Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Add Breadcrumb Navigation to Blogger Blogspot

One way you can improve navigation of a Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) is to add breadcrumb navigation to your Blogger blog. There is also a SEO benefit of installing a breadcrumb as major search engines like Google treat anchor text links as important. In this Blogger tutorial I will guide you through the steps to add breadcrumb navigation to a Blogger blog (Blogspot blog).

Whether you are using a custom template or a default Blogger template breadcrumb navigation can be added. It is not difficult and I have updated these instructions on December 4, 2010 to take account of the new generation of default Blogger templates eg Simple.

What Will a Breadcrumb Do on My Blog?
Adding a breadcrumb to your blog provides a form of text-based navigation. A breadcrumb displays the visitor's location within a blog. The advantage of a breadcrumb is that it provides shortcuts to enable visitors to quickly get around your blog by jumping from one part of your blog to another.

To illustrate how adding a breadcrumb would work in your blog let's use an example. A breadcrumb for an individual post would follow this format:

Home > Label > Post Title

Using this post as an example a breadcrumb might be Home > Navigation > Add a Breadcrumb to Blogger Blogspot Blog. In cases where there is more than one label this hack uses the last label listed. If a visitor wanted to look at other posts about navigation all they need do is click on the "Navigation" link in the breadcrumb and they will be taken to a page which will show them all the posts with the "Navigation" label.

Breadcrumb navigation makes it easy to move around your Blogger Blogspot blog
SEO Benefits of a Breadcrumb
Apart from improving the navigation of your Blogger blog adding a breadcrumb also has SEO benefits. Anchor text such as labels tells search engines about the subject of the linked page. Search engines view a breadcrumb with a text link to relevant keywords in the post as important. Read more about SEO try the following articles:

Blogger Blogspot SEO Tips and Tricks
Add Meta Tags to Blogger for Better SEO

How to Add a Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog
It is not difficult to add a breadcrumb to your blog but it does involve adding a snippet of code to your template. Below is a step by step walkthrough which I have aimed at beginners so that anyone reading my blog will be able to follow the instructions. Credit to Hoctro for this hack.

1. Login in to Blogger if you are not already logged in

2. Navigate to Design > Edit HTML

3. Back up your blog using Download Full Template as a precaution in case you accidently overwrite some code and are not able to retrieve it.

4. Check the Expand Widget Template box

5. Add the following CSS code above this line ]]></b:skin>

.breadcrumbs {float: left;width: 590px;font-size: 11px;margin: 5px 10px 20px 10px;padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px;border-bottom: double #EAEAEA;}

Once your breadcrumb is working modify this if you need to so that it blends with the look and style of your template.

6. Find this line of code <b:includable id='main' var='top'>

7. Older XML Blogger templates and custom templates replace the entire block of code below. If you are using the new generation of Blogger templates such as Simple look for alternative instructions further down in this Step)

<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<!-- posts -->
<div class='blog-posts hfeed'>
<b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>


<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<!-- posts -->
<div class='blog-posts hfeed'>
<!-- disable default status message
<b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>default status message disabled -->
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/><data:adStart/>

Update 4 December 2010. Note: if you are using the new generation of Blogger templates eg Simple then do the following instead

Find this code block and add the code in red between <div class='blog-posts hfeed'> and <data:defaultAdStart/>

<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showPlusOne'>
<script expr:src='data:top.plusOneJsUrl'/gt;
<!-- posts -->
<div class='blog-posts hfeed'>
<!--Breadcrumb Hack - disable default status message
<b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>default status message disabled -->
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>


8. Now immediately before <b:includable id='main' var='top'> paste the following large block of code:

<b:includable id='breadcrumb' var='posts'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>
<!-- No breadcrumb on front page -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
Browse » <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'>Home</a>
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast == "true"'> » <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a> </b:if> </b:loop>
» <span><data:post.title/></span> </b:if> </b:loop> </div>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
Browse » <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a> » Archives for <data:blog.pageName/> </div> <b:else/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageName == ""'>
Browse » <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a> » All posts <b:else/>
Browse » <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a> »
Posts filed under <data:blog.pageName/>
</b:if> </div> </b:if> </b:if> </b:if>

9. Click on Save Template button

10. Click View Blog and navigate to any post page to see your new breadcrumb in action

Add a Breadcrumb Based on Archives
Follow this hack provided by Purple Moggy if you would like to add a breadcrumb based on year and month. Likely format would be: Home > Year > Month > Blog Title

Tips and Troubleshooting
Some browsers have problems displaying the code above. If experience any issue then use the code in this link Add Breadcrumb Navigation to a Blogger Blog

In this Blogger tutorial you have learned how to add breadcrumb navigation to your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) to improve SEO and site navigation. Please let me know how you get on. Good luck!

Related Articles
List of Blog Know How Tutorials for Blogger Blogs
Blogger Blogspot SEO Tips and Tricks
Add Meta Tags to Blogger for Better SEO

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Blogger Blogspot SEO Tips and Tricks

Want to improve SEO on a Blogspot Blogger blog? This tutorial discusses how bloggers can optimize their blog using SEO techniques to improve indexing of their Blogger Blogspot blog and achieve a better ranking in search engine results.

In this article I will be discussing the following Blogger help tips for SEO:

  • Adding Your Blogger Blog to Major Search Engines
  • Optimizing Blogger Post Titles
  • Utilising Meta Keywords and a Meta Description
  • Using Keywords in Alt Tags and Image Titles
  • Using Target Keywords in Your Post Content
  • Optimizing Blogger Title Tags
  • Optimizing Your Blogger Permalinks
  • Making Use of HTML Heading Tags Within Posts and Post Titles
  • Adding Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog

Get Your Blog Listed by Major Search Engines
Add Your Blog to Yahoo and Submit your SitemapGetting listed in the major search engines is a must if you want to get traffic from search engines. I have written several in depth articles about how to add a sitemap to major search engines and how to add your blog to Google, Yahoo and MSN so I will not repeat myself. Follow these articles for step by step walkthroughs

Optimize Your Blogger Post Titles
Major search engines lend a lot of weight to titles so it is important that you craft your post titles carefully. To optimize your post titles make them keyword rich and ensure the title clearly explains what the blog post is about. Try to put your keywords at the beginning of your title for best results and avoid repeating your keywords within the title. Avoid long titles as Google only displays about 65 characters in the search results anyway.

Title tags are important if your Blogger blog is to attract traffic and rank in search engine results. On your blog home page the blog title appears between the title tags while on each individual post page it is the name of the article itself. While the title tags themselves are unseen by the visitor to your blog they are read when search engines crawl your blog.

