Jumat, 30 April 2010
Matt Lautner / Cattle.com Videos
Here is an example of one of the videos:
I think these are so cool! If you liked this one, visit http://www.cattle.com/ for more!
Rabu, 28 April 2010
Club Calf Special...It's BACK!
With the club calf sale season and State Fairs just around the corner, we're bringing back the "CLUB CALF SPECIAL" option for our cattle clients. And well, actually, this would work for any livestock client, not just cattle.
The Club Calf Special is priced at $1,000. Here is what you get:
- Logo design for your operation
- 1 page web site for one full year, including your own domain name, hosting, unlimited photos and unlimited text and photo updates.
- 1 page ad design that can be used anytime within the year...most people will use it in August for their sale.
- 250 business cards designed, printed and shipped to you. Use these to hand out at your sale and throughout the rest of the year.
So maybe you've been a fan of RHD for years, but never thought you could afford to hire us. Here is the package deal for you! If this sounds good to you, book our Club Calf Special now! Call us at 979-532-9141 or e-mail tricia@ranchhousedesigns.com and let's get started on it!
Selasa, 27 April 2010
RB2 Showpigs
“In 2000, both of my children had graduated from high school and gone off to college,” he said. “The hog barn was empty, leaving me with an empty barn syndrome.”
So he decided to start raising a few show pigs. Now 10 years later, they have enjoyed great success and their hog breeding operation has grown. Bobby and wife Debbie handle the daily operations on the farm, and rely on their children for boar research and selection, as well as the health and nutrition aspects.
Check out their web site, RB2 Showpigs, to see the breeding stock they have available and their recent winners. They have sales scheduled throughout the fall, so be sure and check their site for dates and locations.
Bobby is always happy to meet with customers at the barn, but he recommends you call ahead. In addition to his swine operation, he also owns an automotive business in Kerrville.
Senin, 26 April 2010
The Best Affiliate Home Based Business Revenue Stream
1. Built from the ground up by the owner: Like any business on the street, internet businesses have ups and downs. Unless you understand how the internet works, you will never be able to tell how well you and your business are doing. If you buy some custom made turn key site or one that's been languishing on the net for a while, you haven't learned anything. You will be at the mercy of the "experts" who have no gut feeling for what is happening to your baby.
Learn about internet business, then build your own site with Pay Per Click, organic or SEO'd article generated traffic
2. Site flexibility: Whatever software that was used to build and host the site should allow lots of room for easy changes to be made. The internet is always changing, sometimes in big ways. Not long ago, you had to go a while before you'd see a video. Now, it is hard to find a site that hasn't got at least one.
What is the next big change? Will the site software accept it or destine you as the site owner and the site itself to eventual oblivion?
3. Multiple lines of revenue: For the same reason as given above, you want your site to compensate for change by developing and harvesting multiple sources of income. Maybe you will develop a series of ebooks, online courses, mp3 downloadable audios and so forth. Whatever new comes up, the best affiliate sites will be able to keep up.
Can you see where it is not really the theme of the site or you the owner that will make for the best affiliate based home business? It is in the very nature of the code itself.
International Guild of Bit and Spur Makers
The organization’s purpose is to provide a network for international bit and spur makers to educate fellow artists, collectors, and the public, while expanding awareness and raising the quality of the art. The Guild offers opportunities to share ideas, methods, and techniques with fellow artists, while promoting and enhancing the art of bit of spur making.
This educational and informative site has a Tutorial Page, where visitors can view videos to learn the trade from some of the best bit and spur makers in the business. It also features a Forums page, where members of the Guild can exchange ideas and techniques.
Soon the site will showcase items for sale by some of the Guild’s members and highlight a different Feature Artist occasionally.
The IGBSPM offers different levels of membership for those artists who are interested in becoming associated with the Guild. Visit the IGBSPM to learn about membership in this group.
