Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

RHD Rep: Ashley Middleswarth

Meet Ashley Middleswarth, an RHD Rep from Torrington, Wyoming.....

Ashley is a sixth generation Hereford breeder from Torrington, Wyoming and represents Ranch House Designs, Inc. at Hereford events throughout the United States. Middleswarth graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2008 with a degree in agricultural education. She enjoys the multitude of opportunities associated with her role in Middleswarth Hereford Ranch and is excited to incorporate that into her new role with RHD. Look for Ashley at all major Hereford events including the National Junior Hereford Expo, Denver, Western Nugget in Reno, American Royal, and Ft. Worth. She also represents us at events out west including Wyoming State Fair.

Reduce High Blood Pressure

The heart is designed to pump blood through our body. Blood is pumped from the heart through the arteries out to our muscles and organs.
Around 10 million people in the UK have high blood pressure – that's one in six of us!

The symptoms

A huge problem with high blood pressure is that its very unlikely to show symptoms, which is worrying as it can go unnoticed up to a stroke or heart diseases. So many people don't know they have high blood pressure

However severely high blood pressure can show symptoms like: a coma; sleepiness; persistent headaches; blurred or double vision; shortness of breath. If you have any of these, it would be very wise to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Diseases caused by high blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Narrowing of the arteries
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Failure
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Aneurysm
What can you do to lower/ prevent high blood pressure?

As an adult of 35 years and above, It's wise to know your: blood pressure and cholesterol levels. You should have regular blood tests if your family is known for having high blood pressure.

A lot of the time, lifestyle can dramatically have an affect on your blood pressure. Some steps to help reduce blood pressure are:
  • Stop smoking.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Limit your salt intake.
  • Lose weight if you need to, as being over weight puts added pressure onto the heart.
  • Exercise three or more times a week, twenty minute sessions. These don't have to be full blown gym workouts, it can be as simple as walking, swimming, cycling, and more.
  • Don't drink alcohol.
  • Try to reduce stress levels. Stress can also lead to a not so good night's sleep.
  • Lower caffeine levels.
  • Medication if needed. 
  • Make sure that you are getting enough sleep.
If you do have an inkling that you may have high blood pressure, then please do not hesitate to go and see your local doctor. There is no equal substitute to seeing a highly trained professional face-to-face.

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

RHD Rep: Briana Bishop

Meet our RHD Rep for Florida....Briana Bishop!

Briana represents Ranch House Designs, Inc. at a variety of events throughout the southeast. She grew up on a diversified livestock operation on the IS Ranch in Trenton, Florida. Briana has a world of experience with the cattle business including travelling throughout the United States exhibiting Brahman cattle and steers. She is a national director of the American Junior Brahman Association and former national Brahman queen. She has also been published in Working Ranch Magazine as one of the 'ranch diary' authors where she described a typical week on her family's ranch. Briana enjoys any type of activity that helps promote agriculture, and is a great person to talk to if you are a cattle rancher from the southeast who would like to learn more about RHD.

La Herradura Restaurant Menu Designs

We love eating at the new Mexican restaurant in Wharton so when they asked us to design their menus, we were especially excited. This is RHD's first menu design and it was so much fun to do! Now, we hope we get more opportunities like this in the future!
If you are a small restaurant owner and need to spice up your menus, give us a call! 

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Working Hard at the Lake....

Now this is dedication. Jessica Hobbs took a week vacation to go with her family to the lake, and here she is working on web updates from the lake. All the more reason why she's our "employee of the year"

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Self Discipline

Discipline is necessary in our society and always has been. With discipline comes rules, and with rules comes structure. Without it we would be in a mess and ongoing chaos.
This is discipline as a whole, but what about self discipline? Do we need this or is it a hindrance for us? I think we can safely say that the answer is yes, we do need it, looking at the bigger picture.

A lot of people see 'discipline' as a taboo word and link it together with absence of freedom. As well as this, the word discipline carries a negative connotation as this is normally used with an enforcement order/instructions, which if not met can result in discipline/punishment. 

In fact self discipline can actually give you more freedom in the future and often works out for the best. For example: performing of an instrument; giving up an addiction like smoking or coffee etc; better education; exercise, religion, getting up early etc.

What is Self Discipline?

This means behaving according to what's best, regardless of feelings, emotions, and how you feel at that moment in time.

Your attitude

Your attitude is very important when coming to self discipline, if you don't have the commitment once the initial buzz has faded from the task, you'll find it a lot more difficult to see it through to the end.

You'll need to have the determination, will power, stamina and patience.

If you set yourself a goal without the self discipline then the decision won't become manifest, but with the right discipline the goal you want to achieve is inevitable.
Self discipline can be work even better when combined with other tools such as planning and structure, this can help productivity.

How to build self discipline

The more you work at self discipline the easier it becomes, this however is true vice versa: the less you train the harder it becomes. 

Start off with something within your current ability to do, this doesn't necessarily mean inside your comfort zone. If you don't push yourself, how are you going to improve?
Once you succeed at the first goal, with progressive training you can set the bar higher.

It would be a mistake for you to set yourself a task too hard when building self discipline, if you plan to transform your life in one night and expect that you're going to follow it through consistently, you're setting yourself up for a fall.