Search engines use title tags to display your post title as a headline in search engine results. Search engines also display a description of the article either by extracting it from the post content usually by picking up the first 150 characters of your post or by reading the meta description of the post if one exists.

Meta descriptions can be crafted for individual posts in Blogger to good effect. Make descriptions unique for each post and ensure they contain your target keywords and keyword phrases to encourage search engines to extract snippets from them. To find out more about adding a meta description to an individual post please see my article Adding Meta Tags to Blogger Blogspot Blog for Better SEO

Add Meta Tags and Blog Description to Blogger
Adding meta keywords and a blog description to your Blogger Blogspot blog can boost your rankings by helping visitors locate your blog using keyword and keyword phrases. To find out the best method of inserting these into your Blogger blog please refer to my article about Adding Meta Tags to Blogger Blogspot Blog for Better SEO

Use Keywords in Alt Tags and Image Titles
Optimize the images used on your blog by making use of the alt tags and image titles. For some tips on SEO and images please refer to 10 Tips to Build Site Traffic for a Blogspot Blog

Use Target Keywords in Your Post Content
Know Your Blogger blogs keywordsMake sure you know your targeted keywords and use them within your post content. One of the factors in determining rankings is the relevance of the targeted keywords in relationship to the text that appears in the post content.

Change the Order of Post Title and Blog Title for Better SEO
One key change you can make to Blogger that will markedly improve the SEO of your blog is to adjust the title tags.

By default Blogger title tags are not optimized for search engines. The name of the blog appears before the name of the article which is not search engine friendly. Since search engines read left to right and give preference to what appears first having your blog name display before your post title is significant. To improve SEO it pays to adjust the order of title tags so that the your post title appears first:

Blog Title | Post Title


Post Title | Blog Title

To find out how to adjust the title tags of a Blogger Blogspot blog please refer to my article Adjust Blogger Title Tags to Improve SEO

Optimize Your Blogger Permalinks
Hand in hand with a title tag is the permanent permalink that is created when a post is published. If the title of the post is more than about 35 characters long you will strike problems with Blogger because it will shorten the title to a 35-40 character permalink. Some very ugly results happen because of this factor. For instance imagine a permalink such as:

A totally useless permalink results because the blogger keyword has been left off. Learn more about crafting titles and working around the limitations of Blogger permalinks in my article How to Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks

Optimize Blogger Blogspot Blog Permalinks

Improve SEO by Making Use of Headings for Post Titles
Heading tags are important for optimal SEO. Most templates use html header tags sized <h2> or <h3> for the post title. In the past major search engines like Google gave precedence to tags with <h1> ahead of anything else but how important <h1> tags are today is less certain. You could tweak the heading size of your post title if you wish however take care to ensure the look of your template isn't compromised. A bigger font will result and this may mean other parts of your blog will need to be adjusted to compensate. To find out what size your blog title is look for the following lines in your template.

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
<b:if cond=''>
<a expr:href=''>&t/a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'></a>

As can be seen this template blog title is in <h3>. To change the size of the tags just substitute the appropriate header tag where <h3> appears

Improve SEO By Making Use of Heading Tags Within Posts
Heading tags can be used to good effect in your posts. Make sure you have only one <h1> heading per page if you have one at all and reserve this for your post title. Make use of <h2> and <h3> headings throughout your post to emphasize key points and targeted keywords. Major search engines do take notice of <h2> and <h3> headings when crawling your blog. To add emphasis to a heading within your blog simply enclose the heading in <h3> tags.

Add Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog
There is a hack that can be used to add breadcrumb navigation to a Blogger Blogspot blog. Adding breadcrumb navigation can boost your SEO of your blog as well as improving how readers get around.

Add Breadcrumb Navigation to Blogspot Blogger blog for Better SEO
A breadcrumb provides text-based navigation by displaying the visitor's location within a blog. A breadcrumb provides shortcuts to enable visitors to quickly get around your blog and jump from one part of your blog to another. For example a breadcrumb for a post about meta tags would be Home > Meta Tags >Add Meta Tags to Blogger for Better SEO. An anchor text such as 'meta tags' tells search engines about the subject of the linked page. Search engines view a breadcrumb with a text link to relevant keywords in the post as important.

To find out how to add a breadcrumb navigation to your Blogger Blogspot blog please refer to my article Add Breadcrumb Navigation to a Blogger Blog

This article has focused on providing you with solid Blogger SEO advice, tips and tricks for the Blogspot Blogger. It will help you achieve good SEO results for your blog. Good luck. If you have time let me know about your experiences.

Related Articles
List of Blog Know How Tutorials for Blogger Blogs
10 Tips to Build Site Traffic for a Blogspot Blog
Add Breadcrumb Navigation to Blogger Blogspot Blog
Add Meta Tags to Blogger Blogspot Blog for Better SEO
How to Add a Blogger Sitemap to Major Search Engines
Submit a Blogspot Blog Sitemap to Google
Submit You Blogspot Blog to Yahoo
Add Blogger Sitemap to MSN Live

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Cara Membuat Login Form Blogger

Lain blogger lain wordpress,membuat blog di blogger/blogspot memang tak seperti jika kita membuat blog pada wordpress. Yang kita soroti disini adalah blog di wordpress mempunyai halaman login/kotak login/login form di sidebar,sedangkan login pada blogger hanya tertera pada navigationbar(navbar) yaitu pada bar yang terpampang di ujung atas halaman blogger. Terus, Bagaimana kalau kita ingin membuat form login blogger di sidebar? . Walaupun dari blogger sendiri tidak menyediakan, tapi kita dapat mensiasatinya. Bagaimana cara membuatnya?hehehe.. Langsung saja, check it out!!....
Kalo cara yang sulit yaitu secara manual berikut caranya dan nanti tampilannya akan seperti ini:

1.Copy Kode Berikut:

<form id="gaia_loginform" action="" method="post" onsubmit= "return(gaia_onLoginSubmit());" >
<div id="gaia_loginbox">
<table class="form-noindent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
<tr> <td valign="top" style="text-align:center" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#e8eefa">
<input type="hidden" name="ltmpl" value="draft">
<div class="loginBox">
<table id="gaia_table" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
<table> <tr> <td valign="top">
<img src="" alt="Google">
<td valign="middle">
<font size="+0">
<font size="-1">
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- function onPreCreateAccount() { return true; } function onPreLogin() { if (window["onlogin"] != null) { return onlogin(); } else { return true; } } -->
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<div align="right">
<span class="gaia le lbl">
<input type="hidden" name="continue" id="continue" value=";a=ADD_SERVICE_FLAG" />
<input type="hidden" name="service" id="service" value="blogger" />
<input type="hidden" name="naui" id="naui" value="8" />
<input type="hidden" name="fpui" id="fpui" value="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="skipvpage" id="skipvpage" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="rm" id="rm" value="false" />
<input type="hidden" name="ltmpl" id="ltmpl" value="draft" />
<input type="hidden" name="hl" id="hl" value="in" />
<input type="hidden" name="alwf" id="alwf" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="alinsu" id="alinsu" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="ltmpl" id="ltmpl" value="draft" />
<input type="hidden" name="GALX" value="Ie2nThzvHSI" />
<input type="text" name="Email" id="Email" size="18" value="" class='gaia le val' />
<td align="left">
<td align="right">
<span class="gaia le lbl">
<input type="password" name="Passwd" id="Passwd" size="18" class="gaia le val" />
<td align="left">
<td align="right" valign="top">
<input type="checkbox" name="PersistentCookie" id="PersistentCookie" value="yes" />
<input type="hidden" name='rmShown' value="1" />
<label for="PersistentCookie" class="gaia le rem">
Ingat saya di komputer ini
<td align="left">
<input type="submit" class="gaia le button" name="signIn" value="Masuk" />
<tr id="ga-fprow">
<td colspan="2" height="33.0" class="gaia le fpwd" align="center" valign="bottom">
<a href="" target=_top>
Anda lupa sandi?
<input type="hidden" name="asts" id="asts" value="">
<form id="gaia_universallogin" action="" method="post" onsubmit="return(gaia_onLoginSubmit());">
<input type="hidden" name="continue" id="continue" value=";a=ADD_SERVICE_FLAG" />
<input type="hidden" name="service" id="service" value="blogger" />
<input type="hidden" name="naui" id="naui" value="8" />
<input type="hidden" name="fpui" id="fpui" value="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="skipvpage" id="skipvpage" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="rm" id="rm" value="false" />
<input type="hidden" name="ltmpl" id="ltmpl" value="draft" />
<input type="hidden" name="hl" id="hl" value="in" />
<input type="hidden" name="alwf" id="alwf" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="alinsu" id="alinsu" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="ltmpl" id="ltmpl" value="draft" />
<input type="hidden" name="ltmpl" id="ltmpl" value="draft" />

2. Kemudian Login ke Blogger kamu
3. Pilih Layout=> Add Gadget=> HTML//Java Script
4. Paste-kan Kode tadi => Save Setting

Kalo ga mau susah-susah,sebagai orang yang baik hati, nih aku kasih yang gampang. Tinggal klik aja tombol dibawah ini nanti otomatis akan di add gadget sendiri(catatan:kamu harus login blogger terlebih dahulu,okey!)

Selamat menikmati..Eh mencoba...

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Add Meta Tags to Blogger for Better SEO

In this Blogger tutorial I will show you the best way to add meta tags to your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) to improve the SEO of your blog and work around the limitations of the Blogger platform.

I have observed that there are many Blogger help blogs out there telling you to just add meta tags however this will very likely achieve the opposite result from the one you are after. Whether you are yet to add meta tags or you have added meta tags already make sure you read and follow the methods contained in this article to get the best results.

What are Meta Tags?
Meta tags are HTML tags that provide additional information about your blog that is unseen by visitors but available to search engines. The meta description tag, for example, provides a short summary of the page content. The keyword meta tags show the keywords and keyword phrases a visitor might use to find your blog. Because of abuse of meta tags search engines have become smarter and most no longer place emphasis on keywords to establish page ranking however keyword meta tags are still used by some search engines so it is a good idea to include them.

Limitations of Blogger and SEO
One of the disappointing aspects of Blogger is that it is not properly optimized for SEO. Meta descriptions and keywords are not supported by by default. Title tags are also not optimized. This means that you will miss valuable opportunities to attract visitors to your blog.

However meta tags and meta descriptions can be inserted into your Blogger template (Blogspot template) to good effect. Fortunately these work arounds will go a long way to improving the placement of your blog in search engine results. Please refer to adjust Blogger title tags for improved SEO for help with title tags.

Simply placing a meta tag description in your Blogger template is problematic because Blogger will use the same meta tags for all pages in your blog. This means that every entry that Google has for your site will show in search results with the same description. This solution would result in reduced traffic rather than increased traffic. However there is a way to add meta tags to the home page of your blog only which will not affect post pages in your blog. In this way visitors will find the home page of your blog in search engines by the use of appropriate keywords and a site description.

How to Add Meta Tags to a Blogger Blogspot Blog Home Page
1. Login to Blogger if not already logged in

2. Navigate to Design > Edit HTML

3. Back up your template as a precaution by downloading full template to your computer.

4. Check the Expand Widget Templates box

5. Find these lines which will be near the top of your template:

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

6. Paste the following code immediately below <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Place your blog description here' name='description'/>
<meta content='Place your blog keywords here(separated by commas)'

7. Enter your blog description between the single quote marks under description. Maximum 150 characters

8. Enter the keywords of your blog between the single quote marks under keywords. Ensure you separate each keyword or keyword phrase by a comma. Make sure your keywords do not exceed 200 characters

By way of example here are the meta tags I use for the home page of Blog Know How:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Find tips,tricks,tutorials,walkthroughs to customize your Blogger Blogspot blog.SEO,Banners,Adsense,gadgets,fixes,feeds,rss,help for beginner bloggers' name='description'/>
<meta content='blog,blogger,,,blogspot,blogging,tutorials,tips,blogger help,customize blogger,SEO,make money,gadgets,Google Adsense,banners, feeds,analytics,solutions'

Best Way to Add Meta Tags to Blogger Blogspot Blog
9. Click on the Save Template button

10. To see your description in action you can either navigate to your blog's home page and click on view source in your browser. In Internet Explorer you will find this option in the view menu. A text document will appear which you can scroll through. You will see your description near the top of the document. Alternatively you can check your description in a free Meta Tag Analyzer tool such as Submit Express or SEO Centro

How to Add Meta Tags to a Blogger Blogspot Blog Individual Post
1. Follow steps 1 to 4 as for adding meta tags to the Home Page

2. Add the following in the <head> section of your Blogger template. Enter this code below the Home Page code above you have just entered:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://url of your post"'>
<meta content='keywords pertaining to your post' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='crafted description of your post' name='description'/>

Here is an example of optimized meta tags for this post:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='meta tags,optimize blogger,blogger SEO,search engine optimization, blogspot,blogger,,,blogging,blog' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Improve SEO by adding meta tags to your Blogger Blogspot blog. Step by step tutorial shows you how to add meta tags to the home page and a single post' name='description'/>

Add Meta Tags to Blogger on a Single Post
3. Add your post URL, keywords and description. To find the URL of your post navigate to the post's page and copy the link showing in the address bar of your browser including the http:// prefix

4. Click on the Save Template button

5. To check your description you can use the view source in your browser once you have navigated to the post page or a meta tag analyzer

Note: This method is suitable if you have a few key posts that you want to ensure you get maximum traffic on. If you have a lot of posts this manual method would be very tedious. I don't know of any automated method or script to add meta tags at this point but I am investigating it and will keep you posted.