Jumat, 23 April 2010
cara mendaftar GA (Google Adsense)

Sebelumnya anda mendaftar ada beberapa yang perlu diperhatikan seebelum mendaftar GOOGLE ADSENSE
Syarat mendaftar sebagai anggota Google Adsense
Hai sobat blogger ketemu lagi dengan artikel ku yang baru. ya mungkin sebagian teman sudah tahu article yang satu ini. tapi nggak mungkin saya lewatkan untuk memperlengkap tips di blog ini. article apa sih, yaitu syarat mendaftar sebagai anggota Google Adsense. sebelum anda mendaftar untuk menjadi anggota Google adsense ada beberapa syarat yang harus anda penuhi dan setujui untuk bisa bergabung menjadi anggota Google Adsense.Berikut syarat bergabung di Google Adsense:
- Memiliki email yang beralamatkan di Gmail.com
- Memiliki alamat website sendiri
- Telah mem-posting sedikitnya empat artikel menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan topik-topik yang anda sukai dan pastikan bahwa artikel tersebut memang layak dipublikasikan dan menarik minat pengunjung untuk masuk ke dalam blog anda
- Untuk berpartisipasi menjadi anggota Google Adsense anda harus berusia minimal 18 tahun. bukti ini nantinya akan diketahui dari arsip bank jika anda melakukan penarikan uang yang telah dibayarkan
- Pembayaran akan dilakukan oleh Google Adsense berdasarkan jumlah klik yang masuk ke dalam iklan anda, dengan catatan anda tidak mendorong terjadinya klik baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
- Pembayaran akan dilakukan kurang lebih 30 hari setiap bulannya dengan jumlah minimal pendapatan $100.
- Jika anda ingin mengakhiri perjanjian maka pembayaran akan dilakukan kurang lebih 90 hari sejak diterima-nya pemberhentian perjanjian
- Pembayaran tidak akan dilakukan jika anda dianggap sebagai partisipan yang tidak aktif, yakni selama 2 tahun berturut-turut anda tidak mendapatkan pembayaran dari Google Adsense. Penonaktifan ini juga bisa dikarenakan data diri yang anda masukkan sebelumnya ketika mendaftar tidak valid sehingga Google Adsense tidak bisa menguhubungi anda.
- Google Adsense berhak untuk mempublikasikan nama dan logo Anda.
Selain bahasa inggris sebenarnya ada beberapa bahasa lain yang didukung penggunaanya di dalam Google Adsense. bahasa ini antara lain Arab, Bulgaria, Cina, Kroasia, Belanda, Perancis, Jerman, Yunani, Italia, Jepang, Korea, Norwegia, Portugis, Romania, Rusia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spanyol, Swedia, Turki.
Sedangkan beberapa bahasa yang tidak support untuk digunakan didalam Google Adsense selain bahasa Indonesia (semua bahasa dalam rumpun melayu) adalah bahasa Thailan dan Vietnam.
cara mendaftar Google Adsense
Siapa yang tidak kenal Google Adsense?
Program pay-per-click (PPC) milik raksasa perusahaan search engine, Google Inc. ini boleh dibilang telah menjadi istilah generik untuk menyebut serangkaian program bisnis online yang ada saat ini. Bicara bisnis online, rasanya belum sempurna jika belum menyinggung Google Adsense. Faktanya, hampir semua pelaku bisnis online, baik yang memanfaatkan format situs ataupun blog, memang mempergunakan Google Adsense sebagai salah satu pilihan monetisasi bisnis online mereka (meskipun saat ini telah bermunculan banyak program PPC baru yang tidak kalah bagusnya dengan Google Adsense).
Selain Google Adsense, sebenarnya masih ada (dan banyak) program-program monetisasi bisnis online berbasis PPC yang bisa Anda ikuti. Silahkan membaca ulasan tentang Program Paid to Advertise disini.
Seri keempat tutorial kali ini akan menampilkan panduan langkah demi langkah cara mendaftar program Google Adsense.