Trying to qualify for the 'tour de France' without any training and expecting yourself to commit to it and achieve it........No chance! So start with the small steps, working your way up to your final destination.

Having a conscious awareness is also vital, Knowing when to and how to spot yourself being undisciplined. As you start to establish self discipline, this will become a lot more evident to you when you're not being self disciplined. 

For example: taking short-cuts; putting things off; stalling for time.  Try to avoid this habit as best you can. This is the hardest thing to do once starting self discipline and if successful, will succeed.

As time goes along, you'll be able to stop yourself before you act this way and sometimes with very strong self discipline: even be able to stop yourself before thinking this way.


Self discipline doesn't come easy and it would be silly to think so, its not an impossibility however and is achievable if you have the right mind set.

In the future once you've built up a lot of self discipline, you'll look back at tasks that were almost impossible for you, but are now a walk in the park.

Hadiah Istimewa dari Google: PageRank Update! (Juni 2011)

Sore tadi (27/6/2011) setelah membuat dan mempublish artikel Cara Membuat Menu Pulldown Plus Tombol/Button, saya menyempatkan ngobrol lewat YM dengan seorang teman Blogger dari US. Dalam percakapan itu, dia sempat menyinggung bahwa pada hari ini (di US masih pagi banget , 27/6/2011) Google melakukan update, yaitu Panda Update (yang dilakukan secara diam-diam sebelumnya) dan juga Google PageRank

Cara Membuat Menu Pulldown Plus Tombol/Button

Pull down menu seringkali juga disebut sebagai dropdown menu atau jump menu. Disebut pull down karena list menu akan muncul setelah bagian atas menu diklik/ditekan, dan disebut pula dropdown menu karena setelah di-klik sederet list menu akan muncul secara berurutan ke bawah. Pull down menu/drop down menu sangat bermanfaat untuk menampilkan list pilihan yang sangat panjang karena dapat

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Cara Membuat List HTML & Menu Sederhana (Basic of Unordered List)

Pada dasarnya, hampir semua menu menggunakan struktur HTML list, dalam hal ini adalah unordered list (tag ul) atau daftar tak berurutan yang merangkum keseluruhan list (tag li). Segala bentuk navigasi yang berupa menu menggunakan struktur dari tag-tag tersebut dan kemudian ditambahi dengan aturan-aturan yang membentuk tampilan, fungsi, serta efek yang menarik (CSS dan Javascript).Unordered list

RHD Reps

We are excited to announce the creation of our new "RHD Reps" positions! What is this? Well, we have lots of fans all across the country who help spread the word about RHD and our service. So we've created an official title for y'all.

"RHD Reps" are our informal company representatives who help promote us to our current and prospective clients.  We'll hook you up with some RHD goodies like caps and t-shirts to help us pass out. AND.....we also pay :)

If you're interested, e-mail rachel@ranchhousedesigns.com for an official application. Tell us a little bit about yourself, and why you think you'd be a good RHD rep, and we'll get you set up!

How to Relax Before Bed.

Do you find when going to bed, you just can't get to sleep?, You've got too much on your mind, are conscious of the time because you have to get up early in the morning, and are no where near the point or relaxation?

If so, you're not alone (phew). This is the case for many people around the globe and was for me at a younger age. Relaxing before going to bed can help you go to sleep sooner and let you have a better nights rest.

Here are things you can do before going to bed to help calm yourself down and feel relaxed:

1. Switch off  

This is a common thing people don't do before going to bed. Instead they'll work right up until the point of bed before drawing the day to a close, not giving themselves the chance to unwind before sleep.(I've been guilty of this). This isn't a recommended thing to do, as you'll more than likely still be thinking about the day that just finished a couple of minutes ago for you. 

Try to allow yourself an hour to calm down from the day you've just experienced, distancing yourself from stress. (I know that not everyone will be able to do this with their current situation). If you are in a situation where you can do this, I urge you to because this will really help before you lie your head on the pillow for the night.

2.  Have a bath  

Having a bath is a common thing that comes to mind when thinking of ways to relax. Why having a bath to help us relax is a bit of a mystery, there are some known possible reasons why this is: It reduces your level of adrenaline and Cortisone; partially releases you from gravity, reducing tension in muscles and joints; improves blood circulation.

3. Reading  

Reading requires you to think and construct meaning as you turn the pages of the book, taking your mind away from other things and helping you to relax. 

4. Writing a plan  

Writing a plan or a list of things you want to achieve in the next day is a very simple, but an also very useful thing to do. 

The logic behind this is that you won't have to worry about remembering the jobs of tomorrow. It gives you a defined guidance for the day, helping you get into a structured routine.This can help lower your productivity time.

5. Write down achievements

This is the opposite of point three and helps more for some people than for others. Writing a simple list of your daily achievements is a great stress reliever. Even writing down the mundane tasks you went  through, as a surprising amount of stress are caused by these. This helps your mind to relax and 'de-stress'  as you go through the list of completed tasks you've managed to do in the day

6. Bed times with regularity 

Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day is important for sleeping well. If you're a night owl or an early riser , having a routine will help your brain prepare you for sleep. 