Analyze Your Blogspot Blogger Meta Tags
Once you have added meta tags to your blog you can use tools to analyze them to ensure their relevance. Aim for meta tag relevancy to page content of above 90%. To check this you can use a free meta tag analyzer tool such as Submit Express or SEO Centro

Troubleshooting and Tips
  • Observe Character Limits
    To avoid problems ensure that you keep within the maximum character limits:

    Title Tag - Maximum Characters is 60
    Site Description - Maximum Characters is 150
    Keywords - Maximum Characters is 200

  • Title Tag Tweak
    If you have inserted the title tag tweak and it is highly recommended that you do so then you will need to add the code above after the title tag adjustment in the <head> section of your template. Read more about adjusting title tags

  • Keywords
    Although some search engines no longer place too much emphasis on keywords some still do so it is worth adding keywords. Avoid using the same keyword more than 3 times. The maximum number of keywords recommended to be robot friendly is around 20.

  • Problems Reading the Code
    Some readers have reported problems with their browser reading this code. Try this document form of the article if this happens to you

In this Blogger meta tag tutorial I have discussed the best way to add meta tags to a Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) to improve search engine results given the limitations of the Blogger platform. In this article you have learned to add both meta tags for keywords and descriptions to the home page. You have also learned how to add meta tags to an individual post. To optimize your meta tags I have included links to free meta tag analyzer tools.

Related Articles
Adjust Blogger Title Tags for Improved SEO
10 Tips to Build Site Traffic for Blogger
List of Blog Know How Tutorials for Blogger Blogs
Add Breadcrumb Navigation to Blogger Blogspot Blog

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

RHD Print Item in Druckenmiller Benefit Auction

We invite everyone to check out the Druckenmiller Family Benefit Auction, going on now through May 25th at

This online auction is set up to help support some of our fellow friends in the cattle business. Bode and Brystol Druckenmiller of Iowa are two wonderful boys with loving, caring parents. Both are hemophiliacs with Factor 8 deficiencies and Brystol was also born with a complex heart defect requiring multiple additional cardiac surgeries. Each has has multiple recurrent hospitalizations over essentially their entire lives, yet today they are strong, bright young boys that I hope the cattle community will see fit to help.

RHD has donated a 1 page ad design that can be used for your ads in the August 2009 State Fair issues. We will create and design your ad for you that you can place in any magazine(s) you wish, or even have flyers made of this ad if you don't plan on advertising anywhere.

We are also working on getting a web site donated too!
Our print ad donation item is at

If you are the winning bidder we will need your ad materials by June 25th and you will need to contact the publication of your choice and let them know that you are wanting an ad.

If anyone is interested and has questions just email

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Membuat Roaming effect Blogger

Mungkin Kamu pernah di kagetkan saat membuka sebuah blog/web yang tiba-tiba roming(mengalami gangguan,seperti bergetar). Belum Pernah? ya sudah nih tak kasih contohnya, silakan klik disini.Sudah tahu kan?Nha,Membuat effect roming seperti itu memang bisa dilakukan,caranya pun mudah.
Nih tak kasih Script rahasianya,
1.Copy Kode berikut ini:

<script type='text/javascript'>

2.Login ke Blogger kamu => Layuot=> Edit HTML
3.Kemudian paste-kan kode tadi sebelum kode </head>
4.Kemudian Save Template

Coba akses blog kamu untuk melihat hasilnya..Semoga Bermanfaat

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Add Google Adsense Below Blogger Post

Today's article is for anyone who would like to maximize their Google Adsense revenue of their Blogger Blogspot blog. I will show you how to use a very simple trick to place Google Adsense below the post content but above the post footer credits. This article continues the ongoing Google Adsense series about the placement of Google Adsense ad units in different positions within Blogger.

What's Involved in Inserting this Tweak?
The level of difficulty for inserting this Google Adsense ad placement is rated intermediate. You will need to enter the Google Adsense code directly into your Blogger template after parsing it (conversion of the Javascript into a format readable by Blogger). However I am assuming that virtual Blogger beginners might be interested in this Blogger tutorial so I have broken it down into very easy and manageable steps that even the non-technically minded can follow.

Below is a detailed step by step tutorial on how to place Google Adsense within a Blogger post which will appear below the post content but above the post footer credits. The Google Adsense ad unit will not appear on the main page. The ad unit will only appear on single post pages. This means that any existing ad placement on the home page will not be affected by adding this tweak unless the number of ad units for content is exceeded (3 are allowed on any one page).

Advantages of Adding Google Adsense to Single Post Pages
Currently Blogger displays Google Adsense below the embedded comments form on a post page where Google Adsense between posts is enabled. This is an awful position in terms of revenue earning power. This tweak will add an ad unit in a much more visible spot.

It is widely held that placement of Google Adsense ad units within the post is a superior position to generate revenue so adding an additional placement of an ad unit will boost your earning power.

Placement of Google Adsense Below the Content and Above the Footer on a Blogger Blogspot Blog

How Many Google Adsense Units Are Currently Displaying on Single Post Pages?
Google Adsense permits 3 Google Adsense ad units on any given post page. How many do you have displaying at present? Navigate to a single post page in your blog and check. Chances are that you will have either none or one ad unit displaying within your post content. If there is a Google Adsense ad unit it should be displaying below the embedded comments form.

You may also have Adsense widgets in your sidebar so count them too. Remember to only count the content units not the linked units as you can have up to 3 of those as well. If you have 2 or less you will be able to add this tweak without changing anything else. If you have three already counting Google Adsense widgets then you will have to make a choice about which Google Adsense placement will render the best results. In my experience Google Adsense units in lower positions in sidebars are not particularly good performers anyway so you probably won't be losing too much to eliminate these units and concentrate on adding ad units within posts.

Steps to Place Google Adsense Below Post Content and Above Post Footer Credits in Blogger
Follow Steps 1-11 if you don't have a Google Adsense ad unit.


