Three years ago, Ranch House Designs envisioned the need for a fresh new Brahman publication to properly highlight the importance of this outstanding beef breed in the United States. Ask anyone who has attempted to start up a new publication from scratch in recent years -- Drive, Showtimes, etc. -- it's not easy! It first takes a lot of courage to jump into the competitive marketplace in which many publications are established with years of experience. Second, it takes a lot of long hours, hustle, and effort to create ideas that are new, innovative, and different. And that's exactly what we did when we created The American Brahman Review. Over the course of the three years we published the magazine, we started with a circulation of ZERO and build the magazine up to a circulation of around 3,500 mailed subscribers and 18,000 electronic subscribers worldwide, in addition to the many thousands of viewers who look at the magazine online. Our online issue was a new approach to an international distribution, and one that we found was welcomed by our foreign subscribers. Many of our foreign Brahman breeders indicated that they hate waiting to get a magazine in the mail. For most, they ship their magazine to a PO box that they have in the United States, then all of their mail is shipped together to their international addresses. This creates a wait of several weeks. So we tried something new - we offered a free electronic copy to anyone who signed up on our website. They are emailed a copy of the magazine when it is posted online. It saves the subscriber money and time. They love it!
In the fall of last year, we began negotiations with Kyle & Crystal Devoll of Cattle Solutions to acquire The American Brahman Review, and the deal was finalized at the end of 2011. We are very excited to welcome the Devolls to the Brahman family. They have a tremendous amount of talent and expertise in the cattle business. So, as we pass the torch to the Devolls, we are excited to now be READERS of The American Brahman Review! Thank you to the Devolls and watch for more exciting developments as they take over management and ownership of the magazine!
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