Jika Anda belum membaca seri tutorial sebelumnya, silahkan klik disini.
(4) Tutorial: Panduan Mendaftar Google Adsense
Langkah 1: Klik disini atau buka window baru menuju ke halaman program Google Adsense.
Langkah 2: Klik tombol "Sign Up Now" berwarna biru di halaman Google Adsense.
Langkah 3: Setelah masuk ke halaman "Welcome to Adsense", isikan data seperti dibawah ini.
Langkah 4: "Website URL": Ketik alamat blog Anda (misal http://namaku.blogspot.com). Anda bisa menggunakan baik domain gratis ataupun domain berbayar untuk mendaftar Google Adsense. Sebelum mendaftar, pastikan konten blog Anda berbahasa Inggris dengan jumlah posting yang cukup (5 hingga 10 posting).
Langkah 5: "Website Language": Pilih English - English.
Langkah 6: "I will not place ads on sites that include incentives to click on ads": Klik box disebelahnya.
Langkah 7: "I will not place ads on sites that include pornographic content": Klik box disebelahnya.
Langkah 8: "Account Type": Pilih Individual.
Langkah 9: "Country or Territory": Pilih Indonesia.
Langkah 10: "Payee Name": Ketik nama lengkap Anda sesuai KTP dan nama pada akun bank Anda.
Langkah 11: "Street Address": Ketik alamat dimana Anda tinggal sesuai KTP. Alamat ini nanti akan dipergunakan sebagai alamat pengiriman komisi Anda, jadi pastikan jangan sampai salah.
Langkah 12: "City/Town": Ketik nama kota dimana Anda tinggal.
Langkah 13: "Postal Code": Ketik nomor kode pos alamat Anda.
Langkah 14: "I agree that I can receive checks made out to the payee name I have listed above": Klik box disebelahnya.
Langkah 15: "Phone": Ketik nomor telepon Anda.
Langkah 16: "Email Preference": Klik box disebelahnya.
Langkah 17: "I agree that I will not click on the Google ads I'm serving through AdSense": Klik box disebelahnya.
Langkah 18: "I certify that I have read the AdSense Program Policies": Klik box disebelahnya. Pastikan Anda benar-benar telah membaca Adsense Program Policies dan Adsense Terms and Conditions.
Langkah 19: "I do not already have an approved AdSense account": Klik box disebelahnya.
Langkah 20: Klik tombol "Submit information".
Langkah 21: Setelah masuk halaman konfirmasi data Anda, ikuti langkah dibawah ini.
Langkah 22: "Which best describes you": Klik lingkaran pertama jika Anda telah memiliki akun email Gmail atau klik lingkaran kedua jika Anda belum memiliki akun Gmail. Saran saya, sebelum mendaftar sebaiknya Anda membuat akun Gmail terlebih dahulu. Silahkan klik disini untuk membuat akun email dari Gmail.
Langkah 23: "Would you like to use your existing Google Account for AdSense?": Jika Anda telah memiliki akun Gmail, klik lingkaran yang pertama.
Langkah 24: Isikan data alamat email Gmail Anda.
Langkah 25: Klik tombol "Continue".
Aplikasi pendaftaran Anda sudah terkirim. Selanjutnya tim Google Adsense akan mereview blog Anda dan akan menyampaikan email pemberitahuan diterima atau tidaknya pendaftaran Anda kurang lebih 1 hingga 2 hari setelah waktu Anda mendaftar.
Selamat mencoba! Semoga bermanfaat.
Milano Livestock Exchange
They are located on Highway 79 in Milano, Texas, and for added convenience also offer receiving stations in Temple and Taylor. Visit their web site at http://www.milanolivestockexchange.com/ for sale dates, hours of operation and complete contact information. You can also find links to view daily industry market reports.
Selling over 1.2 million head of cattle, this USDA federal-state reported market sets the pace for other markets in the area to follow. Ship your next load of cattle to Milano Livestock Exchange and put their experience to work for you.