1. From the Blogger Dashboard click on the Google Adsense link at the bottom of the page

2. Proceed to Adsense Setup > Get Ads or sign up for Google Adsense if not already

3. Choose Adsense for Content from the Ad Setup screen

4. Choose Ad unit from the Adsense for Content screen. In most cases you will want an ad unit.

5. Choose the Ad Type from the dropdown menu depending on your needs. I often select text only because I think they are better performers but you may have a different experience. Click on the Continue button

6. Choose the Ad Format. Most likely this will be between 336x280, 250x250, or the 468x60 banner sizes.

7. Choose your color palette according to your blog color scheme.

Tip: I find the best way to get the colors for my ads if I am not sure is to create an Adsense unit in Blogger and transfer that color scheme to the new ad unit in Google. Alternatively you can accept the default and change the color scheme later. Changing the color scheme won't affect your ad unit code for your template.

8. Accept the default font in the meantime unless you know the font that you need. You can always check this out later by reviewing your template

9. Click on the Continue button

10. Create an Ad Channel by clicking the link add a new channel. By default Google will add this to Your Selected Channels. Click on the Continue button

11. You may need to give your ad unit a more detailed name. I recommend keeping the dimensions of the ad unit in the name as it makes the unit easily identifiable. I usually add the name of the blog to the name because I have several blogs. Save and Get Ad Code by clicking on the Submit and Get Code button.

12. Copy the Adsense code by right clicking the mouse while it is in the code box. Choose select all and then right click again and choose copy. Make sure you get all of the code

Google Adsense Code for ad unit
13. Open the Ad Converter by following this link at eblog Templates.
14. Paste the Google Adsense code into the converter and press the Convert Ad Code button. This will parse the code so that Blogger will read the Javascript properly. Leave this window open for now as we will be returning here. Note that pasting Google Adsense code in to your Blogger template that has not been parsed will produce errors

15. Login to Blogger if not already logged in

16. Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML

17. Back up your Template (recommended) by downloading it to your computer

18. Check the Expand Widgets Template checkbox

19. Bring up Blogger Search using CTRL + F. Copy and paste the following line of code into the text box to locate the block of code in your template beginning with this line:

<div class='post-footer'>

20. Return to the Ad Converter and copy the converted code by right clicking your mouse and choosing select all followed by right clicking again to copy it

21. Paste this code directly after <div class='post-footer'>

<!-- Start Google Ad-->
<!-- End Google Ad-->

22. Paste your Google Adsense ad code between <!-- Start Google Ad --> and <!-- End Google Ad -->

Add Google Adsense to Blogger Template to insert ad unit below post content

23. Click the Save Template button

24. Take a look at your extra Google Adsense ad unit in your blog by following the View Blog link. The ad unit will appear below the post content and above the credit lines in the post footer

Troubleshooting Your New Google Adsense Below the Post Content
  • Note only a placeholder will show up for about the first 10 minutes or so. If no placeholder appears go back and retrace your steps to make sure you haven't forgotten something. Check you have copied the code exactly.

  • If you need more white space above the ad unit add this html tag <p> before your Google Adsense code and this </p> after the last line of your Google Adsense code

  • Remember that if you have more than 3 Google Adsense ad units on a page Google will display a placeholer. If you have Google Adsense ad units in other parts of your blog you will find that only 3 Google Adsense ad units will display on one page at any one time according to Adsense rules. For this reason you may get a placeholder appearing where the ad unit would appear.

In this tutorial I have covered how to add a Google Adsense ad unit to a Blogger post below the content along with detailed instructions on how to create an Adsense ad unit at Google.

Related Articles
Bloggers Guide to Google Adsense Myths
Add Google Adsense to Blogger Header
Add Google Adsense or Banner Above Blogger Header
Better Placement of Google Adsense in Blogger
Blogger Guide to Google Adsense Placement
Google Adsense Tips for a Blogger Blog

Cara Membuat Shout Box

Shout Box atau juga sering disebut Say Box, Tag Board, dan Chatter Box adalah suatu kotak yang berfungsi untuk mengirimkan pesan-pesan pendek, namun bisa juga berfungsi sebagai tempat ngobrol (chatting). Dengan shoutbox, kita juga bisa mempromosikan blog kita, misalnya nih, kita datangi blog orang yang menyediakan kotak ini kemudian kita kasih komentar atau cuma sekedar salam di shoutbox mereka, lalu yang punya blog akan melihat di shoutbox, biasanya meraka akan balas mengunjungi blog kita. Nha gitu ceritannya. Biasanya kotak ngoceh diselipkan kedalam halaman web/blog dengan bahasa java Script. Bagi kamu yang jago pemrograman java script mungkin bisa membuatnya sendiri dengan membuat kode-kode yang memusingkan kepala. Namun buat kamu yang nggak jago nggak usah kuatir karena sekarang ini banyak situs internet yang menyediakan layanan ini, salah satunya yaitu Shoutmix . Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Buka situs Shoutmix Kamu harus mendaftar di situs tersebut, cara daftarnya gampang kok.
2. Jika pendaftarannya berhasil kamu langsung disuruh milih type shoutbox yang disediakan, terserah kamu milih bentuknya yang gimana. Klik tombol Continue
3. Setelah itu kamu akan mendapat ucapan "Terima Kasih" :D lalu klik link Go to My Control Panel Now
4. Disitu kamu bisa mensetting terlebih dahulu shoutbox kamu, misalnya Style & Color, Date & Time, dan lain-lain.
5. Jika sudah selesai klik menu Get Codes
6. Jika kamu pingin menaruh shoutbox di blog kamu pilih "Place Shoutbox on Webpage"
7. Atur lebar dan tinggi shoutbox di kolom widht dan hight
8. Kemudian Copy kode yang ada di dalam kotak "generated Codes"
9. Login ke lalu pilih Layout kemudian Add Page Elements
11. Tambahkan element HTML/Javascript.
12. Paste Kode yang telah kamu copy dari tadi di kotak "Content" lalu Save
13. Selesai...

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Guide to Blogger Blogspot FAQs

Guide to Blogger Blogspot FAQs. When you are looking for help with Blogger Blogspot you want to get that help as fast as possible that's why I have created a list of the most commonly asked questions by visitors to my blog. Use this post as a ready resource for all your frequently asked questions about blogging using the Blogger Blogspot blogging platform.

Banners and Advertising
Building Site Traffic
Common Blogger Problems Fixes
Customize Blogger
Gadgetize Blogger
Google Adsense
Monetize Blogger
Posting and Commenting
Publicize Blogger
Search Engine Optimisation
Social Media
Tracking Site Visitors

Banners and Advertising FAQ
Where can I post a banner on Blogger Blogspot?
It is possible to add an affiliate banner to Blogger in a number of places. You can add a banner to the Blogger, above the header, above the first post, within a post, below a post, in a sidebar, and in a footer.

