Senin, 04 Juli 2011

The Common Causes of Stress and how to Deal with it.

Stress can be a common part of our lives and we all have probably experienced stress at some point in our life. In fact stress is now 'the norm' in some peoples lives because of how used to it they have become. If your finding that you're overwhelmed and unable to cope with the amount of stress you have, then it would be wise to see a doctor.

What is Stress?

Stress is a response to an outside influence that has knocked your stability some how, or something that has made you feel vulnerable. 

When your body is faced with danger, stress kicks in with an adrenaline boost taking your body up a gear to deal with the threat. Its a response your body takes to tackle challenges. So stress can be a good thing when working well, it can keep you focused and alert in diverse situations.

However, when stress becomes too much to deal with and our mind starts to race with panic, then it becomes unhelpful to us. This can lead to health problems and a doctor must be consulted.

Common Causes of Stress
  • Major change,
  • Work,
  • Financial Problems,
  • Being extremely busy.
Effects of chronic stress
  • Pain of some form,
  • sleeping problems,
  • Digestive problems,
  • Skin problems,
  • Obesity,
  • Depression. 
Physical signs of stress
  • Acne,
  • Accelerated heart rate,
  • Asthma attack,
  • Back ache,
  • Colds,
  • Constipation,
  • Diarrhoea,
  • Dilated pupils,
  • Dry mouth,
  • Exhaustion,
  • Fatigue,
  • Headaches,
  • Muscle pain,
  • Higher blood pressure,
  • Nausea,
  • Nervousness,
  • Sweaty palms,
  • Trembling,
  • Stomach upset.
Individually stressful things.
Getting over Stress

So we know that stress can be good for us, in the right quantity. Getting yourself to calm down and de-stress is a accomplishment in itself. Being able to distress is a good skill to learn and can undeniably help with your levels of stress. Here's some tips to help you do so:

1. Talk

Talk to someone close. Tell them about how you feel and let them tell you what they think, coming to it from a different perspective can be refreshing.

2. Read

Reading can really help, as your mind is concentrating on absorbing the information you are processing, Its also a great tool to help relax before you go to bed.

3. Exercise

Physical exercise releases endorphins, which is similar to morphine. This is your bodies way of avert pain - mentally and physically. Its refreshing for your mind and helps raise your demeanor.

4. Have a laugh

Laughing is an effective way to lift your mood and decrease your stress levels, taking your mind away from negative things and onto the positive.

5. Get outside

Fresh air helps clear our mind and helps us to ponder upon certain subjects. Its peaceful (depending where you are) and if you go for a walk, you can make some logical decisions about important matters.

6. Write a schedule

Having a schedule to refer back to can help with the stress of having to remember things to do, its all written down and can help in productivity.

7. Music 

Music is an incredibly relaxing and enjoyable thing to listen to. Playing an instrument or listening to music (which you would be if you're playing) is a great stress reliever, taking your mind away from your worries and concerns.

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