Senin, 30 April 2012

CityVille Request Materials for All Building Wings

To construct a building would require a materials. Here are the materials needed to build:
- CityVille Residance Wings
- CityVille Community Wings
- CityVille Business Wings
- CityVille Decorations Wings
Click link above to ask for materials to build these buildings. Tips that I have the materials you need to build quickly collected.
  1. - Creating two facebook accounts (main and secondary)
  2. - Log into your Main Facebook account
  3. - Click on the Image Below
  4. - Open the links in 10 or more tabs
  5. - Send all the request to your secondary account but do NOT click send yet.
  6. - Once you have selected your secondary account in all the tabs, then click Send.
  7. - Log out of your main facebook account, then log into your second account.
  8. - Then you will now get the item requests in your secondary account.
  9. - Just accept all the requests and your main account will get the items! Have fun!
  10. - Maybe this way can still be used.

Below are the materials you need to build CityVille Residance Wings, CityVille Community Wings, CityVille Business Wings, CityVille Decorations Wings.
Click on the pictures below to request materials:

- Click image below to request CityVille Residance Wings Materials:
4ce8d2ac61177e710568e4e9df1d0912 Cityville Residence Wing Materials Links
41cf944dc15209f92f9a96314b593c84 Cityville Residence Wing Materials Links
merchandise shelves
4e103a3883af9e9fc9825d8fd5a0f3db Cityville Residence Wing Materials Links
office chair
f7847b4ca9264952269a8aecb13a78d0 Cityville Residence Wing Materials Links
counter top
4425c8a56afe6e9b44d81562a2de9e4d Cityville Residence Wing Materials Links
carpet rack link

- Click image below to request CityVille Community Wings Materials:
7816925e41f5a5498839046e488bd2f1 Cityville Community Wing Materials Links
glass roofing
6458699f50cdc1cd11d6cd97b88d950d Cityville Community Wing Materials Links
glass tile
2c88cedf74f0b4b1d18171b06688cc2a Cityville Community Wing Materials Links
receipt printer
1a04d3206064dfa3fc6c1bcf991da3f0 Cityville Community Wing Materials Links
window glass
01ea2677bce4f4497ce12e6aa5465869 Cityville Community Wing Materials Links
cash register

- Click image below to request CityVille Business Wings Materials:
viral factory counter top 75x75 Cityville Business Wing Materials Links
counter top
viral factory register 75x75 Cityville Business Wing Materials Links
cash register
viral factory receipt printer 75x75 Cityville Business Wing Materials Links
receipt printer
viral factory display case 75x75 Cityville Business Wing Materials Links
display case
viral factory merch shelves 75x75 Cityville Business Wing Materials Links
merchandise shelves
  • there are 4 glass businesses that you can build :
  • glass dog grooming : supply 340 premium goods
  • glass artisans : supply 400 premium goods
  • glass art studio : supply 455 premium goods
  • glass dance club : supply 510 premium goods

- Click image below to request CityVille Decorations Wings Materials:
4f7f6598045741162213e898f9ac7771 Cityville Decoration Wing Materials Links
air tank
8f8895e79f56e8eeb92df2e6e52b7b87 Cityville Decoration Wing Materials Links
cooling rack
845f747da6f9d18f184630503f07501e Cityville Decoration Wing Materials Links
glass mold
2085daf15879de9a3edba62323b1e731 Cityville Decoration Wing Materials Links
glass torch
03701f1c387b29f3ee9e6bf8c23b264e Cityville Decoration Wing Materials Links
glass tubing

  • there are 4 glass decorations that you can build :
  • glass lamp pole : bonus 2%
  • glass tree : bonus 6%
  • glass clock tower : bonus 27%
  • glass sculpture park : bonus 45%

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Full Version

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
Adobe Premiere Pro adalah salah satu program penyunting video terbaik yang sangat sangat banyak di pakai para Production House. Jika Adobe Primier untuk menyunting video lain halnya dengan after effects yang di khususkan buat intro video atau lebih jelasnya untuk pengeditan video yang berdurasi pendek... so, jika sobat yang pengen hasil penyuntingan video sobat makin oke dan kaya akan fieture effect saran gw pergunakanlah adobe primier ini. Ada beberapa film yang penyuntingannya di buat dengan software ini di antaranya Dust to Glory, Captain Abu Raed, dan Superman Returns, dan Confessions Tour oleh Madonna.