How do I place an advertising banner in a Blogger header?
Add an Affiliate Banner to the Blogger Header

How do I place an advertising banner in a Blogger sidebar?
Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Sidebar

How do I place an advertising banner above the Blogger header?
Add Google Adsense or banner above the Blogger header

Build Site Traffic
How do I encourage more visitors to my blog?
Find 10 hot tips to help you get visitors to your Blogger Blogspot blog
10 Tips to Build Traffic to a Blogspot Blog

Why do I need to add my blog to blog directories?
It is not essential to add your Blogger blog to blog direcories but it is a good idea since they are a valuable link and a ready source of traffic for your blog and Submit a Blogger Blog to Blog Directories

What blog directories should I add my blog to?
There are many blog directories on the net and more springing up all the time. For some recommended blog directories check out this article:
Submit a Blogger Blog to Blog Directories

Common Blogger Problem Fixes
How do I remove the navbar from Blogger?
You can't actually remove the Blogger navbar but there is a trick to hide it.
Hide Remove Blogger Navbar

How do I reinstate a deleted Blogger navbar?
I am often asked how to fix a deleted Blogger navbar. Find the solution in:
Hide Remove Blogger Navbar

How do I fix the missing comments form below posts?
Many custom templates were created prior to Blogger embedding the comments form below posts. For details on how to upgrade your Blogger template to include an embedded comments form below posts on the single post page please refer to:
Add Missing Embedded Comments Form to Blogger

How do I fix the missing add a gadget in the layout screen?
If you can no longer see Add a Gadget in Layout > Page Elements then there is very likely a problem with your browser cache. Check out:
Missing Add a Gadget Solution in Blogger

Customize Blogger
How do I add categories to Blogger?
Blogger doesn't have categories only labels. If you want to add a categories section you can using a linked list but you will need to update it manually.
Add a Categories Section to Blogger

How do I add a list of recent posts to Blogger?
By making use of your blog's feed you can display the 5 most recent posts on your blog.
Add a Recent Posts Feed to Blogger

How do I display a list of recent comments on Blogger?
By making use of your blog's feed you can display the 5 most recent comments on your blog.
Add a Recent Comments Feed to Blogger

Gadgetize Blogger
How do I add a Live Traffic feed to my blogger Blogspot blog?
If you insert a free live traffic feed like Feedjit on your blog you will be able to watch visitors arrive at your blog in real time and gather information about where they came from, where they exited to, eearch engine keywords and keyword phrases used to access your blog.
Add Feedjit Live Traffic Feed to Blogger

How do I add a ratings widget to Blogger?
If you've seen star ratings on blogs you've visited lately and you would like to add one to your blog check out my article on the Outbrain ratings widget:
Add Outbrain Ratings Widget to Blogger

How do I add a bookmarking button to my blog?
Your visitors can share your posts with friends and add an online bookmark with an Add This Social Bookmarking button
Add a Social Bookmarking Button to Blogger

How can visitors subscribe to my blog?
You can encourage readers to sign up to regular updates of your blog by adding a subscribe button or link to your blog.
Add an Email Subscription Form and Links to Blogger Blogspot Blog

Google Adsense FAQ
Can I put Google Adsense on my Blogger Blogspot blog?
Yes you most certainly can. Unlike other online blogging platforms like Wordpress Blogger permits Blogger publishers to add Google Adsense to any Blogger blog. However be aware that spam blogs - that is blogs specifically set up to make money from Google Adsense are prohibited by Blogger.

How much money can I make from Google Adsense?
If your blog receives enough traffic (75+ visitors per day) you will be well placed to earn revenue from your Blogger Blogspot blog. Want to know more refer to:
Google Adsense Myths for Blogger Blogs

How Many Google Adsense Ad Units Can I Place on a Blogger Blog?
Google allows 3 content ads, 3 link ads and 2 search boxes on any given page. These rules are subject to change so if in doubt check Google Adsense FAQ.

How do I add Google Adsense to Blogger?
You will find many tips on the basics of adding Google Adsense to Blogger in this article:
Google Adsense Tips for Blogger

Where should I place Google Adsense on Blogger?
Better Placement of Google Adsense on Blogger
Blogger Guide to Google Adsense Placement

Monetize Blogger
How do I add a donate button?
Adding a Paypal donate button to a Blogger Blogspot blog will encourage satisfied visitors to say thanks.
Add a Paypal Donate Button to Blogger

How do I make money from my Blogger blog?
5 Easy Ways to Make Money from a Blogger blog

Posting and Commenting in Blogger
Why do the links to my post titles get shortened?
When you publish an article in Blogger a permalink gets created. If the title of your post is longer than about 35-40 characters Blogger shortens it. Check out this article for ideas on how to work around this issue
How to Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks

How do I post date my posts?
Blogger allows publishers to post date their posts. Read the following article to find out more about how to set a future publishing date for a post
Choose Your Own Blogger Post Date

How do I date my posts with a date that has already passed?
Blogger will let you set a date for a post in the past, present or future. Find out more by reading the following article:
Choose Your Own Blogger Post Date

Publicize Blogger
Why is it important to burn my Blogger feed?
there are quite a few reasons reasons why it is a good idea to burn your Blogger Blogspot feed at Feedburner check out this article to find out more:
Blogger RSS Feeds and Feedburner

How do I burn my Blogger feed at Feedburner?
If you would like to burn your Blogger feed at Feedburner to build readership of your blog then this indepth article will show you how:
Burn Blogger RSS Feeds at Feedburner

How do I add a FeedFlare to a Blogger feed?
Not only will a Feedburner FeedFlare encourage your visitors to share your posts on various social media sites it will also copyright your material if you add this notice to the bottom of your posts. Learn more about Feedburner FeedFlares:
Add a Feedburner FeedFlare to a Blogger Feed

Search Engine Optimization
How do I get my Blogger Blogspot blog listed by major search engines?
If you wait for search engines to crawl your blog it may take a long time to appear in search engine results. You can speed up this process by submitting your blog and a sitemap to major search engines. Find out more:
Add Your Blog to Major Search Engines

How do I get listed by Yahoo?
For instructions on how to let Yahoo know about your blog and add a Blogger sitemap to Yahoo follow this guide:
Submit Your Blogspot Blog to Yahoo

Social Media
How do I add bookmarking button to my blog?
There are a number of ways to add social media to your blog. One easy way is add an all in one social bookmarking button by Add This.
Add a Social Bookmarking Button to Blogger