7. Eating meals at set times 

It sounds weird and something that I kind of do, as I eat at roughly the same time each day, but eating at set times helps regulate leptin, ghrelin and other sleep related hormones.

    Cara Mudah Membuat Logo Blog Keren! (6 Online Text Logo Generators)

    Tampilan logo blog pada header yang khas dan memiliki desain yang bagus pasti menjadi dambaan setiap blogger. Logo blog biasanya ditampilkan sebagai bagian dari header yang berupa paduan gambar dan gambar teks yang berisi nama atau ciri dari suatu blog.  Umumnya, logo blog digunakan untuk menggantikan teks pada bagian title dan deskripsi header. Tentu saja, membuat logo blog, meskipun

    Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

    10 Benefits of Being an Early Riser.

    Early rising for most people does not come naturally  and is something we have to work at. Becoming an early riser  is hard at first and even later on can be difficult maintaining, but there are many benefits that you can get out of sticking with it. 
    These benefits include:

    1. No Rushing! 

    No rushing in the mornings any more as you're up in plenty of time, allowing yourself to get ready at your own leisurely pace.

    2. Quietness 

    The morning is the quietest part of the day and is a great time to relax, having the luxury of solitude and peace. Being alone and having time to yourself can be important as you can work things out in your own mind and with God, and plan your day ahead.

    3. Sunrise 

    This is a great event of the day which is missed by everyone who wakes up late (discounting winter). The vivid colours are beautiful and is an inspirational site to behold putting you into a good mindset. A must! (If you want to that is). 

    4. Breakfast!  

    Breakfast is a meal skipped by so many, because of the lack of time in the mornings. Breakfast is one of the most important meals and gives you energy for the day, there have been people faint on hot days through not having breakfast, having a healthy breakfast in the morning has even been linked to increased longevity, less chronic diseases and better health! 

    Being up early means you can now actually enjoy breakfast instead of rushing out the door with some toast or just missing it altogether.

    5. Productivity 

    The morning is an excellent time to be productive when you know you have the extra time, generally for a lot of people this is the best time for concentration, allowing yourself to steam ahead with your jobs that need doing. If you get a big or horrible job done at this time you feel as though you have accomplished something and helps you keep a positive mental attitude. 

    Exercise is another great thing to get you motivated for the day ahead and has its own benefits, for me this is in the form of taking the dog to the beach for 2+ hours, greatly boosting the amount of things I get done in the day due to the sense of achievement. This can also help you gain and develop self discipline, being able to put this to use in your day-to-day life. 

    After spending this time being productive, you are feeling awake, alert and ahead of everyone else going into the rest of the day. 

    6. Time gained 

    The time gained can be huge when you look at it long term and daily when you think what extra things can get done, this could be for things you want to do (e.g. Hobbies and things important to you) or having a more flexible schedule to work with, its really up to you. 

    Now say you were to start getting up at 5:00am every morning instead of your usual 8:00. The time gained per day would be 3 hours! Having a huge boost for productivity and morale. In a week of getting up at 5:00 you would have saved 21 hours, almost a whole day!  
    Now if we expanded this to a year of getting up at 5:00 in the morning, it would be a total of.... 1095 hours saved! That's the equivalent of just over 45.5 whole days!! Imagine if you were used to getting up at 11:00 and you started to get up at 5:00....Whoa. 

    7. Great start to the day 

    Getting up early is great to kick start your day and gives you the feeling and sense of achievement completing one of your tasks already. I actually feel more awake for the day getting up at 5:00 rather than dragging myself out at 8:00-10:00 and still feeling tired, Like I mentioned in point number 5 you have more of a positive attitude towards the day. 

    8. Better Nights sleep 

    Now I have started getting up early in the mornings, I found that I could fall asleep when going to bed, with much more ease and almost always straight away. Normally this is 9:30-10:30 for me. 

    If you've been productive in the day putting your time to good use, its a really nice feeling knowing that the extra time allows you to gain more control on the day. This can also help in reducing stress levels, being more relaxed.

    9. Early appointments 

    If you are a person who occasionally or quite often has early appointments, then this becomes a much easier thing to deal with. On a usual day you might have had to rush to get there in time just making it in time or maybe even missing it altogether, making it there now can be a breeze. 

    You can schedule early appointments without the pressure and worry of possibly being late or forgetting something. If its a business appointment, you make a good impression by being punctual, and if its work where you can go in early, then you're able to get more done and maybe ( if allowed) you can leave that bit earlier. 

    10. Travelling 

    A great time to travel can be at this time when the roads are empty ,getting everywhere in half the time. This is normally the rare occasion for when going on holiday, but why limit it to that? Getting other things done early where you need to travel is a brilliant time saver. 

    For example: Shopping, which can literally be a much more enjoyable experience.
    I hope this helps you in your decision to get up early, or if you're already an early riser encourages you to continue.

      Senin, 20 Juni 2011

      How to Get up Early in the Morning!

      Getting up early, for many feels like torture and seems ludicrous to suggest the alien idea of 'getting up early'. This was how I felt at one point but now I would
      definitely recommend this to be incorporated into your daily schedule. There are many  benefits and 'pros'  for early rising, that definitely out-way the 'cons'.

