Jumat, 30 September 2011

Benefits of Individual Fruits (Part 3)

26. Lemon 

Contains vitamins A, B, C and P, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc.

It can help to prevent malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid, influenza, the common cold, scurvy, internal haemorrhage, constipation, and vomiting.

The lemon promotes good vision, digestion, the strengthening of blood vessels, and heart health.
It also provides relief for fevers, abdominal disorders, and liver and bladder disorders. 

Lemons help strengthen the teeth and bones, although lemon juice should be diluted slightly with water, so as to avoid the injury of tooth enamel because of the lemons acidity. 

It dislodges phlegm and checks the over-excess of the flow of bile and cleanses the mouth. Intestinal worms are also destroyed because of the intake of lemons. 

Lemons are very acidic to taste, but surprisingly leave behind alkaline residues in the body. This is why it is beneficial in all cases of acidosis. 

27. Lime 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, and 88g of water (per 100g).

Helps to prevent high cholesterol, cholera, bacterial poisoning, constipation, digestive disorders, tooth decay or loosening; bleeding gums; and fragility of bones, and cold and dry coughs.

Limes can relieve peptic ulcers and the burning sensation of cystitis (also cures the bleeding).
Excellent for weight reduction, digestion, and removing wind.

28. Lychee 

Contains vitamin C, as-well as magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.

Lychee prevents the growth of cancer cells (especially breast cancer cells).

Can help relieve pain and reduce swollen glands. It helps to improve your blood.

Helps to digest food properly and is useful for colds, fevers and sore throats.

29. Mango 

Contains vitamins A, B and C, also contains calcium and phosphorus.

Helps to prevent cancer, heart disease and other ailments.
Mangoes are beneficial for people who suffer with anemia, kidney problems and nephritis, fever, constipation, and respiratory conditions.

They contain powerful anticancer and antioxidant properties.
Mangoes are effective at relieving clogged pores of the skin, and can combat acidity and digestive problems.

30. Mangosteen 

Contains vitamins A and C, also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.

Helps to prevent inflammation, stomach; bowel and mouth ulcers, depression and anxiety, tumors, cancer, alzheimers disease, bacterial infections, skin disorders, atherosclerosis, heart diseases, very low blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, periodontitis, allergic reactions, kidney stones, parkinsons disease, kidney stones, diarrhoea, dizziness, fevers, glaucoma, and cataracts.

If that isn't enough?, it also helps to reduce nerve pain, boost energy levels, pain suppressant, strengthens the immune system, blood fat lowering, and is good for weight loss.

31. Melon 

Contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.

Helps to prevent cancer (especially prostrate cancer), high cholesterol, heart diseases, and diabetes.

They are great to include in weight loss diets, with a high water content - you feel fuller afterwards. The high levels of vitamin B means that melons are brilliant sources of energy.

32. Nectarine 

Contains vitamins A, C, E and K, also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.
Helps to prevent infectious agents, lung and oral cavity cancers.

Nectarines contain anti-oxidants that is necessary for connective tissue synthesis of the body.

Another plus of nectarines is the facts that they promote healthy mucus membranes and skin. The iron is used for the formation of red blood cells, and the potassium helps to regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

33. Orange 

Contains vitamin B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
Helps to prevent kidney stones, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Oranges are beneficial for sufferers of asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, rheumatism, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

People who are addicted to alcohol, have found that drinking orange juice helps with reducing the desire for liquor. Also, consumption of large amounts of the fruit, decreases the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.

34. Peach 

Contains vitamins A, B and C, also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Helps to prevent anemia, constipation, high blood pressure, gastritis, nephritis, acidosis, bronchitis, asthma, poor digestion, bladder and kidney stones, worms in the intestinal sack, cancer in organs and glands.

Peaches are also a promoter of healthy skin and adds colour to the complexion.

35. Pear 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Pears help to prevent nephritis, acidosis, allergies and skin problems, colitis, and constipation.

Brilliant for strengthening your immune system, and is good for diabetes. They protect cells from being damaged by free radicals and can relieve fever, as-well as being beneficial for your blood pressure and heart.
Drinking pear juice regularly helps exercise bowel movement.

36. Physalis 

Contains vitamins A, B, C, E and P, also contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Helps to prevent Influenza, Laryngitis, diabetes, lung disease, and epilepsy.

37. Plum 

Contains vitamins A and C, also includes phosphorus and potassium. 

Plums help to prevent constipation, high cholesterol, macular degeneration, fatigue, and breast cancer.
They help with the absorption of iron.

38. Pineapple 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. 

Pineapples help to prevent the risk of dyspepsia, bronchitis, high blood pressure, arthritis, constipation, and sickness (including morning and motion sickness.)

Pineapple juice can rid the body of intestinal worms, diphtheria, infections, and is helpful in cases of goiter. 

39. Pomegranate 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium.

Pomegranates can help prevent arthritic pain, high cholesterol, breast cancer, lung cancer, alzheimers disease, dental plaque, intestinal worms in children, blood clots, atherosclerosis, blood vessel damage, erectile dysfunction (long term use of pomegranates), and respiratory problem. 