How do I add Twitter Links to Blogger?
How to Add a Twitter badge to Blogger
How to Add a Twitter Followers Counter to Blogger

Tracking Site Visitors
How do I know who is viewing my Blogger Blogspot blog?
There are a number of programs that can help you track visitors to your blog. One of the best, Google Analytics is provided free by Google. For more about Adding Google Analytics to a Blogger Blog

What gadget lets me watch visitors as they arrive?
If you want to see visitors arrive at your Blogger Blogspot blog you can put a free Feedjit live traffic feed widget on your Blogger sidebar.
Add Feedjit Live Traffic Feed to Blogger

Related Articles
List of Blog Know How Tutorials for Blogger Blogs

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Cara Membuat Search Engine

Search Engine atau Mesin Pencari adalah sebuah terobosan Canggih di dunia Internet.
Saat ini Search Engine tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam dunia internet. Dengan Search Engine kita bisa mencari tahu tentang suatu hal yang kita inginkan sesuai dengan keyword yang kita ketikkan., yang akan dikupas disini adalah bagaimana caranya membuat/pasang search engine di blogger . Caranya sangat mudah, yaitu:

1. Login ke blogger terus klik Layout terus pilih page elements nha disitu kan banyak tulisan Add a page elements klik link tersebut dan sesuaikan dimana tempatnya menaruh search engine
2. kemudian pada layar baru yang muncul pilih HTML/Javascript kemudian copy/paste script/kode berikut ini di dalam kolom content.

<form action=""
method="get"> <input class="textinput" name="q" size="30" type="text"/> <input value="search" class="buttonsubmit" name="submit" type="submit"/></form>

Ganti nama-blogmu dengan nama blog kamu. Aangka 30 menunjukkan panjang kotak (text box) semakin banyak angkanya maka semakin panjang textbox-nya

Cara Menampilkan Status YM (Yahoo Messenger)

Dalam trik kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang "Bagaimana Caranya Menampilkan Status Offline/Online Yahoo Messenger". Trus fungsinya apa nih? gini, kalo ada misalnya ada penandanya seperti itu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu akan bisa langsung berinteraksi langsung denganmu, nha kalo gitu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu jadi tambah sayang ma kamu :p
Ok Langsung aja, Contohnya akan seperti ini, jika status kamu offline maka gambarnya akan seperti ini :

trus jika kamu online maka iconya akan berubah seperti ini:

Cara buatnya sangat gampang kamu tinggal copy script berikut ini trus kamu pasang di sidebar kamu, udah tahu kan cara pasanganya, itu lho seperti kalo km masang "page element", Masuk ke "Page Element" trus "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript".

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?paijo"> <img src=";m=g&amp;t=2&amp;l=us"/>

Ganti text yang warna merah (paijo) dengan id YM kamu.
perhatikan angka "2", itu bisa kamu ganti dengan angka yang lain dan hasilnya gambar yang ditampilkan akan berbeda-beda.

Piye? gampang to?

Cara Menuliskan Kode HTML di Dalam Postingan

Ada teknik tersendiri untuk menuliskan kode-kode/script HTML ke dalam postingan ( ga boleh sembarang lho nulis kode/script dalam postingan). Maksudnya ga boleh sembarangan gimana?Gini lho, Kode HTML maupung script HTML bila kita posting dengan menuliskan kode/script tersebut apa adanya, maka yang muncul di blog kita tidaklah seperti yang kita tuliskan. Misalnya gini, jika kita menuliskan kode <head> dengan cara yang biasa maka hasilnya tidak akan muncul dalam postingan karena kode tersebut langsung diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa HTML. Jadi untuk menuliskan kode <head>, maka yang seharusnya dituliskan supaya bisa muncul kode tersebut adalah ini &lt;head&gt;. Nah terus bagaimana kalau ada banyak kode yang harus kita posting?
Mau tahu bagaimana caranya menuliskan kode2/script2 tersebut ke dalam blog?

Ada beberapa cara untuk menuliskan kode-kode tersebut kedalam blog, diantaranya yaitu:

Cara Pertama :
- Gunakan software-software web design, misalnya Macromedia Dreamwaver, Microsoft Frontpage, Namao Web Editor. Atau bisa juga dengan software-software blogtools seperti post2blog dll.
- Trus tuliskan semua kode pada area design, kemudian copy kode-kode tersebut dari area HTML Code. Nha kode-kode dalam area HTML Code tersebut lah yang harus diposting.

Cara Kedua :
- Tuliskan semua kode/script ke dalam notepad
- Kemudian ganti/replace kode-kode berikut

Kode Pengganti
- Udah tahu kan caranya mereplace di notepad? itu lho dengan memilih menu edit --> replace kemudian pada kotak yang muncul masukkan kode yg akan direplace pada kolom "Find what" trus masukkan kode pengantinya pada kolom "Replace with"trus tekan tombol Replace All.
- Nha kalo udah semua baru kamu copy semua kode yang udah direplace all tadi, trus kamu masukkan kedalam postingan kamu.

Cara Ketiga :
- Buka URL berikut ini, kemudian masukkan kode-kode ynag akan kamu posting kedalam kotak yang disediakan, nha kalo sudah tekan tombol "Encode", nha maka kamu akan mendapatkan script baru untuk diposting di blog kamu.

OK..happy blogging friends.....

Cara Membuat Form Email Subscriber

Seperti yang kamu lihat, disebelah kanan blog ini ada sebuah kotak yang berisi kotak untuk mengisikan alamat email dan sebuah tombol yang ada tulisan "Berlangganan Trik Baru". Nha dalam trik dan tips kali ini kita akan belajar kelompok tentang bagaimana membuat kotak tersebut. Oh ya, perlu dijelasin dulu nih apa fungsi dari form tersebut. Form tersebut fungsinya adalah untuk mempermudah para pembaca blog kita agar bisa berlangganan atau mendapatkan info terbari postingan kita melalui email mereka. Jadi jika memposting artikel baru maka para pelanggan/pembaca yang sudah memasukkan email mereka melalui form tersebut akan secara otomatis mendapatkan kiriman email yang berisi postingan terbaru kita. Mudeng ra? wes pokoke ngono lah.
Beginilah cara membuat form "Email Subscriber" tersebut :