      So after considering these 'pros', I decided to start getting up earlier.
      Before I started doing this, I was getting up at 8-10:00( which is still early to some people) and occasionally 11-12:00.
      Even when getting up late, I still felt tired and didn't feel I had the energy to do anything, it felt as though half the day was gone and I ended up putting things off. Although I suppose half the day is gone if you get up at lunchtime. :)

      So how did I start getting up early and what time did I start doing this at?

      Before I answer the first part of the question I'll answer the second part first. I started getting up at 5:00 ( big difference I know, but bare with me its not as bad as it sounds) and was determined to do it. The first day I got up, It was raining, thundering and lighting which dampened my mood. I seriously thought about staying in bed, but I still got up and was amazed how short the feeling of not wanting to get up lasted
      Once into the swing of things the morning was surprisingly quite nice. After the first 30 days of determination the early mornings were programmed into my body clock and I could get up easier gaining more from the day than I ever used to.

      The steps (only three) of how I started getting up early are listed below. They really do work if you use them effectively:

      1. Alarm clock

      Probably the most famous thing to do, is use the good old alarm clock, which is genuinely a great tool to use, but still this can fail if good steps are not taken. Firstly make sure your alarm is as loud and annoying as possible. By doing this you will want to switch it off to kill the disturbance and if you have a sleeping family living with you, this will only hasten you in your pursuit for switching the thing off.

      This leads on to the second point which is: Keep it out of reach. This is necessary when you first start trying to get up early, otherwise you will be more than tempted to switch it off and go back to bed. If you are living on your own then you are at a more of a disadvantage and have to have a stronger will power to get up.
      Don't think about getting up but just do it, the more you think the more time you are spending in bed and will be more likely to stay there. Even just suddenly sitting up can wake your body up enough to then take the step of getting up.

      Once up after switching it your alarm off you are most probably going to stay up and can go about your day in the normal manner ( except with more time to spare)! I use my phone as an alarm clock,I have a choice of really annoying ringtones at my disposal.(The siren tone is an especially annoying one). Now I wake up before the alarm, but I still set it to have the incentive to get up.

      2. Amount of Sleep 

      A lot of people will tell you if you are going to get up 2-3 or however much earlier, then you will need to go to sleep that much earlier. This seems like a logical approach but in my experience doesn't always work. In fact if I go to bed too early I then normally cant go to sleep until much later than I would normally because I'm just not tired, spending the time trying to go to sleep keeping myself awake for longer .

      So instead of going to sleep that much earlier go to bed when you are tired and be honest as its only yourself your cheating. For me to get up at 5 in the morning I will normally have to go to bed at 9:30 - 10:30, I can manage 11 but its pushing it, and because I'm tired when I go to bed I normally always fall to sleep straight away after getting in.

      Reading is a great thing to do before bed as it will help to relax your mind, don't feel obliged to start reading if you don't want to though, its just one way to relax before bed.

      3. Have a reason 

      Having a reason to get up earlier is a lot more vital than you may think. Not only will this reason give you direction to starting your day but this reason will help spur you in carrying on in the future. There can be a whole host of reasons why you would want to get up early in the mornings.

      For me this is to take the dog for a walk (Molly a black Lab) and helps in keeping me refreshed. If I don't do this early in the morning I find that  I tend not to enjoy it as much later in the day as its hanging over me  making me put it off more , which isn't fair on Molly. At the time of writing this, I get up at 5, leaving myself an hour to get breakfast and get ready, then at 6 (maybe 10 minutes before) I leave for the walk. I then take her down to the beach and right along the length of it taking me in the region of 2 maybe 3 hours, but I'm glad once It's done. It feels as though I have accomplished something in the day, and when I get home at about 8, my family are normally still in bed or just leaving for work rushing out the front door, establishing in my mind that getting up early is the right thing to do.                    

      The first week to two weeks are the hardest, but after a month of doing it you will automatically wake up at the right time and will have settled into a routine.

      Its amazing to look back now on how much time I wasted being asleep, when I now have so much more time to do things that were previously out of reach.

      Another motivation for me is the fact that most mornings I tend to see the same faces up and about (when I'm taking Molly for a walk), encouraging me that there are others out there who enjoy the benefits of getting up early.

      Be careful when getting up early in the morning that you don't fall into the trap of putting it off, because more than likely you'll end up staying there. When you then do decide to get up, you'll going to have a negative mindset for the day because you'll be thinking about all the extra things you could of got done while you were lounging in bed.

      Here are three popular excuses for not getting up in the morning:

      1. Its dark 

      A reason for not getting up is that its still dark ( the exception being summer) and legitimately this is a good reason for putting it off for a bit longer as your sight is limited, unless switching on a light and even then you can be at risk at waking family members or people living with you, when they will be in their most primal mood!

      2.  Too warm and comfy 

      This is more of a 'I can't be bothered' reason, telling yourself its much nicer in your bed than out and it would be catastrophic for your well-being if you got up. Once you're up and about though, you'll be glad.

      3. Too Tired 

      This is the main reason and of course depending on the time you go to bed, depends if this excuse is actually something to take into consideration. For example if I went to bed at 2:00am, I wouldn't then get up at my normal 5:00, as I wouldn't have had enough sleep. I would have to sleep in a bit later. On the other hand If you have had enough sleep, when waking up early and you think to yourself "I'm still too tired to get up", put it out of your mind immediately and just get up. You'll be just as tired after a couple of hours just lounging there in bed on your back, and you'll regret it afterwards.