Drinking eight ounces of pomegranate juice daily for three months improved the amount of oxygen getting to the heart muscle of patients with coronary heart disease. 

Pomegranate juice may be able to protect your neonatal brain from damage after injury. 
< Part 1 < Part 2 Part 4 >

New Web Site: Bollum Family Shorthorns!

Bollum Family Shorthorns is a 5th generation family farm located east of Goodhue, Minnesota where the original Bollum’s settled in 1863. Shorthorns were used here from the very beginning because of their dual purpose traits. A pure beef herd was started in the late 1930’s as Henry and Curtiss began showing purebred cattle as part of their 4-H projects.

The cattle operation today consists of 75 purebred Shorthorn females and 40 commercial females used as recipients in the farm’s Embryo Transplant program. While their careers took them away from the farm during the week, their father continues to manage the day-to-day cattle and cropland responsibilities. Weekends are busy as the rest of the family comes back home to farm. Their collective goal has been to produce sound, functional cattle that will be profitable for purebred and commercial cattlemen alike.

Don't miss Bollum Family Shorthorn's Harvast Round-Up Sale on October 16th. This year's offering looks better than ever!

Haruskah Menggunakan Dynamic Views Blogger?

Blogger kini secara resmi telah menyempurnakan Fitur Dynamic Views serta, secara default, para user Blogger/Blogspot dapat mengaktifkan dan menggunakannya melalui Template Designer. User Blogger dapat mengubahsuaikan template blog dalam beberapa bentuk tampilan. Pada dasarnya dynamic views adalah kode otomatis untuk mengubah area-area div pada template dan secara otomatis pula mengubah dasar

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Baby Joelynn

We couldn't resist posting this adorable photo of Joelynn Donough. Who would have thought that one day this adorable little girl with the camera around her neck would be helping photograph at Denver!!  We loved this picture and had to share.

Oh, and we couldn't resist these two either. Apparantely this was Joelynn's "go to" outfit for shows. Not judging. My very own go to outfit at that time included turquoise Rockies, a holstein print shirt, and a leather velcro collar with fringe and conchos. I'll try to find a photo of THAT gorgeous outfit.

Senin, 26 September 2011

Cara Membuat & Memasang Tanda Tangan di Blog

DI BLOG (BLOGGER), kita dapat membubuhkan tanda tangan (signature) sebagai sebagai identitas penulis blog (blog author). Dengan adanya tanda tangan ini, posting-posting blog terasa lebih khusus, karena memiliki tanda tangan sang penulis blog yg unik. Sobat Blogger bisa membuat dan memasangnya di blog Blogger dengan mudah. Kehadiran online signature maker memberikan kemudahan untuk membuat

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Benefits of individual fruits (Part 2)

13. Date 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains manganese. Per 100g it contains 21g of water.

They are an excellent cure for intestinal disturbances, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines. 

They can help with constipation.
If soaked over night and crushed, dates can be beneficial for people with heart problems.

They can help prevent abdominal cancer and strokes.
Some additional benefits would be: reduce cholesterol, help sufferers with anemia, improve quality of fats in your blood without raising sugar levels.

14. Durian 

Contains vitamins A, B, C and E, also contains potassium, 75g (per 100g) water, iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, and zinc.

Can help prevent colon cancer and infectious agents. Great for replenishing energy and can be used in an additional food in a treatment plan for underweight children.

Compared with other fruits, durians contain relatively high amounts of fat, but with no cholesterol.  Promotes red blood cell production and helps control heart rate and blood pressure.  

15. Eggplant 

Contains vitamins C and B, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

Can help prevent high cholesterol, cancer, bacterial and viral infection, constipation, hemorrhoids, and colitis, and stomach ulcers.
It can help protect the lipids in brain membranes.

16.  Elderberry 

Contains vitamins A, B and C.
Elderberries help stimulate the immune system and enhance immune function. It can help reduce the risk of Cardiovascular disease.

17. Feijoa 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and magnesium.

Can help reduce the risk of some cancers, anemia, osteoporosis, alzheimers disease, depression, gingivitis, goiter, fatigue, and common colds. 
It improves wound healing and nerve function, as-well as promoting lung health and boosted short-term memory.

18. Gooseberry 

Contains vitamins A and C, also contains calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus.

Can help to prevent cancer, diabetes, liver and intestinal disorder (juice form), cataracts and short-sightedness, constipation and other digestive problems.

Gooseberry tea brewed from its leaves, was used as a cure for urinary tract and menstrual disorders.

Increases the production of red blood cells and strengthens heart muscles. Enhances food absorption.

It is proven to have anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties. 

They contain 20 times as much vitamin C as an orange does and isn't effected by cooking. They help strengthen teeth and nails.

Regular consumption of gooseberries can be a great remedy for hair loss, and also helps in the prevention of premature grey hairs. Gooseberry juice is common among inks, shampoos, hair oils and dyes.

19. Grape 

Contains vitamins B, C and K also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.

