own Food
You hear it all the time nowadays about how human-impact is affecting the planet and how we need to cut-down on fuel and other resources. Some people do take this to heart and start trying to help where they can: switching off lights when unnecessary, walking or cycling to work, using public transport more often, etc. These people, whilst their efforts are good and they are doing a great job in helping to lower our impact on the environment, remain a minority and the majority of us don't change at all.
One thing that can be done to help reduce our affect on the environment would be to simply grow our own food which comes with many benefits for doing so. Obviously when I say simply grow your own food I mean the concept is simple, the actual work that is needed to produce your own fruit and vegetables can be quite hard work but that's something that usually comes with something beneficial.
1. Health
A great benefit that will come with growing your own fruit and veg will be in the form of the health benefits. What you are going to be growing is going to be healthy (I hope anyway) and so you will be getting these nutritional foods into your system which your body needs.
I won't talk to much into the healthiness of fruits and vegetables but instead refer you to two different posts you may be interested in: Benefits of Individual Vegetables (Part 1), and Benefits of Individual Fruits (Part 1).
Also a third post you may like: The Benefits of a Healthy Diet.
2. Keeps you Productive
When at home their is often a temptation to not do much and relax, and why not? I mean that's what homes are for - relaxing and getting some time to ourselves. However, being productive is a great way to pass time and can in itself be not only relaxing and enjoyable but also rewarding.
In fact it's good to keep ourselves productive and busy as we're designed to work, it's in our nature. Often people who have worked their whole life and then later on go into retirement find it boring as they have nothing to do (this isn't the case for everyone but it's something that a lot of people do feel, and maybe that's why a lot of the older generation like to spend their time gardening as it does keep them busy). You can set yourself personal goals too which is always good to do.
Here's a related post to this point: 21 Ways to Boost Productivity.
3. Saves Money
Another great benefit you will gain with growing your on food, which I'm sure that a lot of us will welcome, is the money-saving part. If you're going to grow your own fruit and veg then you will not have to pay for them at the shops and packets of seeds don't cost much at all. Of course when you first start out you will have to as you will need to wait for your plants to grow, and will have to go through a trial-and-error approach to how much of a certain thing you should grow etc, but after these things you will certainly start to notice a reduction in financial payouts towards food. Some people become almost self-sufficient once they have a system up and running.
You can also preserve food for use during other seasons and grow different variates of fruit and vegetables during the different seasons of the year.
4. Better Taste
This is often said about home-grown fruit and veg. The food will be straight from your garden (or allotment or somewhere) and will be what is really fresh. Fresh fruit and veg from the shops are fresh but won't be nearly as fresh as your home-grown stuff, they could have been sat there for a day or two and would have taken some time in getting delivered to the store too, all-in-all not being as fresh as yours.
The satisfaction that comes with growing your own food could also enhance the taste in your mind but the freshness will definitely make the taste better.
5. Exercise
Whilst it may not be on the same level as cross-country and other exercise of that nature, gardening can be quite the strenuous activity in itself. Of course the more you have to do the more hard work it will be but when you have to lift and dig and walk here and there, can after some time become quite the form of activity.
6. Satisfaction
As briefly mentioned in point # 4 growing your own fruit and veg will bring you a sense of satisfaction. It's great when you put in hard work and see the fruits of your labour (excuse the pun), not only does it inspire you to continue your work but it also is a very rewarding and satisfactory experience. From nursing them from small saplings to full-grown plants - this joy is a great feeling and will help with confidence of your own abilities.
7. Reduces food waste
People throw away hundreds of pounds-worth of food every year. The reason why growing your own fruit and veg will reduce the amount of food you throw-away will be because after weeks of loving-care that you have put into growing these plants you will be less inclined to throw them rather than ones bought from the supermarket in 10 minutes. You'll want to get full-use of all your plants and so wasting them will not be on your agenda.
You will still have food waste but less of it.
8. Composting
Any food that is of waste or is bad that you have grown can be put immediately into a compost bin. This will save you money on compost (if you're a keen gardener) which you can use in the future for helping future fruit and vegetables grow, a great way to recycle. This is another benefit which can come from the growing your own food and which can help with reducing your impact on the environment.
9. Pesticide-free food
Contamination of food from pesticides and other chemicals that many farms spray onto their food because of the mass-production of crops that they don't want to be touched by insects and various other things, will not be upon your home-grown food and is something that you will not need to worry about. You will know that your food is clean and safe to eat.