Features software Adobe Premiere Pro CS6:
- Changes in user interface to speed up the editing and video editing
- Supports most of video formats
- Supports most popular image formats
- Supports most audio formats
- Convert and download the Flash SWF format is very popular and common
- Compatibility and ability to communicate between different types of camcorders and photography
- Import feature a variety of audio formats, video and CD movies from CDs and DVDs
- Import files with different formats to a variety of portable devices
- Making films with high quality and compact disc format Blu-rey
- Very beautiful and various effects for different purposes
- Ability to read captioned videos
- Full compatibility with Adobe After Effects software
- Export files to feature over 20 different formats, including AVI, MPEG, MPEG2, EPEG 2 DVD and ...
- Ability to set different quality of sound and images
- Undo and Redo an unlimited use
- Preparation for the release of movies in web pages
- Very easy to use software without training
- DVD quality feature film with Interactive menus
- Full compatibility with most software companies Adobe, the Adobe Photoshop
- Ability to burn CDs on a variety of Maltese media files
- Support high-quality Dolby Digital sound
- Faster processing of new nuclear
- Full compatibility with the main system processor and graphics processor
- Speed ​​up application performance due to optimization
- Ability to install only on Windows 64-bit
- Full compatibility with digital cameras
- Support for Digital Camera DSLR
- Ability to search the Internet to find a DVD with Encore
- Audio editing capabilities with a very powerful mixer
- Compatibility with different versions of Windows, including the popular Windows 7



No Snacking Challenge Day 1

Al-right, so this is day 1 of my 'no snacking challenge'. If you don't know what this is then have a quick look at 'no snacking challenge'.
I've been anticipating difficulties today, being my fist day of going cold-turkey on snacks.

So this morning, I had breakfast. Two slices of toast with butter, this was around 8:30am. I would normally put some jam on, but we seem to have run-out. :( 
From here I had to plan how to get from breakfast to lunch time without snacking, which for me, took no planning as I don't snack between breakfast and lunch. :)

What I normally do however, is move lunch forward, which isn't good. I've been trying to keep myself productive spending time blogging and doing other things, but I did end up bringing lunch forward by a bit. My desired time for having lunch is normally anywhere from 12:00-13:00, but today I ended up shifting it to 11:30.

This is where not snacking after lunch (one of my expected difficulties) becomes harder, as I have to wait for a longer amount of time until dinner, and my family normally eats at around 6-7pm.
This is 6-7 hours of no food, and as I'm a person who works better during the first part of the day - this can be tough.

So when it came to lunch, I was not only wary of having to stop myself from snacking afterwards, but also about my meal sizes. I've noticed that my lunch portions are getting as big as my dinner portions (which if you've seen my dinner portions, could have you worried). :)

Instead of having a large lunch today however, I just had a sandwich. (Double-layered with ham, tuna, celery, and mayonnaise). Since then I haven't had that much of a pull back towards the kitchen, which surprises me. Although, there's absolutely nothing to snack on even if I wanted to, so that might be part of the reason why.

I'm trying not too hard to think about food and have put a little 'don't break the chain' chart up above my computer, which has all of my 30 days on.

Throughout the day I've been consuming lots of water, not sure how many glasses in total, but I definitely know that it's a minimum of ten. This has been helping a bit with my hunger cravings, but has sent me to the bathroom multiple times. :)

16:45 - Water is no longer enough to keep food off my mind and I'm longing to send something down into my stomach, not so much because I'm hungry, but more just to fill it. 