They can help prevent asthma (and can be used as a cure), heart attacks and blood clots, migraines (especially if eaten early in the morning), constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion, fatigue, breast cancer, alzheimers disease, macular degeneration, cataracts, high cholesterol, and colorectal cancer.

Red grapes have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, so they are great for protection against infections.

20. Grapefruit 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, and 90.48g water (per 100g).

Can help to prevent arthritis, tumors, and certain cancers.
Some more benefits of grapefruit's are: flush out excess water, great for weight loss, increase metabolism, it's a liver tonic, helps with gallstones, helps with colds; pneumonia and fever, it's a powerful drug-poison remover, helps digestion, improves complexion, and is a natural anti-septic for wounds. 

21. Huckleberry 

Contains Vitamins B and C. 
Promotes a healthy immune system, healthy skin and muscle tone, cell growth and division, functioning nerve and muscle tissue, and regulation of water balance.

It helps prevent pancreatic cancer, immune deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, premature wrinkles and high blood sugar levels.

22. Jackfruit 

These are big fruits, check this picture out: Jackfruit picture.
Contains vitamins A, B and C, also contains potassium.
Can help prevent tension and nervousness (and treat it sometimes), constipation, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Helps with weight loss and has been known to cure ulcers and indigestion.
The root of a jackfruit is a remedy remedy for skin diseases and asthma.

23. Jambul 

Contains vitamins A, B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. 
It can help prevent polyuria, diabetes, diarrhoea dysentery, piles, liver disorders, and female sterility.

24. Kiwifruit 

Contains vitamins A (very small amount), B, C, E and K, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, and manganese (very, very small amount).

Helps Prevent asthma, coughing and wheezing (especially with children), colon cancer, DNA mutation, macular degeneration, atherosclerosis, and diabetic heart disease. 

Concerning the severity of certain conditions, Kiwi fruit can help reduce the effects of conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

25. Kumquat 

Contains vitamins A, C, E and K, also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc. 

Can help protect your body from cancer, arthritis, degenerative diseases and infections, and diabetes.

Promotes collagen synthesis, wound healing, anti-viral and anti-cancer activity, absorption of food, metabolism, and the production and formation of red blood cells.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Benefits of individual fruits (Part 1)

Fruit and Veg are a natural source of vitamins, iron and all the other healthy stuff that your body needs to remain properly functioning. In fact a lot of the time, you'll hear on the news about scientists who have found out about prevention of a certain illness, and it was in the form of a fruit or vegetable.

These foods are the healthiest and along with water (being the healthiest drink), it seems no coincidence that they're both natural.
Discerning which fruits and which vegetables hold what illness repellent, is another thing entirely.

When I was younger I was told that eating my carrots would help me to see in the dark, whether this is true or not I had no idea. I just ate them.

So thinking about this, I felt compelled to put together a list of the benefits of each individual fruit and veg.

This post will be focusing on fruit, and will be split into multiple posts. (Not sure how many at the moment, I'm guessing 4-5 for fruit, have no idea for vegetables.)

1. Apple 

Contain vitamin C which helps boost your immune system (although compared to other fruit and veg, vitamin c levels a relatively low), and ripe apples contain nearly 80% water, with no fat whatsoever. 

They contain flavonoids which can prevent coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and colon; prostrate and lung cancer.
Are a source of fibre and aid weight loss and an average apple will contain 70-100 calories.  

2. Apricot 

Contain 1.4g of protein and 3.4g when dried. Vitamin A (equivalent (almost doubled when dried); vitamin C (tiny amount when dried) , iron ( 7 times higher when dried).

Promotes good vision aiding as a defence against cataracts, and can help prevent heart disease. It can also help prevent constipation and diverticulosis (digestive condition).

3. Avocado 

Contains vitamins C,B and E, also contains: zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

Can help prevent oral cancer; prostrate cancer; and breast cancer, macular degeneration and cataracts, and strokes.

Nutrients can be absorbed better when eaten with avocado. It promotes heart health and lower cholesterol.

4. Banana 

Contains vitamins A,B and C, as-well as choline, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Helps to keep your heart and nervous system in good shape because of high potassium levels. It can help prevent kidney stones, large calcium loss, coronary heart disease, diabetes, stomach ulcers, colitis, Diarrhoea and constipation.

Banana skins are said to be helpful against warts. (Doesn't sound that appealing to me though...eating the skin that is.)

5. Bilberry 

Can be used to treat urinary tract infection, kidney stones, diarrhoea, vericose veins and mucose membrane inflammation.

May also help night vision, helping the eye adjust to quick light changes.
It helps circulation, can relieve pain and itching, and can fight skin ulcers.

6. Blackberry 

Contains vitamins A, C and K, also contains calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, sodium and, folic acid.

It can help strengthen our immune system (which can lower stress levels),and can help prevent things such as heart disease, certain cancers, and macular degeneration.

They are low in calories, carbohydrates and fat, and are a great thing to include in your diet. One cup full of blackberries can provide you with 50% of your daily advised vitamin C intake - impressive.

They can reduce inflammation and can help protect your skin against ultraviolet light, and it is now thought that they can help repair damaged skin from ultraviolet light. (Because of ellagic acid it contains).