      I hope that if you are planning to get up early this helps and I wish you all the best of luck.

      Never thought I'd do this....

      Never in a million years would I have thought I'd agree to do this, but.....this morning, RHD agreed to become the corporate sponsor of the Miss TJLA Pageant!

      Yes, anyone knows me (Rachel) is probably thinking...what? I don't wear a lot of makeup. I don't wear fancy dresses. I sure as heck can't walk in high heals and despite my best efforts, I cannot tease my hair. One time in my life (1995) I DID run for the junior Brahman queen, but ripped off my contestant sash while showing because it was spooking my heifer and I wanted to win grand champion heifer way more than I cared about wearing my queen sash. This resulting in my losing points for not "wearing my sash at all times"....thus resulting in me getting the dreaded 1st runner up position. Of course I was disappointed at that night, but in the grand scheme of my life, it didn't turn out to be that big of a deal.

      But this morning, my perspective changed thanks to a very nice email I received from Kylie Patterson, who is one of the TJLA directors.....

      Ms. Williams,

      Howdy, my name is Kylie Patterson and I am a TJLA Jr. Director. I know that growing up you were highly involved in the TJLA, Brahman, Shorthorn and FFA. Even today, you still work to support our livestock youth. (SEE COMMENT #1 BELOW)

      I would like the opportunity to discuss sponsoring the Miss TJLA Queens Pageant. This pageant teaches young ladies to work hard, be dedicated, develop speaking skills, as well as present themselves with self confidence. However, this contest also teaches today's youth to become an ambassador, role model, and spokes person for not only our organization, but agriculture in general. The TJLA Sweetheart, Princess, and Queen are more than just a pretty face, big hair, and sweet smile. The TJLA Royalty consists of girls who are not afraid to work.  (SEE COMMENT #2)

      I feel this would be an excellent promotional opportunity for Ranch House Design - since you are the essence of what many of these young ladies aspire to be. (SEE COMMENT 3).
      There was more to Kylie's letter, but I have to say, I was just in a state of total admiration when I read this letter from this young lady. I've never met her, and probably never will, but I'll tell you, I'm a fan of Kylie Patterson!

      COMMENT #1.  This girl did her homework! I HATE it when I get form letters of any type, either in a solicitation or thank you note. We just finished up our local fair and we are getting quite a few thank yous from kids around town that we supported. It really burns me up when I donate $ to a kids premium auction project then they can't even take the time to write Dear Rachel instead of Dear Buyer. So obviously Kylie is a young lady who took the time to at least learn something about me and make it personal. Already into this letter I'm thinking....WOW, this girl is smart!!

      COMMENT #2.  This is the selling point that gets me.....how she says the TJLA queens aren't just pretty faces, they are girls that know how to work! Now that's the kind of girl I love! I'm all about looking good when necessary but a very important trait I respect in a person is someone who works hard. Lazyness and sitting around while someone else does things for you doesn't get too far with me.

      COMMENT #3.  Of course anytime you are trying to solicit a donation, a little flattery goes a long way ha ha. But, seriously, I do hope that all of the ladies at RHD can be role models to other young professional women. That's what we try to be, and believe me, we think about this in every action that we do. I never thought that when I was a 20 year old doing a few web sites from my college bedroom that RHD would be what it is today. But with a dream, a little confidence and a LOT of work....you can achieve anything you set your heart on!

      So, wow, RHD is now officially the sponsor of the Miss TJLA Pageant! We're excited! You go girls!!! Everyone of us here at RHD is proud of all of you and we wish you all of the success in the world. Now go start teasing that hair! Good luck at the pageant!

      Mengapa Kamu Ngeblog? Komen Di Sini Yuk!

      Sobat-sobat Blogger semua, tips-tricks Blogger lagi rehat sejenak nih dari hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan coding-coding-an dan SEO-SEO-an, hihi. Maunya nih ngobrol-ngobrol aja dengan sobat Blogger semua, yang ringan tapi masih tentang blogging juga. Rencananya nih ni posting bisa jadi thread yang panjang dimana kita bisa bikin forum-foruman yang kecil-kecil. Ups, maksudnya forum kecil yang bisa

      Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

      Cara Mudah Mengganti Favicon Blogger Tanpa Mengedit HTML

      Mengganti Favicon, mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu caranya, dan blog-triks juga pernah memaparkan caranya disini. Mengapa saya membahasnya lagi? Karena kali ini cara yang akan saya paparkan berbeda, ini lebih mudah dari cara mengganti favicon yang sebelumnya saya tulis disini. Panggantian favicon yang akan saya jelaskan disini tanpa melalui editing HTML, melainkan langsung dari fitur yang dimiliki blogger. Tak usah belama-lama, langsung akan saya jelaskan caranya secara lengkap, silakan disimak :)

      1. Masuk halaman Blogger in Draft, silakan login dengan akun blogger sobat
      2. Di halaman utama terdapat daftar blog sobat, silakan klik Dashboard pada blog yang akan diedit faviconnya