1. Kunjungi situs ini :
2. Saat pertama kali datang kamu akan langsung disodori kotak untuk mengisikan alamat feed blogmu yang akan dibakar :D
3. Biasanya alamat feed blog kamu seperti ini , ganti tulisan NAMABLOGMU dengan nama alamat blogmu.
3. Isikan nama feed blogmu tadi dalam kotak yang disodorkan tersebut, jika blogmu itu isinya hanya video2 maka beri tanda centang pada kotak "I am a podcaster", jika tidak ya gak usah dicentang. Kemudian klik tombol "next"
4. Setelah itu kamu akan disodori lagi dengan form pendaftaran, isikan data2 yg diperlukan disana, trus klik tombol "Activate Feed"
5. Nha kalo berhasil nanti akan ada informasi "Congrats! your ......".
6. Dibawahnya akan ada tombol "Next" dan link "Skip directly to feed management" kali ini pilih yang link "Skip directly to feed management", sebenarnya lewat tombol "next" bisa sih tapi biar seru kita lewat jalan lain aja.
7 Kemudian nanti akan ada beberapa menu, kali ini pilih menu "Publicize"
8. Setelah itu disebelah kiri akan muncul beberapa menu. PIlih menu "Email Subscriptions".
9. Kemudian klik tombol "Activate"
10. Nha setelah itu nanti akan ada beberapa kotak yang berisi kode2. Nha kalo km pinginnya yang berbentuk form maka pilih kode yang ada di kotak "Subsciption Form Code".
11. Copy kode yang ada dalam kotak tadi, trus klik tombol "Save" untuk mengaktifkan layanan tersebut.
12. Cara pasangnya, Login ke blogger, pilih "layout --> Add a Gadget --> HTMl/Java Script" nha paste kode yang sudah kamu copy tadi disana.

Sekarang coba dilihat blogmu, udah ada kan form untuk "Email Subscriber".

Trus kalo mo nampilin jumlah reder yang berlanganan gini caranya :
- Login ke feedburner kemudian pilih feed blogmu
- Trus masuk ke menu "Publicize --> FeedCount" nha disitu scriptnya yang harus km copy dan pasang di blogmu.

Cara Membuat Widget Translator Blogger

Memasang widget translator atau "Penerjemah" pada blog banyak sekali gunanya. Translator ini berguna apabila ada pengunjung dari negara lain yang secara sengaja maupun tidak yang melihat blog kita dan tidak tahu bahasa kita maka mereka bisa menggunakan widget ini untuk menterjemahkannya kedalam bahasa yang mereka inginkan (tentunya yang sudah ada di widget ini). Widget ini sudah support untuk bahasa Indonesia. Dan kalo kamu mau, translator ini bisa juga untuk menterjemahkan tugas dari sekolah/kampus secara mudah. Dan hasilnya bisa lebih bagus daripada software transtool lho. Gimana? mau membuatnya? caranya mudah lho. Gini nih...

1. Login ke Blogger trus pilih menu "Layout" atau "Tata Letak"
2. Kemudian klik pada "Add Gadget" atau "tambah gadget=".
3. Lalu pilih HTML/Javascript"
4. Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini kedalamnya.

<script src=""></script>

5. Kemudian simpan.

Coba sekarang lihat blogmu maka ada tampilan seperti ini :

Coba dites apakah translator tersebut bekerja dengan baik atau tidak.
Gimana? gampang kan...

My Dream PROM

Oh yeah, that's right, it's PROM time!! I know for me personally, anytime I stroll through Dillards or Macy's at the mall I always want to stop and admire all the beautiful prom dresses. I love them all...especially the ones that are sequined, beaded, or strapless!

Let's back up to 1996 and 1997, the dates of my very own junior and senior proms. Despite the amazing sophisticate I am now, I'll admit, back in my high school days I wasn't really into fashions and I didn't even highlight my hair! My token outfit was jeans and a polo t-shirt. So a fancy prom dress really wasn't on my radar.

My prom date in 1996 was my good friend and fellow Brahman showman Matthew "Peabo" Bryson. He kindly came down from Dallas and was my dream date (just as friends). We went as a big group of people with myself and my best friends Russell Sciba, Justin Walker and their dates. Our vehicle of choice was my mom's suburban (no stretch limo's here). We went to eat at Pappadeaux's in Houston before-hand and I remember thinking we were SOOOO COOOOL because we all ordered strawberry daquiri's sans alcohol obviously.

In 1997, I had decided I wasn't even going to the big Boling High School prom, because I'd rather go to a cattle show instead. But as it turns out I changed my mind at the last minute, and this time my date was another one of my best friends, Taylor Burns. Taylor was a sophomore so he was pretty cool by having a date with a senior girl. (Just kidding, I was no catch!) We had a great time again, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I don't even remember what we did after prom, I think we might have went bowling. This time we went in Taylor's Ford truck.

So for most girls, the exciting part about prom is choosing your dress and getting your hair done. Again, not so much for me. My junior year, I got a dress at Dillards that was a short, red Nicole Miller dress that was somewhat of a halter top. It was cute, but nothing special and certainly no beads or sequins. I did my own hair in hot rollers at my own house. Fun fun.

For my senior year, I guess my dress was a little fancier, but I purchased it at this old lady boutique in our hometown. So it definitely wasn't a "prom" dress, it was more of just a fancier dress. This one was a long black dress that kind had a sheer mid-driff. That was about the most risque thing I ever wore in high school, and embarassingly I continued to wear it a couple times in college at some formals. But again, no beads, no sequins.

Finally, in 2008, I got my dream prom dress. Well, sort of. I was hanging out at my cousin's the Forgason's house about a month ago and my 16-year-old cousin Emily offered to show me her prom pictures. After looking at them, I saw my dream dress, and it was owned by Emily. I said..."hey, I want to go put on your prom dress". I think she thought I was lying, but I said again, "no, I really want to".

So, up the stairs we go to Emily's bedroom and start putting on the dress. It was the coolest dress I've ever seen. Red, strapless, very shiny, and lots of beads. The back is laced up and gorgeous. So Emily laces me in the dress, and for a brief moment, I close my eyes and picture myself walking into the BHS Prom Grand March of 1997, complete with the Clay Walker "Keeper of the Stars" song playing in my head since that was our prom "theme". :)

After getting all laced in, we went downstairs and proceeded to take pretend prom pictures, i.e. on the stairway, posing, etc. The funny part was that ironically, my still good friend and fellow 1997 BHS Prom-Goer, Russell Sciba also happened to be at the Forgason's that night clipping some of their calves. Emily and her sisters tried to talk me into walking out to the barn where Russell was clipping and ask him if he'd be my date to the prom. But, I was honestly a little scared that if I stayed in this dress too long I might bust it open since Emily is a little bit skinnier than me!

So.....I finally have gotten my dream prom dress, if only for 10 minutes. And I have to admit, it looked a lot better on Emily and her date! But if I ever do need a dashing gown to wear to some big formal event, I know who to ask if I can borrow this dress!