7. Blackcurrant

Contains vitamins C and B, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
It can help in insulin production by up to 50%, and weight-for-weight has a higher amount of vitamin C than oranges.

Can help in treatment of urinary tract infection, diarrhoea, whooping cough, tonsillitis, and gum disease. 

8. Blueberry 

Contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
Is a great immune builder and can reduce ageing of the body. (Wont stop it though) :)

It can reduce belly fat, as-well as reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, urinary tract infections, macular degeneration, cataracts, myopia, hypermetropia, Alzheimer's disease (and can help in the curing up to a certain point), heart disease, constipation, and colon and liver cancer.
They are also great anti-depressants.

9. Cherimoya 

Contains vitamins A, B, C and E, also contains manganese, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

It can help prevent cholesterol absorption in gut, colon cancer, malaria, helminthes, nervous irritability; tension and headaches.
It is high in vitamin C.

10. Cherry 

Contains vitamin C as well as iron, potassium and magnesium.

Tart cherries (dried, frozen or in juice) have one of the highest disease-fighting antioxidants compared with other fruits. Can help ease the pain of arthritis, and can help prevent heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes.
Also help in the reduction of body weight.

11. Clementine 

Contains vitamins B, C and E, also contains choline, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium sodium and zinc.

Can help in the prevention of heart disease, gall stones, energy insufficiency. They also have antioxidant properties.

12. Cucumber 

Contains vitamins B and C, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc.
It is the best known natural diuretic, promotes urine flow. Can help prevent kidney and urinary bladder disease, liver disease, pancreatic disease, and pyorrhea.

It helps with: digesting protein, hair growth, high and low blood pressure, splitting nails (against it, not for it) and rheumatic conditions.

New RHD Site: Midnight Genetics!

Welcome to Midnight Genetics located just south of the red river in Howe, Texas. Though this is only their second year of operation, the genetic base and sow herd has tripled in number and quality. The crew at Midnight Genetics strive to produce hogs with a productive, useful built that will provide the look of quality that no judge can ignore. With recent champion banners coming for the 2011 National Western Stock Show, that quality goes without saying.

Whether you are in the market for hamps, crossbred, yorks, berks or even chesters, let Midnight Genetics help you with you next champion. They breed to farrow their 25 litters for late summer, through September so they are ready for any winter or Texas Major. The herd's genetics are based primarily on Mike Clay genetics and most lines consist of Warfare daughters. But come see for yourself, success can be found with Midnight Genetics!

Click here to visit this site!

Selasa, 20 September 2011

New RHD Site: Circle T Cattle Company

Circle T Cattle Company is proudly owned and operated by three generations of the Thibodeaux Family!

Located in Church Point, Louisiana, they are known as "La place de bons voche"....the place for good cattle! The family are bonded order buyers of calves, yearlings, recipient cows, replacement heifers and stocker calves. They are also proud to raise registered red and grey Brahman cattle. The Thibodeaux family strive to produce cattle that are genetically sound and phenotypically superior. One of our proudest moments was exhibiting the 2011 International Champion Red Brahman Female, CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9.

Circle T Cattle Company functions as family. Every member of the family has their individual responsibilities that join together to make our business a success. Just as the cattle business is a way of life for them so is the Cajun way. This hard-working Cajun heritage is extremely important to the family, especially since only a few generations ago, the Thibodeaux’s still spoke French. These family values and way of life has been passed onto the current generation. From constant prayer to minding their manners, this crew has been a great success both in and out of the ring.

Give them a call or stop by the ranch and see what’s new at Circle T. Check their sale listings page for current cattle listings, and if they can help you in any way, let them know!

Senin, 19 September 2011

15 Mistakes to Avoid in an Interview

When lucky enough to be asked to attend a job interview, you have confidence that you were invited for a reason. Out of a group of people, you and a few others have made it this far. 

Now all you have to do is impress the interviewer(s) and you're home and dry with a job in hand... This is what you want to happen, however mistakes are very easily made in a high-pressure interrogation and can cost you the job.

One big, simple error, and you can't take it back. It hangs over you for the rest of the interview, probably causing you to make further and maybe even bigger mistakes.

1. No Research 

Having an understanding of the business you're hoping for employment in is essential. The history, future goals, different branches (if they have any). It shows the interviewer that you have come prepared and that you are serious about wanting to join the company.

2. Inappropriate attire 

How you dress will give a big impression to an interviewer, it will be the first thing they see after-all and whatever people may say, first impressions are lasting ones. So when attending a job interview, dress slightly more on the conservative side than normal, as-well as making sure your clothes are clean.

Jewellery can put people off also, this is not only true of women, but men as-well. 

3. No questions 

Near the end of the interview, nearly every interviewer you will ever see will ask if you have any questions. This is a great chance to make a lasting impression, and sadly is often neglected. Good questions can often lead to a job. (Although it is also dependant on how well your first part of the interview went). :)

If you want an idea on some of the questions to ask, then go ahead and take a look at this previous post: 10 Vital questions to ask in a job interview.