      3. Kemudian klik Edit pada elemen Favicon Setting yang terletak diatas elamen navbar

      4. Akan muncul window baru, yaitu window favicon configuration

      5. Silakan sobat pilih file icon yang ingin dipasang, gunakan file dengan ekstensi .ico karena file yang support adalah file icon .ico . Bagi sobat blogger ingin mengkonversi file JPG, PNG atau file lain ke .ICO dapat sobat lakukan di http://www.icoconverter.com/ atau situs konversi lainnya

      6. Setelah itu klik Save untuk menyimpan setting yang telah dilakukan

      7. Selesai, coba sobat buka blognya, dan favicon sudah berubah susai yang diganti tadi :)

      Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

      Dapat Blogger Friendship Award dari Sahabat

      Blogging tidak dapat disangkal lagi memberi banyak manfaat dan efek positif. Beberapa di antaranya tentu saja adalah ilmu tentang dunia maya, ilmu web design and web mastering, ilmu pengetahuan lain yang tak terbatas, dan yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah: PERSAHABATAN. Meskipun hanya di dunia maya, kita dapat dengan luas menjalin tali silaturahmi dan persahabatan dengan sesama Blogger maupun

      Cara Membuat Efek Bayangan Pada Gambar (CSS3 Box Shadow)

      Tips-Tricks Blogger: Browsers compatible with CSS3 Box Shadow
      Memperindah blog/website kini menjadi hal yang semakin mudah dan merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap web designer dan developer. Keberadaan CSS3 memungkinkan kita untuk membuat berbagai macam efek tampilan dan fungsi. Sedangkan saat ini hampir seluruh browser telah compatible dengan CSS3.
      Pada awal posting tentang CSS3 ini, saya akan

      Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

      Cattlemen's Pocket Cards

      Here's another recent addition to the RHD products....Cattlemen's Pocket Cards.

      Now I should back up by saying that these really aren't "NEW"....but we'll call them new because we just started offering them to the public. Prior to today, we were designing them on a limited basis for our special friends and family.

      My granddad has been using these pocket cards for probably 50 years, and he can't function on a daily basis without his "Wharton Livestock Auction" pocket card. I bet he uses 1000 a year from Billy Schwertner.

      So I started printing some that say V8 Ranch for my dad a while back, and even got all the men on V8 Ranch these as a gift a while back.

      Then last week while Travis Pembrook was down making his usual inspection of the V8 Shorthorn herd, he asked me if I would make some for him, since he loves my Dad's cards so much.

      So here they are. These cards are black and white, fit perfectly in your front shirt pocket, and are on a heavier card stock type paper so they are great for jotting down notes in the cow pens.

      We can do these for $150 for a set of 1000 cards....which should last a while unless you have someone like Sloan Williams who takes your cards. But with that said....these pocket cards make a great promo give-a-way because I promise you cattlemen will use these!

      You can personalize the cards with anything you'd like, logo, name, address, phone #, web sites, etc. Call 979-532-9141 or email tricia@ranchhousedesigns.com if you want some.

      Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

      Fitur Baru: Blogger Custom Favicon dan Cara Membuat-nya

      Blogger baru saja memperkenalkan fitur baru "Blogger Custom Favicon" yang akhirnya memberi kemudahan baru bagi anda pengguna Blogger/Blogspot untuk membuat favicon pribadi blog. Kita tidak perlu repot-repot lagi mengupload file .ico ke hosting lain dan memasang script-nya melalui edit HTML. Cukup siapkan file ico sebagai favicon yang telah dibuat dan dipersiapkan untuk favicon blog blogger anda,


      We're always on the lookout for new services we can offer our clients to help give their businesses the extra edge over others. Here is one of our products...STICKERS! These are great for all kinds of projects, and they are VERY affordable and come in bulk.

      We can do all kinds of sizes depending on how big or small you need the stickers to be. If you have a retail business that does a lot of shipping -- you need some stickers! This little touch adds a lot of pizzazz to your gift wrapping....just wrap your products in colorful tissue paper then fasten with a sticker like this and you're looking good.

      These stickers are also great for things like product labels, wine labels, decals and more. There is no limit to our imagination so let us help you do something cool.

      As always if you'd like some info on this, just email our lovely project manager, tricia@ranchhousedesigns.com or our "retail product specialist" Christa - christa@ranchhousedesigns.com.

      Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

      Cara Membuat/Mengubah Label Blogger Jadi Nofollow

      Seperti yang telah di bahas di posting sebelumnya, Memahami Karakteristik dan Cara Optimalkan Label Blogger, label Blogger/Blogspot bukan berupa link yang bersifat permanent (permalink) melainkan link yang hanya terbentuk sebagai hasil perintah pencarian dan pengelompokan posting-posting dengan label tertentu. Oleh karena itu, bagi search engine (terutama Google) link-link semacam ini bukan

      Memahami Karakteristik dan Cara Optimalkan Label Blogger

      Label pada blog ber-platform Bloggger (Blogspot) memiliki fungsi sebagai pengelompok posting berdasarkan kriteria/kategori tertentu. Dengan adanya label, diharapkan pengunjung/pembaca blog dapat dengan lebih mudah mencari bagian/kategori tertentu dari posting-posting (artikel-artikel) sesuai dengan yang dia inginkan. Akan tetapi ada beberapa karakteristik khusus yang membuat "Label Blogger"

      Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

      Tips Membuat Page/Halaman About Me di Blog

      Tips ini dibuat setelah saya melihat ada banyak incoming search tentang "cara membuat halaman/page about me". Sebenarnya about me, atau lazim juga disebut sebagai about us, tentang saya, atau tentang kami, adalah halaman atau bagian khusus dari sebuah website/blog yang berisi informasi dan garis besar isi blog/web serta penulisnya. Sebagai bagian dari blog/web, about me sifatnya relatif dan

      Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

      Trik Tingkatkan Penghasilan Google Adsense

      Trik Tingkatkan Pengahasilan Google Adsense - Setelah artikel sebelumnya membahas trik cepat di Approve Google Adsense, pada trik kali ini saya akan menerangkan bagaimana mengoptimalkan google adsense pada blog sobat. Mengutip artikel dari official Blog Google adsense,berikut ini adalah beberapa trik peletakan posisi adsense di blog untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dari klik adsense anda
      Google AdSense is a free program from google to maximize revenue from your online content that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on a wide variety of online content, including:
      • Site search results

        Easily add a custom search engine to your site, and earn from ads on the search results pages.
      • Websites

        Display ads on your website that are suited to your audience's interests, and earn from valid clicks or impressions.
      • Mobile webpages and apps

        Connect your mobile users with the right ad at the right time as they seek information on the go.
      • Feeds

        Display targeted ads in your RSS feeds, wherever they're viewed.
      Now I will give trick and tips in video how to increase your google adsense in your site. This video create by the official adsense team.
      The AdSense team has posted a six-part video series, with Top optimization tips and best practices that can help you in boosting the eCPM and revenue of your Adsense. Implementing these techniques into your website and Adsense ad layouts can help you in monetizing your traffic and let you quickly earn more revenue online.

      Berikut ini Adalah Video Trik-Tips untuk meningkatkan penghasilan Google Adsense Anda. Video ini di posting oleh Tim Adsense dari Google, silakan disimak dan tingkatkan penghasilan adsense anda

      1. Upgrade to high-performing units

      2. Monetize more content

      3. Optimize search box placement

      4. Opt-in to text and image ads

      5. Use link units

      6. Opt-in to placement targeting

      Trik/Cara Cepat Daftar Google Adsense

      Google adsense bisa jadi program adsense yang paling populer di kalangan blogger, populer karena udah banyak yang direject, banyak yang di banned, di disable dan banyak juga yang berhasil dapat dollar dari google adsense. Saat membuat blog baru di blogger, secara otomatis kita disodori form pendaftaran google adsense (di tab Uangkan). Tapi, jika konten blog kita berbahasa Indonesia, ini susah sekali disetujui. Nha bagi sobat blogger yang sudah berkali-kali ditolak adsense nya dan bagi sobat blogger yang pengen daftar google adsense, dalam posting ini akan saya jabarkan trik cepat di approve adsense nya. Kemarin saya praktek dengan cara ini buat daftarin temen saya, 2 google adsense di approve dalam waktu 3 jam. langsung saja silakan disimak trik-triknya berikut ini.

      Trik mendaftar googel adsense yang saya jabarkan disini adalah menggunakan situs pihak ketiga, yaitu flixya.com . Flixya adalah situs sharing video, foto dan blog yang bekerjasama dengan Google. Jadi google adsense menilai blog, video dan foto yang ada di flixya untuk Adsense kita. Dengan flixya, google adsense bisa di approve paling cepet (yang udah aku alami) 2 jam. Langsung saja untuk caranya sebagai berikut:

      Langkah persiapan (langkah rekomendasi) :

      1. Buatlah email baru di Gmail (Rekomendasi)
      2. Secondary Email tidak usah diisi (Rekomendasi), soalnya kalo diisi dan email itu pernah didaftarkan google adsense, adsense anda berpeluang ditolak
      3. Selesai daftar email, ikuti langkah selanjutnya di bawah

      Langkah pendaftaran Flixya dan adsense

      1. Pertama, menuju TKP di Flixya.com
      2. Silakan daftar (sign up), isi saja form pendaftaran sesuai data sobat, dan gunakan email baru yang udah     daftar di atas
      3. Cek email untuk verifikasi flixya
      4. Setelah anda terdaftar flixya, anda harus share minimal 10 foto/video/blog(artikel)
      5. Saya rekomendasikan sobat share blog(artikel) saja. Artikel usahakan berbahasa inggris atau topiknya menarik(tips, trik, komputer, SEO dll). Kalo sobat blogger mau, saya ijinkan copas artike saya di trik blog atau yang berbahasa inggris di blogging trick, jangan lupa sertakan sumber ya. Copas saja sampai 10 artikel terpenuhi. Kemarin saya daftar 10 artikel + 2 Foto, 2 jam langsung disetujui
      6. Setelah anda sudah share 10 artikel/foto/video, sobat langsung akan disodori form pendaftaran google adsense, silakan masukkan email yang baru tadi pada form pendaftaran google adsense di flixya, kemudian cek inbox email anda untuk mendapatkan link mendaftar google adsense, silakan daftar seperti biasa, isi data diri sesuai KTP
      7. Setelah daftar google adsense, silakan tunggu pemberitahuan dari google. Sambil menunggu ada baiknya sobat tetap submit artikel/foto/video di flixya.
      Semoga Adsense anda di setujui, waktu  disetujui bervariasi, jika anda sudah melakukan sesuai trik diatas peluang disetujui 90%