17:35 - Food is still on my mind, but I've made up my mind not to snack, especially not on my first day. I know that dinner will be on its way soon so I'm not too disheartened. Just push through it.

19:00 - I've now had dinner and a smaller portion of dessert, and I feel fine now. Now there's no more food for me until breakfast tomorrow.

To be brutally honest, although I did describe myself as being hungry from around 16:00 until dinner, it wasn't as difficult as I'd first imagined. I'm anticipating though that as the week progresses, I'm going to start to find it gets tougher.
I'm just going to take it one day, no, one meal at a time, and eventually these 30 days will be up. Right, time for bed.

Hott off the press!

It is always exciting whenever one of our clients makes a splash in their given field of expertise. This is definitely one of those moments. We first met the lovely Katy Williams when she had us design the graphic for her Little House on the Horizon blog. However, her recent venture with us is one anyone can be proud of!

Katy Williams is a writer from Texas. She grew up on her family’s ranch, Box S Cattle Company in Bryan, Texas. She is a wife, a mother and a fifth generation rancher.  It was this western way of life and love for her family and writing that allowed her to document real-life stories and events. Katy keeps a journal in her purse so she can record any memory or happening that may come along.

This came in quite handy when she decided to write her first book, “Where’s My Cowboy Hat.” The tale is of a young boy working on the ranch that has misplaced his hat and truly feels like he cannot work the same without it.

The popularity of the book is no doubt thanks the Katy’s experiences and compassion. You can purchase the book through Amazon, Barnes and Noble or by contacting Katy.

For the blogger who became a published offer, we say congratulations Katy Williams and thanks for letting us help with your promotion!

No Snacking Challenge

Recently whilst surfing the Internet, I came across a website that had set a challenge not to snack after dinner for a total of seven days. This included desserts, sweets/candy, and midnight snacks. They did allow the consumption of tea.

The challenge is from a fitness and nutrition website by the looks of it, and is there to aid in weight loss, a healthier diet and an all-round better shape

In the not so near past, I wrote a post about 'how to stop snacking', so to come across this challenge that people were taking part in intrigued me all the more.

Apart from the health benefits for doing this, it's also a test of my own will power. It's also spurred on from the fact that I seem to be recently snacking in large quantities. 

The Challenge

Now like the challenge that I found on this other website. I will be stopping snacking, however their are a few changes that I'm making for myself. 

I've decided to not allow the consumption of tea or any other drink apart from water; I'm also not going to allow myself midnight snacks, sweets; I can still eat fruit or veg in between, but not in excessive amounts; I will also allow myself to have a small amount of dessert as I will be altering portion sizes of other meals; and I'm going to be doing this for a set period of 30 days. 

Why 30 days you may say? Well, the way I look at this is, if I'm planning on taking this seriously, then to me 7 days doesn't seem that long a time. 30 Days on the other hand, will help me to notice any differences that may come, and if you've read my post about 'how to enforce a new habit', then you may remember that one of the tips was to do a new habit daily for a period of about a month to break it in. So if it does turn out to be something I want to continue doing, then it should be fairly easy.

Expected difficulties

With any challenge there is going to be difficulties, otherwise why call it a challenge at all? With this particular challenge, I'm expecting a few obstacles that could potentially trip me up.

Firstly, for me after lunch is a problem. It's fine when I'm out somewhere, but at home, I find it incredibly difficult to not snack afterwards.

Secondly, snacking after dinner. I think most people have a hard time with this, but for me it's not as hard as not snacking after lunch. It's the consistency of this potential trip-up that's going to be the problem

Thirdly, if I'm at someones house or out somewhere, and they offer me lots to eat or their is the chance to have too much to eat, then I could see this temptation as being particularly difficult.