4. No eye-contact 

When the interviewer is talking to you, and you're staring at the floor or at the surroundings of the room, it will come across as rude and will make you look as though you are disinterested.

Practice keeping eye-contact with people you interact with usually, as-well as new acquaintances. (This is something I've had trouble with, and sometimes still do).

5. Lying 

If you're asked about something you don't know about, or the topic of conversation has moved to something that has caught you off-hand, just be honest and say that you don't know.

Employers will be glad of your honesty and hate it when employees lie to them, so don't give them that reason not to choose you for the job.

Besides, you could offer your opinion on the matter and could express what you would do to solve the problem - so it's not as bad as you may think.

6. Mobile phones ringing 

Before you enter the interview room, make sure your phone is off! The interviewer will find it very disrespectful and rude for you to disrupt the interview by having to switch off your phone.

7. Asking about salary early on 

Asking for the salary too early into the interview will reveal that you are only interested in the job for the money. Inquiring about the salary should be done in a gentle manner towards the end of the interview, if at all, to avoid bad impressions.

8. Professionalism 

Most interviewers will want you to feel comfortable and relaxed, but try to remain professional throughout. Don't border over into the personal realm, but give the appearance of someone who your interviewer would want to hire.

9. Prepare answers 

Prepare for obvious staple questions such as: "Why do you want to work here?", or "What skills could you bring to the team?"

Of course there will be some slightly peculiar questions which you will have to face blind, but prepare for the things you can expect to see. Who knows, you might be able to draw some of your answers from these staple questions, into the harder more difficult questions.

10. Punctuality 

Turning up late to an interview is a huge mistake and will almost immediately destroy any possible chance you have of getting the job.
Try reading my post on: 15 Steps to improve punctuality.

11. Checking the time 

Whilst you are inside the interview procedure, try your best (however tempting) to avoid glancing at the clock in the room or your watch. If the interviewer catches you doing this, they will think that you're bored and are wanting to be other places.

12. Fidgeting 

Don't fidget. It's distracting for the employer and can be seen as a result of anxiety, stress and nerves. An employer would rather have a still employee rather than a fidgety one.

13. Speaking about other interviews 

While it's good for you to know that you have more than one possibility of a job, an interviewer will not share your opinion. Why would they want to employ someone, who is likely to or is possibly going to be employed somewhere else.

14. Murmuring 

Murmuring or speaking in a fashion where the interviewer won't be clear about what your saying, can be very off putting. An interviewer will soon get fed up of asking you to repeat yourself, and will want to see the back of you.
If you're interested, I've written a post about developing articulation.

15. Don't over-explain 

When delivering a response, it wants to be straight to the point with no nonsense. Making it as short but as informative as possible is the way to go (unless a question needs a longer answer). Once your point has been made, don't over-explain yourself. It can come across as patronising and could cause you to trip over previous words.

RHD Partners with Showtimes Magazine

Ranch House Designs, Inc. is pleased to announce a new partnership with The Showtimes Magazine, a nationwide junior livestock publication owned by Brian, Lisa and Laurie Reid of Colorado. The Showtimes Jr. Livestock Magazine was established in February 2007. Celebrating their 5 year anniversary in spring 2012, the publication now has a circulation of just over 8,000.

Since RHD started in 1999, many people have asked us why we don't start a youth livestock magazine. There were three primary reasons we did not ever pursue this venture. First, we felt that the market already contained many credible show publications, including many that RHD maintains a close professional relationship with including The Showbox or Purple Circle magazine. Cherie Carrabba was my first "boss" in this field and continues to be a mentor to me. I would never in my life dream of starting a business to compete with the person that taught me the foundation of what I know.

Second, we enjoy the option of being selective on who we work with, and having a small enough client base to maintain our elite level of service and personal attention. We felt that if we were to pursue a monthly magazine, that our work would become too generic and that we would lose that exclusivity that people enjoy by working with us.  We like being able to choose what clients we work with, and being able to devote the extra time needed to make their projects the best.

Third, we have always believed that you pick a FEW services and be the ABSOLUTE BEST at providing that service....instead of providing mediocre service on 50 products. It's kind of the mentality of I'd rather have 5 of the best donor cows in the world than 500 sale barn cows.

However, we do feel that we are able to offer our clients incentives and benefits by forming strategic alliances with the best service providers in the industry. For example, we do not offer online sales but we enjoy recommending our clients to Live Auctions or Cattle in Motion. We do not offer livestock videos but we recommend folks like Maximum Exposure.

With all that being sald, we are very pleased to announce a new partnership between RHD and The Showtimes. Since 2005, RHD has worked very closely with this outstanding publication through web design, editorial, and advertising. Quality and integrity were the two biggest factors in our decision to align with this publication. We have admired the work of the Reid family for their excellence in junior livestock coverage, and also their business integrity. When browsing through their publication, you'll find page after page of motivational, uplifting, encouraging articles designed to instill good old fashioned American values into youth readers. We love it! The magazine is published 6 times a year, entirely in full color. All show results are in full color as well. Each issue contains several extremely interesting stores including youth spotlights, judges articles, and more.