Milano Livestock Exchange sells competition. “True price” discovery can only be achieved through the competitive bidding process. And at the end of the day, price does matter!
Kamis, 22 April 2010
Glover Cattle Company
They focus on the Registered Angus breed to be more profitable with raising and selling replacement females and ranch- ready bulls, but also breed some Simmental Angus on their commercial Angus cows.
Glover Cattle Company believes that honesty and trustworthiness are essential tools for successful relationships with cow/calf producers. They raise high quality performance cattle that offer a strong balance of production, carcass and maternal traits. Their bulls and females are moderate framed, easy fleshing and structurally sound.
You’re invited to stop by Glover Cattle Company at any time or visit their web site to see all the cattle they have to offer.
Or better yet, attend their Annual Production sale Saturday, June 19th at the ranch.
Sabtu, 17 April 2010
J5 Tractors
They carry a complete line of farming and ranching equipment from manufacturers you know and trust like Mahindra, Massey Ferguson, Cub Cadet, Zetor and many others. They also carry an extensive inventory of quality used equipment you can rely on.
Since opening his doors in 1991, Richard Johnson, owner of J5 Tractors, has been committed to the ideal of providing quality products and good service to the agricultural market at an affordable price. The staff at J5 Tractors works to help customers choose the right equipment for their needs.
They also offer an in-house repair facility staffed with qualified technicians. They’ll provide you with efficient service and timely repairs to help you maintain your investment and get back to work in the field or on the ranch.
Next time you’re in the market for a dependable piece of equipment, give J5 Tractors a call, where customer service is their first priority.
cara membuat label/category
blogspot sendiri telah menyediakan fasilitas seperti ini.jadi anda bisa memanfaatkannya dengan mudah.dengan memasang label,maka akan mempermudah pengjung blog membaca artikel artikel yang telah anda tulis.dalam tips dan trik blog kali ini akan diajarkan cara membuat label
cara memasang label pada blog:
ada2 cara :
A.melalui menu posting
1.login ke blogger.com
2.klik new post
2.sekarang anda ada didalam menu posting.lihat dibagian paling bawah kiri.disana ada tulisan label
3.anda bisa menuliskan label di kolom tersebut.nanti label yang telah anda tulis disana otomatis akan langsung tersimpan dengan sendirinya.
B.melalui menu dasboard
1.login ke blogger.com
2.anda akan langsung masuk ke menu dasborad.klick edit post di bagian blog yang akan anda tambahkan label
3.di menu edit post akan muncul daftar tampilan semua tulisan/postingan anda
4.centang setiap postingan yang ingin anda tambahkan label
5.setelah itu klik bagian atas yang bertuliskan label.pilih new label..tuliskan nama label yang ingin anda gunakan.maka otomatis postingan yang tadi anda pilih telah tertempel label.
setelah pembuatan label selesai,sekarang kita akan memunculkan label label yang telah kita buat ke dalam blog.caranya:
1.masuk ke bagian layout-page element-gadgets
2.nanti akan muncul banyak sekali gadgets..
3.pilih "label"
4. atur letak label sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan.
5.kemudian save perubahan yang telah anda buat
sekarang coba anda kembali ke blog anda tadi.lihat sekarang label sudah muncul di blog anda.
Jumat, 16 April 2010
Graduation Parties
One of the ideas I really like is using a graduation announcement that has lots of photos. With our online ordering system through Tiny Prints you can easily upload one, two, three, four of your favorite photos and create a graduation announcement that shows off your personality and style. Here is an example of a typical photo graduation announcement....
Kamis, 15 April 2010
Cowboy Times Magazine
In addition to information on the web site about rodeo life, you’ll find subscription and advertising rates for the monthly publication. There are also many useful links for rodeo enthusiasts, as well as a calendar of events so you won’t miss any of the upcoming action.
The magazine was recently purchased by the Cramblets, so watch for exciting things from this rodeo magazine.