If anyone is interested in doing this challenge as-well, then I encourage you to give it a try, and hopefully I'll see you on the other end of 30 days snack-free. :)

PSD Flayer Template Piala Eropa 2012

Flayer Template Piala Eropa 2012
PSD Flayer Template Piala Eropa 2012
Photoshop PSD | 46 Mb

 Buat Seseorang pencinta sepak bola yang ingin membuat desain Flayer dengan tema Piala Eropa 2012, Desain PSD Flayer Template Piala Eropa 2012 Patut anda miliki.


Stock Photo Piala Eropa 2012

Piala Eropa 2012
Stock Photo Piala Eropa 2012
5 JPG | max 5600x3700 | 16,9 mb

Buat Pencinta sepak bola yang juga pencinta wanita, mungkin stock photo ini bisa membuat anda terhibur...hahahaaha... ok d sob selamat menikmati serunya pertandingan - pertandingan di Piala Eropa 2012 yang akan mulai beberapa hari lagi.
Selamat menikmati pagelaran sepakbola Piala Eropa 2012


Multi layer Piala Eropa 2012 - PSD

Jadi semangat lagi memposting about piala eropa 2012, mengapa ? wow.... tim kecintaan gw dari kecil dan mungkin menjadi tim idola gw salamanya berhasil menembus babak final piala eropa 2012... siapa ya?? Yup...benar banget jika sobat menebak tim Italy... yah merekalah satu satunya tim yang paling gw idolakan jika ada turnamen sepak bola antar negara... awalnya tim ini pada ajang piala eropa 2012 ini gak di unggulkan sama sekali... tapi lihatlah mereka membuktikannya dengan permainan yang klo gw bilang indah banget karena sangat berbeda dengan tipe permainan mereka yang dahulu kala...hehehehe... seperti yang di bilang pelatih itali setelah mereka mengalahkan Jerman " Sekarang, Semua harus menghargai dan menghormati Italy. Karena kami telah membuktikannya, bahwa kami telah memasuki baba final piala eropa".
Oke d sob sekian dulu HuaNgango dari gw tentang Pala eropa 2012....  hehehehe..

Multi layer Piala Eropa 2012 - PSD framework of excellent quality for the design of your photos, create collages - Euro 2012
2 PSD | 5315 x 4134 | 300dpi | 213 MB


Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New 30 April 2012

Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New Update On 30 April 2012. This time you do not need to enter a password to use this cheat. To use this cheat, please read the steps below:

  • Fiddler2: Click Here To Download (Free Download)
  • SWF Ninja Saga ATM XP and Gold New: Click here to Download (in Mediafire, not via
    - Password to Download this file is: (Copy and paste Password to notepad then Copy and Paste Password in notpad to Mediafire)
  • Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

  1. Download and Instal Fiddler2
  2. Login to your Facebook
  3. Login Ninja Saga and Play (but do not go into Headquarters)
  4. Open Fiddler and Click the Tab autoresponder (who is his lightning green icon)
  5. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests"
  6. Drop it. "ninja_association.swf" file that you extract earlier to the column Autoresponder
  7. After that, clear cache at the beginning of time
  8. Then, Go to Headquarters, Clear the mark (Clean the marks that has been shown by arrow, see image below.)

    After mark was removed, it will look like this: (You can change the delay to 10 seconds)
  9. Then it's up to you want to use this hack to increase the level or increase your gold.
  10. Done

How to Clear cache:
  • For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Select the Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
  • For Google Chrome: Select icon in the upper right corner (next to the star) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

    CastleVille Free Item Silver Ore Link, Update 30 April 2012

    CastleVille Free Item Silver Ore Link has ben updated April 30, 2012
    NOTE: Click Randomly! If you click the link then came a notice"Sorry all Silver Ore have ben claimed" then click on another link. You must quickly claim the prize, before the prize expires