10. Family activity
Growing your own food can become a daily commitment and if you are looking for a family activity for you all to participate in - this could be it. It will be a great chance to talk to one another and the fresh air is great for your mood and health.
One thing that can be done to help reduce our affect on the environment would be to simply grow our own food which comes with many benefits for doing so. Obviously when I say simply grow your own food I mean the concept is simple, the actual work that is needed to produce your own fruit and vegetables can be quite hard work but that's something that usually comes with something beneficial.
1. Health
A great benefit that will come with growing your own fruit and veg will be in the form of the health benefits. What you are going to be growing is going to be healthy (I hope anyway) and so you will be getting these nutritional foods into your system which your body needs.
I won't talk to much into the healthiness of fruits and vegetables but instead refer you to two different posts you may be interested in: Benefits of Individual Vegetables (Part 1), and Benefits of Individual Fruits (Part 1).
Also a third post you may like: The Benefits of a Healthy Diet.
2. Keeps you Productive
When at home their is often a temptation to not do much and relax, and why not? I mean that's what homes are for - relaxing and getting some time to ourselves. However, being productive is a great way to pass time and can in itself be not only relaxing and enjoyable but also rewarding.
In fact it's good to keep ourselves productive and busy as we're designed to work, it's in our nature. Often people who have worked their whole life and then later on go into retirement find it boring as they have nothing to do (this isn't the case for everyone but it's something that a lot of people do feel, and maybe that's why a lot of the older generation like to spend their time gardening as it does keep them busy). You can set yourself personal goals too which is always good to do.
Here's a related post to this point: 21 Ways to Boost Productivity.
3. Saves Money
Another great benefit you will gain with growing your on food, which I'm sure that a lot of us will welcome, is the money-saving part. If you're going to grow your own fruit and veg then you will not have to pay for them at the shops and packets of seeds don't cost much at all. Of course when you first start out you will have to as you will need to wait for your plants to grow, and will have to go through a trial-and-error approach to how much of a certain thing you should grow etc, but after these things you will certainly start to notice a reduction in financial payouts towards food. Some people become almost self-sufficient once they have a system up and running.
You can also preserve food for use during other seasons and grow different variates of fruit and vegetables during the different seasons of the year.
4. Better Taste
This is often said about home-grown fruit and veg. The food will be straight from your garden (or allotment or somewhere) and will be what is really fresh. Fresh fruit and veg from the shops are fresh but won't be nearly as fresh as your home-grown stuff, they could have been sat there for a day or two and would have taken some time in getting delivered to the store too, all-in-all not being as fresh as yours.
The satisfaction that comes with growing your own food could also enhance the taste in your mind but the freshness will definitely make the taste better.
5. Exercise
Whilst it may not be on the same level as cross-country and other exercise of that nature, gardening can be quite the strenuous activity in itself. Of course the more you have to do the more hard work it will be but when you have to lift and dig and walk here and there, can after some time become quite the form of activity.
6. Satisfaction
As briefly mentioned in point # 4 growing your own fruit and veg will bring you a sense of satisfaction. It's great when you put in hard work and see the fruits of your labour (excuse the pun), not only does it inspire you to continue your work but it also is a very rewarding and satisfactory experience. From nursing them from small saplings to full-grown plants - this joy is a great feeling and will help with confidence of your own abilities.
7. Reduces food waste
People throw away hundreds of pounds-worth of food every year. The reason why growing your own fruit and veg will reduce the amount of food you throw-away will be because after weeks of loving-care that you have put into growing these plants you will be less inclined to throw them rather than ones bought from the supermarket in 10 minutes. You'll want to get full-use of all your plants and so wasting them will not be on your agenda.
You will still have food waste but less of it.
8. Composting
Any food that is of waste or is bad that you have grown can be put immediately into a compost bin. This will save you money on compost (if you're a keen gardener) which you can use in the future for helping future fruit and vegetables grow, a great way to recycle. This is another benefit which can come from the growing your own food and which can help with reducing your impact on the environment.
9. Pesticide-free food
Contamination of food from pesticides and other chemicals that many farms spray onto their food because of the mass-production of crops that they don't want to be touched by insects and various other things, will not be upon your home-grown food and is something that you will not need to worry about. You will know that your food is clean and safe to eat.
10. Family activity
Growing your own food can become a daily commitment and if you are looking for a family activity for you all to participate in - this could be it. It will be a great chance to talk to one another and the fresh air is great for your mood and health.
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