Ranch House Designs, Inc. will represent The Showtimes Magazine and also frequently provides the magazine with editorial content and advertising collaboration. This new teamwork partnership also brings several benefits to Ranch House Designs clients. If you're a client, watch for our October mail out which will contain exciting details of this new venture! 

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Cara Menyembunyikan Sidebar di Halaman Blogger

Posting ini adalah tips dan trik dan tutorial lengkap untuk menyembunyikan sidebar di halaman-halaman blog Blogger/Blogspot. Bagi sobat Blogger yang merasa risih atau ingin sidebar tidak ditampilkan pada suatu halaman Blogger tertentu, baik di halaman statis maupun di halaman posting, sobat bisa mencoba menggunakan trik ini. 
Namun sebelumnya perlu diperhatikan bahwa trik menghilangkan sidebar

Jumat, 16 September 2011

42 Internet terms you should know

The internet is a fast growing part of the 21st century and more and more people are using it. Using it to search for information; using it to book holidays; using it to shop; using it to socialise; using it for business, the list goes on...

The internet is used by millions from all over the globe, so it's surprising to see that a lot of internet users (me included) aren't too familiar with all the internet terms that are commonly used.

So for people out there, who like me, have no idea what people talk about when they're using high-tech web terms (which they find pretty simple), this is a post for you. Or maybe you just want to refresh your memory or clear up some vague ideas.

1. http 

This technical acronym stands for 'hypertext transfer protocol'. Http assigns how messages are to be formatted and transmitted, and what procedures servers and browsers should implement in response to various commands.

There is also a term called a https. This stands for 'hypertext transfer protocol secure', and is a mixture of a http and SSL/TLS to provide a layer of encryption to protect personal information, communication and passwords.

2. SSL 

SSL (secure sockets layer) is a common technological security for providing encrypted links between a web server and browser.

All data that is passed between a web browser and server are private, and so is used by millions of websites around the web.

3. TLS 

TLS which is short for 'transport Layer Security', is a protocol that boasts privacy between client/server applications over the internet.
TLS and SSL are most widely recognised as the protocols for providing secure http (https).

4. Browser  

Browser (web browser) is a software application for retrieving, presenting, viewing and traversing around the web.
It is specifically designed to convert HTML and XML into readable content.

Some examples of web browsers would be; Firefox, internet explorer, safari, google chrome.

5. Server

A network server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data and information to computers (often referred to as clients) via the internet.

A server computer is a computer, or an arrangement of computers, that link other computers or electronic devices together. The server is sometimes referred to as the host.

6. HTML 

'Hypertext markup language' is the chief markup language that web pages are based upon. It is part of the foundation of your web page and causes your web browser to present graphics and text in an appropriate fashion.

HTML is written in a form of HTML tags enclosed in angle brackets (such as <html>), normally coming in pairs like </hl> and <hl>.

7. XML 

'eXtensible markup language' is a close relative to the HTML and is a set of instructions for encoding documents into machine-readable form.

It is designed to carry data and not to display data into readable form like HTML.
XML tags are not predefined like HTML, but have to be defined by the user.


XHTML ('eXtensible hypertext markup language)' is a combination of both HTML and XML. You can read more about XHTML here: XHTML

9. URL 

'Uniform resource locater's' are the browsers internet addresses of web pages and files.

The first part of the address is called the protocol identifier, indicating what protocol to use, and the second part is called the resource name, specifying the domain name or IP address. This helps for searching, naming, locating and bookmarking distinct web pages or files.

10. IRC 

Short for 'internet relay chat', IRC is the structure of real-time internet text messaging.
Mainly designed for group activity as in forums, but also allows one-to-one private massaging.

11. Network  

Computer network, referred to as network is a group of hardware components and computers which are interconnected for the purpose of sharing data and resources.

12. Email 

Email stands for 'electronic mail' and is known as email, is the process of sharing digital messages from an author to a receiver. (Basically a letter but online and with near instant delivery time).  
Some examples of emailing servers are; Hotmail and Yahoo.

13. IP Address 

Your computer and everybody else's computer has an exclusive identifying number called an 'internet protocol' address. It is a four part serial number (each called an octet) and would look something like this: ''.
The decimals are there to make it easier for us to remember them, but for computers they communicate in binary form.

14. Blog/Blogging 

A blog is a website, or part of one, that is similar to that of a writers column, such as Smart Blog. :)

The blog is usually maintained by the person/people who publishes regular entries, and are popular with amateurs and professionals alike.

What content the blog publishes is entirely up to the author(s), whether it's about sport, technology, a diary, animals, delivering interesting information... the list goes on. A free way to start your own blog is to use a website like the popular Blogger or Wordpress.

15. Trolling 

'Trolling' or a 'troll' is the internet slang to identify a user as posting provocative, off-topic messages in a community online. It is normally done to provoke an emotional response or to disrupt/ruin the topic of discussion.

16. Social Bookmarking 

'Social Bookmarking' is a form of social media, and is where users interact through means of site recommendation. For example: Tweet buttons, facebook like buttons, Digg buttons, StumbleUpon buttons etc.