           Below is the link 150 free Silver Ore item
                 "Best Before April 30, 2012 U.S Time"
    [7801] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 00:08 Item: SilverOre
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    [7856] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:19 Item: SilverOre
    [7857] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:19 Item: SilverOre
    [7858] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:31 Item: SilverOre
    [7859] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:31 Item: SilverOre
    [7860] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:31 Item: SilverOre
    [7861] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:31 Item: SilverOre
    [7862] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:31 Item: SilverOre
    [7863] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7864] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7865] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7866] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7867] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7868] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:55 Item: SilverOre
    [7869] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:55 Item: SilverOre
    [7870] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:56 Item: SilverOre
    [7871] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:56 Item: SilverOre
    [7872] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 02:56 Item: SilverOre
    [7873] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7874] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7875] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7876] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7877] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7878] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7879] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7880] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7881] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7882] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7883] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:34 Item: SilverOre
    [7884] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:34 Item: SilverOre
    [7885] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:34 Item: SilverOre
    [7886] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:34 Item: SilverOre
    [7887] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:34 Item: SilverOre
    [7888] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:47 Item: SilverOre
    [7889] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:47 Item: SilverOre
    [7890] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:47 Item: SilverOre
    [7891] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:47 Item: SilverOre
    [7892] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 03:47 Item: SilverOre
    [7893] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7894] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7895] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7896] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7897] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7898] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7899] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7900] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7901] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7902] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:21 Item: SilverOre
    [7903] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:35 Item: SilverOre
    [7904] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:35 Item: SilverOre
    [7905] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:35 Item: SilverOre
    [7906] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:35 Item: SilverOre
    [7907] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:35 Item: SilverOre
    [7908] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:49 Item: SilverOre
    [7909] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:49 Item: SilverOre
    [7910] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:49 Item: SilverOre
    [7911] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:49 Item: SilverOre
    [7912] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 04:49 Item: SilverOre
    [7913] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7914] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7915] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7916] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7917] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7918] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:22 Item: SilverOre
    [7919] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:22 Item: SilverOre
    [7920] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:22 Item: SilverOre
    [7921] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:22 Item: SilverOre
    [7922] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:22 Item: SilverOre
    [7923] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:37 Item: SilverOre
    [7924] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:37 Item: SilverOre
    [7925] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:37 Item: SilverOre
    [7926] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:38 Item: SilverOre
    [7927] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:38 Item: SilverOre
    [7928] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:53 Item: SilverOre
    [7929] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:53 Item: SilverOre
    [7930] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:53 Item: SilverOre
    [7931] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:53 Item: SilverOre
    [7932] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 05:53 Item: SilverOre
    [7933] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:09 Item: SilverOre
    [7934] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:09 Item: SilverOre
    [7935] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:09 Item: SilverOre
    [7936] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:09 Item: SilverOre
    [7937] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:09 Item: SilverOre
    [7938] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7939] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7940] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7941] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7942] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7943] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:41 Item: SilverOre
    [7944] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:41 Item: SilverOre
    [7945] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:41 Item: SilverOre
    [7946] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:41 Item: SilverOre
    [7947] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:41 Item: SilverOre
    [7948] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:58 Item: SilverOre
    [7949] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:58 Item: SilverOre
    [7950] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:58 Item: SilverOre
    [7951] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:58 Item: SilverOre
    [7952] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 06:58 Item: SilverOre
    [7953] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:07 Item: SilverOre
    [7954] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7955] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7956] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7957] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7958] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7959] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7960] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7961] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7962] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:25 Item: SilverOre
    [7963] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7964] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7965] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7966] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7967] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 07:43 Item: SilverOre
    [7968] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7969] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7970] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7971] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7972] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:08 Item: SilverOre
    [7973] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:26 Item: SilverOre
    [7974] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:26 Item: SilverOre
    [7975] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:26 Item: SilverOre
    [7976] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:26 Item: SilverOre
    [7977] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:26 Item: SilverOre
    [7978] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:45 Item: SilverOre
    [7979] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:45 Item: SilverOre
    [7980] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:45 Item: SilverOre
    [7981] Creation Date: 29.04.2012 08:45 Item: SilverOre

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