      Update Januari 2012

      Cara ini sudah tidak berlaku lagi, TOS adsense yang semakin ketat mengharuskan publisher harus mempunyai blog dengan konten berkualitas sebelum mengajukan untuk menjadi publisher google adsense :)

      Cara Membuat/Memasang Tombol Google +1 di Blogger/Blogspot

      Seperti yang telah ramai diberitakan di dunia internet, Google telah membuat satu fitur baru:" Official Google +1 Button" yang merupakan tool bagi pengunjung blog/web serta search engine untuk memberikan "voting" bagi sebuah halaman blog/web yang menurutnya memiliki nilai (value) manfaat yang besar. Menurut Google, +1 Button juga memberikan referensi dan rekomendasi bagi Google dalam menentukan

      Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

      Cara Membuat Facebook Page dan Like Box di Blog/Website

      Facebook Page/Fan Page - Like Box semakin lazim digunakan di blog/website mengingat besarnya manfaat untuk perkembangan blog/website maupun product yang ditawarkan. Jaringan sosial beserta pluginnya, khususnya Facebook, terbukti telah memperluas dan meningkatkan popularitas, daya jangkau, traffic, serta penjualan produk jenis apapun. Oleh karena itu, membuat Facebook Fan Page dan memasang

      Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

      Cara Pasang Tombol Share ke Social Bookmarking

      Salah satu cara meningkatkan pengunjung blog atau website adalah dengan mendaftarkan artikel-artikel anda ke dalam Situs Social Bookmarking , Social bookmarking Network , Favourite Bookmarking dan lain sebagainya. Contohnya mendaftarkan posting anda ke digg, stumbleupon, ma.gnolia, delicious, furl, technorati, simpy, spurl, reddit, mybloglog, blogcatalog, dan situs social bookmarking lainnya. Saya akui cara ini sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan pengunnjung blog anda. Selain itu situs-situs social networking (situs pertemanan) seperti facebook, twitter, friendster dan lain-lain juga dapat dijadikan sebagai media promosi yang juga dapat meningkatkan pengunjung blog anda.
      Dan pada trik kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana memasang tombol sharing dan tombol submit ke social bookmarking ke dalam blog. Dengan sobat blogger memasang tombol submit/share ke situs social bookmarking seperti ini, akan memudahkan siapapun untuk share artikel/posting sobat langsung ke media bookmarking bila dirasa bermanfaat bagi yang lainnya, ini akan sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan reputasi dan akan meningkatkan pengunjung ke blog sobat. Tombol share/submit yang akan dibuat disini saya rasa sangat lengkap mulai dari facebook, twiiter, digg, stumbleupon, ma.gnolia, delicious, furl, technorati, simpy, spurl, reddit, mybloglog, blogcatalog, dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk tampilannya adalah sebagai berikut :

      Nha jika sobat tertarik dan berminat memasang tombol tersebut, berikut saya akan jabarkan caranya memasang ke blog sobat, check it
      1. Pertama, login dulu ke Blog sobat 
      2. Masuk ke tab Rancangan (Design/Layout) -> Edit HTML
      3. Klik pada Expand Widget Templates
      4. Kemudian Carilah kode berikut ini


      (Note: Gunakan CTRL+F untuk mempermudah pencarian)
      Kode ini biasanya ada 2 buah, pilihlah yang lebih bawah

      5. Setelah ketemu, letakkan kode ini setelah kode <data:post.body/>

      <div style='border-top:0px solid #ccc;border-bottom:3px solid #FE9A2E; padding:10px 0px 10px 0px;margin:15px 0px 7px 0px;width:100%;float:left;height:23px;'>
      <div style='float:right;'>
      <span class='st_twitter_hcount' displayText='Tweet'/><span class='st_facebook_hcount' displayText='Share'/><span class='st_email_hcount' displayText='Email'/><span class='st_sharethis_hcount' displayText='Share'/>
      <script src='http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js' type='text/javascript'/><script type='text/javascript'>stLight.options({publisher:&#39;63b83a98-def5-427f-ac7c-4b24bcff910d&#39;});</script>

      6. Selesai, SAVE TEMPLATE anda dan lihat hasilnya

      Note: Jika anda telah memasang readmore, tombol submit ini akan terlihat jika posting tampil fullpost

      Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

      May 2011 Web Updates Report

      Another busy month here at RHD for the web updates team! Last month we completed 379 total web updates for our customers. Of those, 85% of the updates were done with SAME DAY SERVICE. Our average turnaround time for web updates this month was 1 hour.

      Every time a potential new web site client calls they always ask how we do it! Customer service is our top priority. We know how exciting it is when you get those new pictures or have news to share on your web site and that is why we make updating our customers web sites in a timely manner our highest priority.

      If you've been thinking of getting us to do a web site, give us a call! 979-532-9141.