17. ISP 

Short for 'internet service provider', ISP is a company that provides you with your internet access.
ISP's are based on a monthly fee, varying in price depending on your choice. The service provider will normally provide you with a software package, password & username, and access phone number.

The internet connection speed will also vary depending on your provider.

18. Malware 

Malware, short for 'malicious software', is programming  designed purposely with the intent to disrupt, gather information (including private), gaining unauthorised access to systems, and other behaviour like this.

Malware includes: Trojan Horses; worms; viruses; keyloggers; spyware; zombie software; adware; scareware, and any other malicious program.

19. Router 

A router is a hardware device that forwards data along networks. They can either can be wired, wireless or both.
If your router is configured correctly, hackers will not be able to (or find it a very hard to) hack in, and internet speed will be quick.

20. Keywords 

Keywords are specific words/search terms used to locate information and documents. They are the primary way in which the web can locate a web page/document for you when you search.
It is also an early step into SEO.

21. Tags/Labels 

'Tags' or 'labels', are non-hierarchical term or keyword that is appointed to a piece of information.
An example of some tags/labels can be seen in the right-hand column in the form of a tag cloud.

22. I.M 

I.M, known as 'instant messaging' is a modern way of conversing in real time. Chatrooms have evolved over the years and have increased in sophistication.

23. P2P 

P2P is the quick way to say and write peer-to-peer. It is the trading of files, tasks or workloads between peers.

P2P software can be downloaded, then once done, users can (instead of using the internet), trade files; information; music; ebooks; videos, all voluntarily.

24. E-Commerce 

E-commerce otherwise known as 'electronic commerce', is the trading of business buying and selling online.

Billions of pounds exchange into different hands through the web each day, working because of the reasonable security of web pages. (Https and things like that.)

25. Bookmark 

A bookmark is a locally stored uniform resource identifier, and is a marker you can leave on a web page. Bookmarks are also called favourites internet short-cuts.

You place a bookmark on a page that you would like to come back to. Its the internets version of a bookmark, which is used for reading.

26. RSS 

RSS stands for 'really simple syndication' and is a technology used by millions. RSS allows you to get up-to-date information to read when you have time. It allows you to get information quickly right after it's published.

You are able to read something by RSS by subscribing to the web page, via an RSS subscription link/button.

An example of an RSS subscription button would the one to the right of this blogs URL, or the obvious one in the sidebar, or the link underneath the 'home page' link, at the bottom of this page.

27. Social Engineering 

Social engineering is the practice of manipulation online, for the intent to deceive people into divulging their passwords and private or confidential information. In most of the cases, the attacker doesn't meet the victim face-to-face.

28. Phishing 

Phishing is the attempt of someone or people, to try to get you to hand over your usernames, passwords, or any other personal data.

Posing as a trustworthy source, they send information such as "your bank account has been hacked into, you will need to reconfirm bank details for us to validate your identification. 

This we shorten the process of dealing with the problem".
Phishing is one of many techniques used in social bookmarking.

29. Plugins 

A plugin is range of software products used to specifically view specialised pages. For example adobe flash player, Quicktime etc.

30. Trojan 

The trojan or 'trojan horse' is a type of hacker program. Disguising itself as something useful or desirable to use and install, but with the agenda of stealing information and data. It was named after the trojan horse tale.

31. Spamming 

Spam is the unwanted repetition of a message in an attempt to force the message upon someone who would not normally choose it.

It is commonly done by advertisers for commercial purposes, or it could be hackers trying to find information about you, or it could just be a form of trolling.

32. Filtering 

Filtering is the popular (but not perfect) defence that is used against spam. Filtering uses software to read incoming e-mails, deciding on accordance to keyword combinations whether the e-mail is spam or not. From there it either separates or deletes the e-mail.

33. Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing is used as a service over the internet. Software, shared resources and information are provided to computers and other devices as a use.

A cloud can be public or private. 'Public' is people are able to use the services, whereas 'private' provides hosted services to only a limited number of people.

34. Apps 

An app (also known as 'application software'), is computer software to aid the user to carry out specific tasks.
Examples of these specific tasks could be: accounting software; enterprising software; gaming software; graphic software; and media players etc.

35 Encryption 

Encryption is the method of transforming  information, using algorithms, to make it unreadable to anyone who does not have a 'key' or 'password' to enable decryption.

It is one of the (if not the) best way(s) to achieve data security. Decrypted information is called plain text.

36. Ports 

A port (in computer networking) refers to either a virtual or physical connection points.

Physical ports allow you to connect cables to routers; modems; computers and the like.

Virtual ports allow software applications allow the sharing of hardware resources without the disruption of each other. They are part of IP/TCP networking.

37. Firewall 

Firewall can be implemented in hardware and software, or both, and is designed to restrict unauthorised access to or from a private network, but allowing legitimate communications to pass.

Some techniques firewall may use are: packet filter; application gateway; circuit-level gateway and proxy server.

38. Archives 

Archiving is the process of recording information, enabling individuals to be able to search for what they may want, as all the information in one place. This is the purpose of archives - the storage of information so people can refer back to them if they want.