Stop by their web site and sign up for your own issue of the Cowboy Times magazine, where they cover rodeo from one end of the arena to the other.
Senin, 12 April 2010
Brenda's Catering
Brenda’s provides catering for all occasions from birthdays and graduations to anniversaries and wedding receptions. She makes all her food from scratch, using only the freshest ingredients.
Visit her web site and see photos from past catering events she’s done. The food and presentation both look amazing. Don’t be surprised if just visiting the site makes you hungry!
When planning for your special day, let Brenda's Catering and her staff handle the food preparation, set up, serving and clean up. Brenda has a dedicated and professional staff who help out her out when catering jobs, including her daughter Stephanie Renfro of SJ Creations, another RHD client.
Call or email Brenda to book your next event.
cara membuat emoticon pada blog
Salah satu pernik untuk memperindah blog blogger/blogspot yaitu memasang fitur emoticon di bagian form komentar postingan. Sebenarnya banyak sekali macam emoticon yang bisa kita pasang di form komentar postingan ini, namun untuk pembahasan kita kali ini kita mencoba untuk menggunakan emoticon Yahoo. Oh ya, ada yang belum tahu apa itu emoticon Yahoo? Untuk mempermudah silahkan lihat icon-icon lucu yang berada tepat di atas form komentar postingan ini, nah itulah yang disebut dengan emoticon Yahoo, pasti teman-teman yang sering menggunakan Yahoo messenger sudah tidak asing lagi dengan icon-icon lucu tersebut.
nah berhubung punya saya tidak bisa di pasangi script, maka saya bisa memberikan caranya lewat catatan yang bisa didownload di sini. semoga bermanfaat bagi anda semua!
Rabu, 07 April 2010
Watje Livestock
Watje Livestock is involved in several aspects of the livestock industry and is committed to helping their customers succeed. They realize their success is dependent on their customers’ success and are willing to put forth the extra effort to help improve their customers’ profitability.
Whether you’re looking for a winner in the sale ring or the show ring, visit Watje Livestock and give them an opportunity to earn your business.
Selasa, 06 April 2010
March web site updates
Top Updater for the Month honors go to Top Sires with 39 web site updates.
GKB Cattle came in second with a total of 14 updates, while Tusa Show Cattle followed closely on their heels with 12 updates for March.
Beefmaster Breeders United and Duelm’s Prevailing Genetics rounded out the top five with 11 updates each.
This completes the first quarter for 2010 and the competition has just started. Keep updating those web sites!
Watje Livestock

When it comes to being successful in the Agriculture Industry, Watje Livestock most certainly stands out. Established in 1972 by Vince and Suzanne Watje, Watje Livestock is and continues to grow as a family business in the Ag Industry. From breeding Charolais cattle to operating a feed mill feeding out hogs and cattle, the Watjes truly have a passion for agriculture.
Their goal is to continue to develop their breeding program to improve their customers' bottom line of "Winning Where it counts!" They strive to produce easy calving cattle that can perform so that you can compete in the show ring as well as the sale ring. As their motto states, "We are only as successful as our customers", the Watjes truly want you to be successful and profitable. Take a look at their site and let them take care of your cattle needs!
Jumat, 02 April 2010
Membuat Recent Comments
Tapi jangan kawatir saya akan beri tips jadul tapi manjur caranya bisa di lihat di sini mantaps dah pokoknya!!
Kamis, 01 April 2010
Young Designs
Young Designs is an extension of Rambo’s Furniture in Clute, Texas and offers high-quality furniture by top manufacturers. Their Accessories section features the latest styles and the most up-to-date styles by designers such as JJ Cole, OiOi and Westwood Designs.
Offering quality products at affordable prices, along with friendly service, is what sets Young Designs apart from the others.
Even if you’re not in the market for any baby products, visit their site. Their soft pink and green colors are soothing on the eyes and it’s still fun to look at all that baby stuff!