Discipline is necessary in our society and always has been. With discipline comes rules, and with rules comes structure. Without it we would be in a mess and ongoing chaos.
This is discipline as a whole, but what about self discipline? Do we need this or is it a hindrance for us? I think we can safely say that the answer is yes, we do need it, looking at the bigger picture.
A lot of people see 'discipline' as a taboo word and link it together with absence of freedom. As well as this, the word discipline carries a negative connotation as this is normally used with an enforcement order/instructions, which if not met can result in discipline/punishment. In fact self discipline can actually give you more freedom in the future and often works out for the best. For example: performing of an instrument; giving up an addiction like smoking or coffee etc; better education; exercise, religion, getting up early etc.
What is Self Discipline?
This means behaving according to what's best, regardless of feelings, emotions, and how you feel at that moment in time.
Your attitude
Your attitude is very important when coming to self discipline, if you don't have the commitment once the initial buzz has faded from the task, you'll find it a lot more difficult to see it through to the end.
You'll need to have the determination, will power, stamina and patience.
If you set yourself a goal without the self discipline then the decision won't become manifest, but with the right discipline the goal you want to achieve is inevitable.
Self discipline can be work even better when combined with other tools such as planning and structure, this can help productivity.
How to build self discipline
The more you work at self discipline the easier it becomes, this however is true vice versa: the less you train the harder it becomes.
Start off with something within your current ability to do, this doesn't necessarily mean inside your comfort zone. If you don't push yourself, how are you going to improve?
Once you succeed at the first goal, with progressive training you can set the bar higher.
It would be a mistake for you to set yourself a task too hard when building self discipline, if you plan to transform your life in one night and expect that you're going to follow it through consistently, you're setting yourself up for a fall.
Trying to qualify for the 'tour de France' without any training and expecting yourself to commit to it and achieve it........No chance! So start with the small steps, working your way up to your final destination.
Having a conscious awareness is also vital, Knowing when to and how to spot yourself being undisciplined. As you start to establish self discipline, this will become a lot more evident to you when you're not being self disciplined.
For example: taking short-cuts; putting things off; stalling for time. Try to avoid this habit as best you can. This is the hardest thing to do once starting self discipline and if successful, will succeed.
As time goes along, you'll be able to stop yourself before you act this way and sometimes with very strong self discipline: even be able to stop yourself before thinking this way.
Self discipline doesn't come easy and it would be silly to think so, its not an impossibility however and is achievable if you have the right mind set.
In the future once you've built up a lot of self discipline, you'll look back at tasks that were almost impossible for you, but are now a walk in the park.