39. AJAX 

AJAX (also called asynchronous Java Script,) is a group of interrelated web development methods to allow the developer and designer to help solve problems for their customers.

40. CMS 

Short for 'content management system', CMS is a system for supporting a group of procedures used for management, discovery, distribution, and publishing in a coordinated environment. 

41. Domain Name 

A domain name is an individual address that is allocated to individual web addresses, assigning them to a server. The domain name is under the subjection of the rules of the 'domain name system' (DMS).

42. SEO 

SEO stands for 'search engine optimisation' and is the process in which search engines find and access your site, ranking it and basically effecting the ammount of website traffic you could have.

The higher your rank, the higher up on the search engines results page you are.

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Cara Membuat Recent Posts Blogger (Auto Scroll & Thumbnails)

Widget Recent Posts atau Posting terbaru merupakan widget penting karena berfungsi sebagai penunjang navigasi blog. Dengan adanya daftar posting terbaru, pengunjung yg masuk tidak dari halaman utama (homepage) dapat langsung mengetahui beberapa posting terbaru dari sebuah blog. Selain itu, widget recent posts dapat menjadi sebuah tawaran bagi pengunjung blog untuk mengetahui isi posting-posting

Senin, 12 September 2011

Christy Collins

This week's partner spotlight is someone I greatly admire: Christy Collins.

I can't remember exactly when this memory occured, but I know it was probably at least 15 years ago. We had a Shorthorn bull that we raised here at V8 Ranch named "Bonfire." Well, okay, that reminds me. It would have been like in 1997ish because we named him that while I was a student at A&M because he was out of my old show heifer. People who attended the Illinois State Fair around that time might also remember him from the notorious "Illinois State Fair Bull Fight" in which Bonfire tore down the showring, and blew up the lassie queen's skirt as she hopped over the fence. HA! Truthfully, the story on that was that he had never been shown before - he was never intended to be shown. But Don Cagwin, one of the owners, kept insisting we start showing him. So he was halterbroke and stuff later in life, and showed, and won Louisville. Good foresight by Mr. Cagwin.

Anyway, that story does have a relevant point to this topic. My dad knew Bonfire was the best bull we had raised at that time, and so Don Cagwin purchased an interest in the bull as well as several other promiment breeders. Now keep in mind this was BEFORE I started doing advertising. I will never forget my - almost stalker-ish - excitement when my dad told me that we were possibly going to hire CHRISTY COLLINS to do the pictures of Bonfire. THIS was when I knew we were talking BIG TIME here! Christy Collins to do our picture!!!

Well, actually, that deal never panned out on working with Christy - not her fault, we just went another direction. But, we felt it was a huge honor that Christy would even consider taking on our bull. I had seen her photos and ad design throughout all of the magazines and I was interested in advertising - though I never really knew to what extent at that time - and I was so excited at the possibility to get to work with her.

Later that year, my dad saw Christy at Denver, and mentioned to her that I was interested in web design. She offered that if I wanted to come job shadow her to learn about ad design, I was more than welcome. Um, hi, I should have DEFINITELY done that. But, I didn't. (Note to young professionals, if Christy, or me, or anyone else you hold in high regard ever makes you that offer, TAKE IT!)

Well though the years, I have continued my great admiration for Christy's work. Not only is she, in my opinion, the greatest club calf bull photographer ever, but she is also one of the best ad designers, catalog designers, sale managers, everything. No matter what she does, she does it with professionalism and CLASS.

I absolutely love it when I get to do an ad using photos taken by Christy. Probably my all time favorite would be the Heat Wave photo. Which I just realized you can order a really cool poster about Heat Wave. While we worked with Lautner Farms, I probably used that image in over 250 ads. I still smile every time I see that Heat Wave photo. Invincible's photo is probably another one of my all time favorites.  Paddy O'Malley, Irish Whiskey, Habanero, all greats.

Despite all of her professional success in advertising, probably the thing that I admire most about Christy, is that she lives the cattle business every day. In a recent email conversation we had, we both were talking about how we would actually prefer to be working in a cow pasture than being in front of a computer on most days. She "gets" it. I "get" it. I think that's why we are both so successful in working with ranchers, because we know that business. Heck I am saving every penny we make from RHD right now to use to buy hay to get through winter. I'm sure Christy has done the same through the years. But, we both knew we wanted a viable business to help us remain involved in the cattle industry, and her camera and my computer helped us get there. She blazed the trail that I, along with many other young women, have been able to follow.

I don't mean for this to seem bragging, but lots of young ladies tell me that they look up to me, and aspire to have their own "Ranch House Designs" one day. That makes me so happy to be a positive role model for young ladies in the cattle business. Whenever I go to do guest lectures at schools in animal science classes, all the students think that I was the first person to start this niche of professional advertising in the livestock - and maybe more specifically - the club calf business.

But they are wrong. Christy Collins started this career path for many young ladies to follow, and today, she is still at the top. There's a quote on the front page of her new web site that says "Beginning is easy. Continuing hard.". I love it. I'd have to say, Christy, you have succeeded!